Going on a Cruise for 14nights from Singapore to Sydney


We are going to a cruise for 14nights and our cruise will depart from Singapore and will arrive at sydney port after 14days.

We are very afraid to go on the ship as everyone can guess from the new Coronavirus.

What do you guys think? Should i cancel the trip? I called the cruise line and they told me they will perform extra screening. However i know they are just going to check temperature thats all.


  • When do you embark?

      • Anything could happen in the next two weeks. The decision may be taken out of your hands. Things aren't looking great in Singapore at all. How are you getting to Singapore in the first place?

        Edit: Whoops, you're not the OP. Question still stands though :P

        Edit 2: May have been taken out of your hands already:


      • +1

        The pacific explorer is usually based in Australia so if it's in Singapore it's probably there for a quick refurb. P&O ships are bogan central, I was on one a few weeks ago and I reckon you'd bump into more people who had been to China at your local mall.

        • Problem is, any number of other passengers may have actually bumped into Chinese while in Singaporean malls.

          Silver lining though - OP might get a lot more than 14 days for the same price…..

  • +18

    If you're lucky your 14 night trip might end up being a 30 night trip for free! I say go for it!

      • If you're extra, extra lucky, a world leader will greet you with warm handshakes and red roses when you disembark.

  • +1

    77 cases in Sg so far. Good luck OP!

  • Might be worth confirming with cruise company what happens if there is a case of corona. Eg. 3,500 people on a ship, if one case is detected, does that mean the whole ship is quarantined?

    • That's not up to the ship, that'd be up to the country where the ship is docking at and disembarking passengers to.

  • +4

    What’s the refund policy?
    I’m waiting for some cruise price drops but doesn’t seem to be happening. Maybe need some more scaremongering

    • yeah me too. would be my first cruise experience so i want it to be a bargain deal

      • Best one I got coincided with an amex offer and ended up being the equivalent of $35/night to the South Pacific
        Hard to beat that but I’m hoping!

        • Who was that with? Got a 'free' one coming up courtesy of the Casino and it's costing me more than that!

          I did see QM2 was redeployed here and there was a 17 night one from Fremantle to Sydney for less than a grand. Was a week or two ago and it sold out pretty quickly.

    • I saw an ad for a few European cruises on the back of Norwegian Cruise Lines redeploying 'Norwegian Spirit', to be homeported in Piraeus, Greece for the first time beginning in April 2020 following the cancellation of the ship's previously-scheduled Asia voyages due to coronavirus fears.

      We are probably a bit too close?

  • You may not be able to get to Singapore to begin the cruise:


    Edit: word

  • +6

    Make sure you book a room with a view and balcony in case of an extended quarantine! lol

    • Yeah, I'd hate to be stuck in an inside room during an extended quarantine. But I think the absolute failure of a quarantine in the Japan cruise ship means that's unlikely to be tried again, more likely to be diverted to Christmas Island.

  • I wouldnt go. Diamond Princess is currently sitting in the bay of yokohama, with 3700 people unable to leave the boat, with 400 people currently confirmed with coronovirus.

    Cruise ship industry is taking a hit!

    Ask your insurance company, not us.

  • I would have cancelled already. You've seen what has happened to the ship stuck in Japan. This could be you very soon!

  • +1

    I would ask that in an event of a quarantine, if you will have access to free porn like the cruise ship currently docked at Yokohama.

  • I hope you have a balcony room

  • If you're lucky you might be able to stay on the cruise for the rest of your life!

    • I suppose the memory of the event will remain long after the body has given way..

  • Too risky.

  • Have you checked with https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/ ?

    • From the website:
      Going on a cruise?

      The majority of cruise itineraries outside North Asia are operating as normal.

      If you're concerned about the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on your cruise plans, check with your travel agent or cruise company and read and subscribe to our travel advisories for your destinations. See also the Cruise Line International Association (CLIA) Australasia's policies to prevent the spread of the virus, which all CLIA ocean member cruise lines are required to implement.

  • I would cancel. The thought of getting caught up in quarantine (if unlucky) is enough to put me off.

  • Way too risky. I know cruise companies generally don’t give refunds this close to the trip.

    You should call them and also call your travel insurance company. It’s a tricky one re being refunded or credited if the cruise is still going ahead.

    But if it was me I’d definitely not go on the cruise even if I lost all the money.

  • My friend was in Singapore last week waiting to go on a cruise, she got an email the night before saying the cruise was cancelled. Then a friend of a friend was doing a Melbourne to Singapore cruise, and she got an email that the cruise was now only going to Perth, and she could cancel if she wanted to.

    So I would bet that your cruise will most likely be cancelled by the cruise line at a time closer to when the cruise is going to take place (like maybe the day before).

    Really not fun for you being in limbo like this though. If you wait for the cruise line to cancel you will get a full refund (my friend got a full refund and 100% cruise credit too).

  • make sure you have enough Masks and cleaning stuff

  • You would have to be crazy! I would not go on a cruise right now even it it was free.

  • I'd be more worried about gastro myself. There's a 90% you'll shit yourself.

  • Is this the cruise that P&O themselves ended up cancelling?

    I was on the phone with them recently about something else and they said they’d cancelled a Singapore to Sydney cruise due to the virus

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