had a strange thing happen to me, I was bidding on a car and I lost it, I was the second highest bidder, no worries hit my limit and there is nothing can be done about it. Next day I get a second chance offer for my highest bidding, the seller was telling me that the highest bidder wants to pay with paypal and this would cost him money and he is happy with my bid.
I accepted the offer, and started booking airfare for the weekend as the car is interstate, he contacted me today telling me that the highest bidder has paid for the car via paypal and it would cost him $400 to refund the money. Then he came back to me telling me that the highest bidder has already organised a transport car from QLD …. I am not sure how is that possible. I asked eBay how can he offer me a second chance offer when the other person has not agreed to withdraw his bid ! eBay tells me that the system is allowed to do that ! Anyone with more experience with me can tell me if this is possible ?
TL;DR eBay are saying that a seller can make a second chance offer without the agreement of the highest bidder to withdraw!
Have you paid?