Have You Seen 'Parasite'?

The South Korean film co-written and directed by Bong Joon-ho. In your opinion, is it deserving of the 200+ accolades it has received?

I have to admit that I was slightly distracted when I saw it ( I was on a date with a pretty girl! 😊) and don't remember it as being anything special. Is it worth a second viewing?


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  • 236
    You should! It is the best movie I have seen in years!
  • 78
    It was just meh.
  • 22
    No idea what all the fuss is about. I didn't like it at all.


  • How pretty was your girl?

    • +1

      I said pretty… but what I really meant was that she is the girl I would draw if given a thousand years and only a promise that she might one day come true :)

      • +2

        So can we see your MS Paint portrait of her?

        • +1

          I doubt that ms paint could ever do her beauty justice.

        • +1

          My youngest made a collage of her from all the little bits and pieces that he's picked up on our walks.she couldn't come with us because she had to work. The artwork doesn't really do her beauty justice but it was made with love.

      • +1

        pics or didnt happen

        • +1

          No need. She used to be an ozbargainer and quite a few people remember her. Some have even met her irl.

      • Awwwww!

  • +3

    Saw it about 6months ago at the sun theatre. Great cinematography and storyline. I like how Asian directors can make dark suspense movies without resorting to gore and blood. At the time of watching, the movie wasn't well known so I'm glad it got the recognition now. There are also plenty of Korean movies that I enjoyed such as, the wailing, the chaser, I saw the devil, memories of a murderer.

  • -3

    I "downloaded" it about a week and a half ago because of all the crazy high ratings and reviews, but I've yet to watch it and don't even know if I will.

    When I was asked what the movie was (on the NAS Drive) my honest answer was "I don't even know", and I couldn't even be bothered looking it up again or explaining the situation in more detail.


    • +1

      pretty sure same for majority of people jumping on the sudden korean movies are good hype train

  • It's a good movie for sure. Beats Oldboy and the Vengance trilogy by Park Chan-wook. But at some points I had to stop and think, why they didn't stop to think that maybe bringing a weapon into what is basically a dungeon is a dangerous idea?

    I watched Oldboy and read the manga: the manga is superior. Then again it's not condensed into a 2 hour film.

  • I feel like the ending is similar to once upon a time in Hollywood. It was quite wtf haha

  • Forget about the film. Tell us more about your date! What is her name and phone number?

    • Once in a while the stars align and we find ourselves within a block or 2 of each other and can afford to take a long lunch break. Sometime we meet for a picnic lunch in the park ,other times we go for a run. It was raining that day , so we went to the movies.

      What is her name and phone number?

      Yah; nah.

  • Best movie I've seen in years no but it certainly was unique. Well worth renting it from the library if you want something fresh and different.

  • +2

    1917 should have won.

    • was it released in time for oscars?

      • Yes, it won a few of them.

  • +3

    watched it last year, it was a breath of freash air from the usual hollywood dogshit we have been fed for the past few years with the exception to tarantino's work and martin Scorsese

    • yeah didnt even bother watching brad pitt casino movie. same dog turd just different consistency

  • +1

    This was a very good film, I don't want to reveal too much but it is very thought provoking and a reflection of the tension between the haves and have-nots in Korean society.

    I think the film should be called ParasiteS with a plural as there were definitely more than one group of parasites.

    • The director even said the same thing, regrets calling the film as singular.

      • +1

        But it would be less thought provoccing if we we were told that they were essentially all parasites. I like it the way it is.

        • Yea, its quite good. Very insightful movie

  • +1

    We all just stick to hollywood movies but miss out on the greats of other country cinema. Thats why i try to watch sbs movies.

    Imagine being in obscure part of asia and missing out on western classics like casablanca, lotr, star wars trilogy

  • +1

    I felt like the genre of the movie went from romantic comedy to thriller horror,

  • I thought it was okay. There were twists and turns which were good, but the divide between the haves and have-nots was not emphasised as much as it could have been, to me the main theme was more regarding infiltration if anything.

  • +1

    I have to say that you got your priority right.

  • +1

    The Handmaiden is great as well, thematically similar to Parasite. It would definitely had won best foreign language had South Korea sent it for 2017 Oscars. Also check out Memories of Murder and one of the greatest movie of all time Oldboy. Parasite for me is the best movie 2019.

    • yes Handmaiden is really good. We watched Parasite as a family and even my kids enjoyed it 10,10,14. They also loved Train to Busan. They felt more sad and not scared at all.

  • I thought it was Parasyte =.= come back Migi!

  • The movie was actually good. I liked it.
    But Uncut Gems should have won it or at least nominated!!!

  • -1

    overrated af

  • +1

    Try A Bittersweet Life (2005) and maybe Sunflower (2006).
    And Oldboy of course.

    Some movies when I was in my Koren movie phase where I refused to watch any Hollywood movies because they kept remaking Korean movies.

  • +1

    Is this a subtle brag question?

  • Best of the Korean drama/horror movies. Definitely re-watch after half a year. I notice that re-watching movie soon after cause negative impression of the plot holes and overall experience of the elements of surprise.

    • It wouldn't be as enjoyable watching it again. The whole point of the movie is the intrigue, what will happen next etc etc.

      You lose that watching it the second time.

  • I went in fresh and was expecting actual parasites to start infecting people - any minute now…

  • I started watching it last night but I literally fall asleep from reading, so 20 minutes in and I was out cold. Has nothing to do with the movie quality, just the way I am. Is this a helpful comment? No so I don't really know why I'm commenting.

  • pics or gtfo

  • +3

    Parasite is a good movie. 2nd half is totally wtf moment. Feels like sudden change of genre.

    Have watched Korean movies for decades.

    Recommend following movies, which comes to mind:
    Mystery: The wailing, Mother, Svaha - The six fingers, The Handmaiden
    Action (incl Revenge story): I saw the devil, Oldboy, Man from nowhere, Bedevilled, The Chaser, Train to Busan, The Witch (part 1 only so far), Yellow Sea, VIP

    A lot of nice romantic comedy movies too, however some movies are too heavily full of cultural jokes.

    • +1

      Will check these out, thanks.
      I loved Parasite, and so I've realized how much I've been sleeping on foreign films.

      • Glad to help :)

  • it was entertaining and quite innovative. But a little bit overrated. If it was the best film of the year, it was a weak year.

    Not a bad film by any means though.

  • i like Taxi Driver better (same actor).

  • +1

    On a related topic, I have been searching for this film Aniara (Sweden)

    • From one Nobel laureate to another… albeit a controversial one :) I was a big fan of the Harry Martinson's poem it is based on. I was going through an existential crisis at the time and it resonated with me. When he wrote :

      my only home became the night of space
      where no god heard me in the endless void.

      or when the narrator described their situation as playing a game of mortal chess with infinity, I felt that. It was an apt metaphor for my life at the time.

      While the poet had a knack for romanticising doom and gave me room to roam, the movie is relentlessly depressing and I felt trapped , as unable to escape as the would-be colonists on the Aniara. At times, the commitment to bleakness in the film feels artistically admirable: it unblinkingly faces the void, and it refuses to console the audience.But mostly, this is a movie that simulates the experience of losing the will to live, a daunting premise, even for the bravest voyager.

      Somehow, I think you will like it :) It is available on Hulu. You should also be able to stream it online on one of those sites the government doesn't want us to go to.

      • Somehow, I think you will like it :)

        I think so too.

        Hulu you say, that streaming service skipped my mind. I am going to be tracking down whether it has a free-trial straight after my 2nd Netflix free-trial ends in a few days.

        Thanks for your explanation with minimal spoilers, I am looking forward to Aniara.
        Less so the seemingly ‘heart-warming/wrenching’ Okja which was recommended by user Andard.

    • P.s: As usual, I never remember the actual movie ; only how it made me feel :)

      • +1

        In order to compensate my lack of great quotes.

        Midnight Express being possibly related / while at the same time going off-topic, is along the lines of “losing the will to live, a daunting premise, even for the bravest voyager.”.
        An oldie but a goodie in my opinion.

  • Haven't watch yet but I saw it receives a lot of award! Is it really that good? Is it comparable to "Train to Busan"?

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