10 packs available (each contains 3x P2 masks)
Limited to 1 Pack per Customer
Expiry Date 04/2022 for Masks
Pick up Only from Our Perth Store ONLY
4 Jaggs Way
Kardinya WA 6163
08 9314 3377
10 packs available (each contains 3x P2 masks)
Limited to 1 Pack per Customer
Expiry Date 04/2022 for Masks
Pick up Only from Our Perth Store ONLY
4 Jaggs Way
Kardinya WA 6163
08 9314 3377
10 Packs Free
Yes 10 packs are FREE.
1 Pack Per Customer
Pick up only from the Perth Store
can you elaborate what exactly is the bonus? If possible either add a photograph or revise your deal description as it's lacking quite a bit of information.
This post should have been worded better. They're giving away 10 packs (1 per customer) for free. Each pack contains 3 masks.
@m9: So it's intended to be a giveaway? You rock up to the store and pickup a pack of 3x masks, limited to 1 per customer, up to ten customers?
this is not the type to prevent coronavirus if anyone is wondering.
The N95 and P2 Mask (US and EU Standard) are essentially the same mask and are rated for this kind of virul intrusion as opposed to the surgical masks (designed to stop outflow). These masks will give a full face seal where a surgical mask is open to the side.
Please Correct me if i am wrong.
This is why the news mentioned the masks should only be worm by the people who already infected by the virus, if you want protection from the coronavirus, the only p2/n95 that was on the menu is 1860/1870+ , other p2 masks is for different industries that only prevent dusts and other basic flu.
"basic flu" is spread by the same aerosols as the novel coronavirus.
@damion: If it is the same then the front line medical staff shouldn't need to wear n95 then?they are wearing/ordering this type(1860/1870+) for a reason.
@afrowan: I think you're getting confused.
1860 and 1870 are just the model numbers of specific masks from the 3M company that both meet N95 filtration specs.
@damion: yes, that is the model number and the only model number that the medical staff are using right now, nothing else, and if you do some research on the web, you will found out that that are different from other model numbers, food,construction , medical etc. all different purposes.
It either conforms to the P2 (N95 standard) or doesn't. There is not a special clause that says it must look like a medical mask. I sell these wholesale and have had this argument with some of my overseas customers and it went like this:
day1 Customer: we want 95 mask
Me: we have p2 mask almost identical standard (proof supplied)
day2 Customer: we want medical mask p2
Me: no here is a report showing that to not contract the a P2 rated sickness you need a full face seal like an industrial mask (proof supplied by way of google search)
day 3 Customer: ok we will accept please airfreight urgently 2000 pieces
Me: Sorry we have sold out
@OhPee: that is the problem we are having, not many people has the knowledge of what these masks do, even you are selling these wholesale and you are telling me there is no difference?
i have a method to clear this all out, why don't you call/email any hospitals in hong kong and tell them you can supply them with p2/n95 masks, and i can guarantee that they will ask you "are they 1860/1870+?)
if i'm wrong about this i have no problem calling any social media and press in hong kong and announce any p2/n95 mask are the same and its okay to stock them. and this good news is coming from you of course. the medical staff are dieing to have p2/n95 masks.
@afrowan: as user Damion said. These numbers are model numbers. Please stop spreading wrong information.
Not many Mask will stop the virus, unless its powered system.
But most P2 /N95 mask will reduce the risk of you catching it / spreading it
if you put it that way, any level 2-3 surgical mask would do the same thing, it will reduce the risk but its not a full proof mask.
You need a hazmat suit and even then it doesn’t seem to work because they aren’t being sprayed down before taking off, as must have happened with the Japanese doctors.
Table 1 will tell you what is required. Surgical masks are insufficient to prevent transmission of infectious diseases via the airborne route. P2 respirators is what is required, which is the item being given away here.
@alvian: yes, please check the standards as different p2 has a different standards.
P2 Respirator AS/NZS 1715 <— this is the standard on the health website
Particulate Respirator 9322+P2 AS/NZS 1716:2012
there are all different, doesn't prevent the same thing
this is from the mask they are giving out for free AS/NZS 1716:2012
@afrowan: Preliminary investigations suggest COVID-19 does not transmit via the airborne route, so surgical masks are sufficient to prevent transmission according to table 1.
AS 1715 specifies the selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective equipment. AS 1716 specifies the requirements, performance and testing criteria for the manufacture of respiratory protective devices. They are complementary and standards.
@alvian: surgical mask has been mentioned as "useless" months ago on newspaper, it is only good for people that has already infected by the coronavirus. and lately regards to the diamond cruiser docking in japan , news from hong kong medical team suggest to wear masks at all time due to the rate of people been increasing infected by the coronavirus, they are not counting out "airborne" just yet.
surgical mask has been mentioned as "useless" months ago on newspaper
And you are certain that these news reports from months ago are current and factually correct? Please provide source material and up-to-date information.
(Correction: They are complementary and standards.)
@alvian: https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/face-mask-supplier-r…
watch the video on that page, i couldn't found the other articles yet, one is from the world health organization and there is another video news from the bbc talks about what can prevent the infection.
ooh this is right after i saw your reply, the answer is yes, no updates on surgical masks can prevent the virus. surgical mask only helps the ones that has been infected to prevent them to infect other people.
@afrowan: According to the video, masks are not useless but they are generally unnecessary because close proximity to a carrier is required for transmission, and the disease is not yet epidemic in the rest of the world.
The video gave these quotes
CDC: masks are not necessary for the general public
WHO: masks can curb the spread of the disease but they are not required and their usefulness is limited, masks can be used when you are in close proximity with someone ill
Narrator: use masks when you are already sick and have symptoms to avoid spreading the virus to others
All of which contradicted what you quoted:
surgical mask has been mentioned as "useless" months ago on newspaper
news from hong kong medical team suggest to wear masks at all time due to the rate of people been increasing infected by the coronavirus
@alvian: I only said it is useless for people that wanted to prevent the virus, the surgical mask is only useful for people that are already infected. that i have say many times. it didn't contradicted what i said, the video quote you type is exactly what i wanted to say before. surgical mask only WORKS on INFECTED people.
this is a pdf from the world health organization, it says
heres a little quote.and this pdf is for advice of the coronavirus outbreak.
"the use of a mask alone is insufficient to provide the adequate level of protection and other equally relevant measures should be adopted"
at this point, there are lots of info. out there that you can search for, why don't you show me some info on surgical masks can prevent coronavirus rather than i providing all the info?
last update before i go, this is only from yesterday,
surgical mask is no use to healthy people, the only other people that should be wearing mask is doctors and nurse because they are close to those that are infected daily.
why don't you show me some info on surgical masks can prevent coronavirus rather than i providing all the info?
I had given references in my comments. It is you who were making assertions without references until I asked for them.
use of a mask alone is insufficient to provide the adequate level of protection
Correct because the virus is also transmitted by direct and indirect contact. Faecal transmission via water droplets and aerosol (like SARS) are also suspected (based on two infected households with a shared sewage pipe in one HK building). Masks are not useful for these routes of transmission.
surgical mask only WORKS on INFECTED people; [it] is only useful for people that are already infected; it is useless for people that wanted to prevent the virus
Masks prevent droplet transmission, which is one way to catch the virus when you are in close proximity with someone ill. Masks do this in three ways: by trapping droplets emitted from patients, by providing a physical barrier to droplets landing on a healthy person's face, and by stopping contaminated hands from touching the face. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/professionals/infectioncontrol/maskg… | https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/swine-flu/exp…
Your blanket assertion that masks are useless for everyone else is unsupported by evidence. Your qualified assertion (the only other people that should be wearing mask is doctors and nurse because they are close to those that are infected daily) is almost correct. Carers of patients and family groups in quarantine also need masks due to close contact.
@alvian: I had given references in my comments. It is you who were making assertions without references until I asked for them.
your reference doesn't say anything about surgical mask
Masks prevent droplet transmission, which is one way to catch the virus when you are in close proximity with someone ill.
not all mask doesn't and again , not for healthy people to prevent the virus.
Your blanket assertion that masks are useless for everyone else is unsupported by evidence.
no one has 100% evidence because it is a new virus and these are suggestions coming from the top,If world health organization has no meaning than i guess everyone should just keep buying useless mask then.
your reference doesn't say anything about surgical mask
So table 1 in my comment (literally the first words I wrote) is there purely for decorations? Okay, if you say so.
@alvian: your table one is useless because it is not related to coronavirus, that is only for normal flus and only spread disease.
and again, they are "As per standard precautions" coronavirus aren't anything standard. the only thing they are sure of is this coronavirus is similar to SARS from 2003, and back in 2003 all medical staff are using n95(1860/1870+) masks.
your reference doesn't say anything about surgical mask
your table one is useless because it is not related to coronavirus
I see the goal post has suddenly shifted.
coronavirus aren't anything standard
How so? Please give references.
the only thing they are sure of is this coronavirus is similar to SARS from 2003
This is the ONLY THING? We are doomed.
@alvian: I see the goal post has suddenly shifted.
How so? Please give references.
If you don't watch or read news then i really can't be your sugar daddy and keep feeding you. you have no reference of coronavirus is a like common flu either.
This is the ONLY THING? We are doomed.
You just notice that now??!
@afrowan: First you asked for reference to the use of surgical masks, then you dismissed the information because the guideline is not specific to SARS-CoV-2, for the ridiculous and unexplained reason that SARS-CoV-2 isn't anything standard. How isn't this shifting the goalpost?
you have no reference of coronavirus is a like common flu either.
No I don't, principally because I do not know of an infectious disease called common flu. Is it another one of those emerging "nonstandard" diseases? Perhaps you can educate us.
@alvian: i didn't ask for reference on how to use surgical mask,i was only looking the standards of the p2/n95 masks, not the guide line that the table is providing. you can look at my comments again before replying.
No I don't, principally because I do not know of an infectious disease called common flu. Is it another one of those emerging "nonstandard" diseases? Perhaps you can educate us.
It sounds like you do , you keep on commenting on how my reference are wrong and useless. if you wanted to educate me that's fine, i'm all ears.
you keep on commenting on how my reference are wrong and useless
I wrote your assertions are wrong and baseless, and your (unquoted) newspaper references may be out of date.
It sounds like you do
No, I don't read minds like you do. I know there are different strains of influenza but I have no idea what a "common flu" is. Never heard of it.
if you wanted to educate me that's fine, i'm all ears
i really can't be your sugar daddy and keep feeding you
@alvian: I wrote your assertions are wrong and baseless, and your (unquoted) newspaper references may be out of date.
you still didn't explain how it is wrong and baseless from world health organization and a proper newspaper article?
i really can't be your sugar daddy and keep feeding you
that's all you got?
you still didn't explain how it is wrong and baseless from world health organization and a proper newspaper article?
I didn't say your references were wrong, but you cannot selectively quote only the phrase "the use of a mask alone is insufficient to provide the adequate level of protection and other equally relevant measures should be adopted" to conclude that "surgical mask only WORKS on INFECTED people; [it] is only useful for people that are already infected; it is useless for people that wanted to prevent the virus". I am saying this conclusion of yours is wrong and baseless.
that's all you got?
I didn't know this is a competition.
@alvian: I didn't say your references were wrong, but you cannot selectively quote only the phrase "the use of a mask alone is insufficient to provide the adequate level of protection and other equally relevant measures should be adopted" to conclude that "surgical mask only WORKS on INFECTED people; [it] is only useful for people that are already infected; it is useless for people that wanted to prevent the virus". I am saying this conclusion of yours is wrong and baseless.
I see the goal post has suddenly shifted.
I didn't know this is a competition.
no one did. you keep state things that i didn't say.
I see the goal post has suddenly shifted.
No, I said the same thing back almost 2 hours ago, but you are not comprehending.
you keep state things that i didn't say.
Such as? And what are "state things"? Objects that belong to the state?
@alvian: No, I said the same thing back almost 2 hours ago, but you are not comprehending.
that's because you keep saying things that i didn't say. and they are not my conclusion, they are from the world health organization and news article.
if you have problems with these statements perhaps contacting the CDC or WHO can help you further?
i don't put these words out there as a joke, i read chinese newspaper from Singapore hong kong and cross platform japanese news( i can't read japanese) to come across these news from medical announcements.Hong kong are dealing with new cases daily and CDC,WHO is the closest thing i could found to relate to what i said since they update is closer than other countries. Australia is still not in a high risk stage because there aren't anymore cases increasing.
you can keep putting your own words in mine but i'm still going to say the same thing as what the other medical teams has announced.
and i have stated many times on previous post that i didn't say any of those things that you said i have, you can refer back to all of that.
they are not my conclusion, they are from the world health organization and news article.
You didn't write these? These are non-selective quotations from WHO and newspaper articles (of unknown origin)? Well, my apology for not carefully reading the WHO bulletins and the unknown newspaper articles, and thus wrongly attributed these statements as yours.
@alvian: the link i provided says those surgical mask doesn't prevent people from getting coronavirus. and that is why i said that. how many times are we looping around with the same questions?! those links are from world health organization, how wrong can they be? and the table you provided is only from the aust gov health website which other shows different standards of masks and nothing related to coronavirus.
@afrowan: Can you tell that there is a difference between "surgical mask doesn't prevent people from getting coronavirus" (your words, not mine) and "surgical masks do not fully prevent transmission" (my words, not yours)?
The references you and I provided said surgical masks can reduce the risk of contracting SARS-CoV-2 by stopping the (close contact) droplet route, but surgical masks alone in a clinical/quarantine setting is insufficient because they do not prevent other routes of transmission. For the general public who do not come into regular close contact with carriers and patients and who are not in an epidemic zone, the wearing of masks is an ineffective method of prevention because the viral droplets don't travel far enough in the air to hand on another's face. Physical separation, good respiratory and hand hygiene practices, and regular cleaning of surfaces are equally important public health measures.
On the other hand, here is a report that suggests SARS-CoV-2 might be an airborne pathogen. If this hypothesis is confirmed then I am in total agreement with you that "surgical mask doesn't prevent people from getting coronavirus".
@alvian: You just mixed up what I said, all these I have said before many times, the surgical mask is useless for healthy people so it doesn’t prevent the virus , it is only useful for people that are already infected. That’s the difference.
The health gov link you prevent just proved what I said, so I don’t know why you keep on saying something different to what I said since yesterday.
This following link from I saw just now is about one of the richest man in Hong Kong just bought over thousands of n95 1860 mask tang donate them to the medical front line team, you can zoom in the picture and see the number in front of the mask, let’s think about it, why would he bought the n95 1860 mask instead of the standard surgical mask or any other n95 mask for the medical front line? For fun?
You can google translate the link yourself to read the news.
@afrowan: We were discussing the efficacy of a correctly chosen and worn mask in the context of an emerging disease. Your opinion regarding the specific model numbers of masks versus their filtration rating versus SARS-CoV-2 prevention is with others. Since you seemed incapable of basic comprehension, further discussion is pointless. I am done, thank you for an entertaining afternoon of debate.
@alvian: I already said and provided links to that discussion from world health Organization. And news articles , which proofs surgical mask is useless to healthy people to preven the coronavirus , you denied their professional quote is your own doing not mine, as you judged me by not reading all my multiple repeated answers , you just send out the wrong message to the people in asia countries that are still under very high risk of infecting this virus.
You have to realise one thing , australia is lucky enough to close the border early to denied access for people from Wuhan and China, now Hong Kong chief executive is doing the opposite by only close parts of the border and still allowing people from China to enter Hong Kong without any Health check. What the experts are saying in Hong Kong and the WHO is based on what’s happening in Hong Kong and China right now, the efficacy of the surgical mask is what they have discussed and concluded as a fact.
Your incapable of accepting the latest news is your own doing. I will not be thanking you for this debate by sending out the wrong message. People are already panicking to buy the right mask for protection and you judged medical professional advice as baseless. I can only wish you have a good day.
@afrowan: There are so many errors on so many different levels in this, your latest comment, that it is funny in a sad and sorry way. But further correction and debate will only waste my time. I have better things to do.
I'm confused.
How many individual masks do I get if I pay $19.95?
Yes 10 packs are FREE.
1 Pack Per Customer
Pick up only from the Perth Store only.
3 masks are in a Pack
3 masks
Huh? So how many masks in total do we get? 30?
The picture looks like they are precoated
«no stables to scratch face»
Not suitable for those who tend to scratch their faces in the stable
Sarah Jessica Parker will be disappointed.
I think it is $19.95 for a 3 pack of p2 masks. However there are 10 packs for free available, if you can pick up from their Perth store address. Looks like an ad disguised as a limited free giveaway.
6 Happy Customers who have picked up FREE masks , would disagree
so you have only 10 packs to give away?
Seems hardly worth it!
so you have only 10 packs to give away?
Yup. Only 10. For the entire duration. 10.
And then this "deal" is posted in OzBargain. It'll be gone in a blink of an eye.
well i guess it is a "marketing deal"
i don't see anyone wearing mask in Perth.
Not expired yet?
Expiry Date 04/2022 for Masks
I believe the user was asking if this deal has expired, not the masks :)
how many free packs are currently available?
i placed an order a month ago and i’m still waiting
That lady in the thumbnail sure has a lot of spit
any left?
Price is now $59.95
$100 for only 3 mask wow
Price?? They free?