eBay Second Chance Offer While Winner Is Paying

had a strange thing happen to me, I was bidding on a car and I lost it, I was the second highest bidder, no worries hit my limit and there is nothing can be done about it. Next day I get a second chance offer for my highest bidding, the seller was telling me that the highest bidder wants to pay with paypal and this would cost him money and he is happy with my bid.

I accepted the offer, and started booking airfare for the weekend as the car is interstate, he contacted me today telling me that the highest bidder has paid for the car via paypal and it would cost him $400 to refund the money. Then he came back to me telling me that the highest bidder has already organised a transport car from QLD …. I am not sure how is that possible. I asked eBay how can he offer me a second chance offer when the other person has not agreed to withdraw his bid ! eBay tells me that the system is allowed to do that ! Anyone with more experience with me can tell me if this is possible ?

TL;DR eBay are saying that a seller can make a second chance offer without the agreement of the highest bidder to withdraw!

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  • Have you paid?

    • Nah I haven't paid. But I was wondering from people who use paypal as sellers, it is possible to offer a second chance offer while the highest bidder still thinking about it ?

  • +5

    Oh my…. So many things you shouldn't do in one post!

    But in short, the car is sold, move on.

    • Thanks Jimmy,

      Based on me winning the auction, I have purchased tickets for me and for my wife so I can drive it back.

      eBay says, nothing to look at here. I am calling this bullshit.

      • They seller has one car to sell, they sold it TWICE.

        If the seller has sold it already to the first seller as they claim, then there is nothing you can do at all. They can't magically produce another car to sell to you.

        The seller will need to cancel the sale from their end for your purchase (they can), and well you got yourself a one way ticket to wherever the car was with no car to buy.

  • What car is it?

  • Who paid first? You or the other buyer? Payment finalises the deal.

    Edit: saw above that you haven't paid yet. Unfortunately that means the other buyer beat you to it.

    • Is that how it works on a second chance offer ? I thought you can only offer a second chance when the first person withdraw or accept to withdraw their offer.

      • +1

        One of the reasons the seller can send out a second chance offer is if the buyer doesn't pay. But I assume just like for everything else on eBay, nothing is final until you make payment.

        In this case the winner may not have paid then, but you also hadn't paid when they eventually did, and so they finalised the transaction first. (Heavy imo)

        • +1

          Wow, so I got screwed over by not screwing the seller with PayPal fees which he requested. It sucks to be nice in this world

      • +1

        Is that how it works on a second chance offer ?

        Nope, if you sell something at auction, you can send a '2nd chance' offer to any of the bidders who bidded. You basically end up selling the item many times.

        Lets say I have 5 widgets and I put 1 widget up for auction, the auction goes wild and I would happily sell my 5 widgets to the top 5 bidders, I can send the other 4 bidders a second chance offer, they can then 'buy' the item and well its basically 5 different auction results to me as the seller.

        In your case the winner was payin by paypal and the seller did a OMG and sent out a 2nd chance offer to you. You accepted it.

        But the problem is, the seller one has one widget and now two buyers.

  • +1

    You can use Second Chance Offers when:
    * Your winning bidder didn't pay, and you already tried to resolve the issue with them
    * Your reserve price wasn't met
    * You have more of the same item available for sale


    So in short the sale with original buyer didn't go through and you are the second hope for the seller. But if the buyer isn't being honest and upfront with this deal, I wonder what he could be hiding about the car.

    • But that’s the thing, he didn’t seem to try to resolve he offered 2nd chance offer while he was in discussion with the highest bidder. eBay must have a bug or there is more to the story

      • There's no bug. As per the description it can be used for various reasons, including if the seller has more than one that they wish to sell.
        So the seller shouldn't have offered it to you until they decided not to accept the sale with the first winner as they didn't want to accept PayPal fees, or the winner chose not to purchase.
        But there's no eBay bug.
        Imagine they had 2 identical quad bikes or trailers, they sold one, the winner paid. They're allowed to use the second chance offer to let someone else buy the other trailer or quad bike if they want to and are happy getting paid whatever the lower person offered/bid.

  • +1

    There's no fee for refunding via paypal as far as I know

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