I'm returning to work following 3.5 years as a stay-at-home-dad. We're considering daycare two days per week for our 4-year-old.
I, generally, am anti-daycare. However, it may be a necessary evil and perhaps beneficial for our child.
I'd like the thoughts of the community here who send or have sent their children to daycare.
What's good and bad?
Does your child enjoy it?
Do you think it's beneficial cognitively and emotionally?
Do you worry about the long days?
Any childcare workers here? What do you really think of the kids?
I'm sure there's lots more to ask but nonetheless I appreciate everyone's feedback.
Thank you,
I don't want this thread to be a anti vs pro daycare debate but rather - have you used it, if so, what are your experiences?
Long daycare was great for my kids. They made friends, they had fun, and they were exposed to lots of ideas and activities. I think it helped them enormously socially and cognitively.
The only negative was that they caught illnesses from the other kids - lots of illnesses. It settled down after 6 months once they had built up their immunity, but for those first 6 months I had to take regular sick leave from work.