This was posted 5 years 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xiaomi Mi Smart Air Purifier 3H - $225.99 Delivered @ Gshopper Australia


The Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 3H features a True HEPA filter equipped to eliminate 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns. Mi Home, Google Assistant and Alexa compatibility offer the the ultimate convenient control.

True HEPA filter eliminates particles more effectively
Air quality sensor measures temperature, humidity and more
Clean air delivery rate up to 380m3/h
Built-in Wi-Fi and OLED touch display
Efficiency area covers 45m2
Works with the Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa
Powerful but quiet
The Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 3H removes 99.97% of smoke, household dust, pet danger, mould spores, pollen and other fine particles as small as 0.3 microns. Creature comforts such as Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa compatibility and a OLED touch screen display allows you to alleviate allergies and asthma symptoms in the most convenient possible way.

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closed Comments

  • How much is the replacement filter cost?

    • around 60-70. We don't have it in stock yet

    • +2

      around $30 from ebay.

      • That's for a third party one. Genuine Xiaomi ones are more expensive. I don't know if it's worth paying the extra money or not.

        • no, xiaomi offical selling those for aound RMB¥130 (included shipping within China),
          im not sure the one on ebay is genuine or not,
          but with around $30 AUD is enough to get a genuine one.

          • -1

            @samelight: The $30 one on eBay are not genuine ones. The listings for genuine ones state that they are genuine Xiaomi ones. The listings for third party ones, do not state that they third party filters, so many would just assume that they are genuine ones.

            The cheap filter I just bought, is made by a company with the website

            • @rogerm22: i said "around $30 from ebay" not "exactly" $30 from ebay! And certainly NOT saying they ar all genuine!!

              how much for those listing as "Original Filtration" and "Brand: Xiaomi"??
              $37.72?? AU $39.79??
              so u ar trolling me for the few bucks more!!
              just "Bulk buy" 3 when u got a 15% off code from ebay, then u got ur "exactly" $30 each.

              • -1

                @samelight: I just had a look and the cheapest genuine filter shipped from Australia is $54.99.

                There is also one sold by Kogan for less. But with postage it is $54.54, so is basically the same cost and the listing does not make it clear if it is genuine.

                The ones selling for less than this are not genuine. As I previously stated, I have no idea if they work as well as the Xiaomi brand filters or not.

                • -1

                  @rogerm22: dude why u keep trolling ? did i say a word about australia stock ?
                  ur reply only make sense if i told u "aus stock for around $30 from ebay" !

                  "exactly" $30 and australia stock, what else u want to add to my words??

                  even with the "australia stock"
                  u still could found 5 for under $40 with the words of "Original Filtration" and "Brand: Xiaomi".
                  here is one of them
                  u see this?

                  Note : It is the Original xiaomi brand

                  now u want to judge their credibility? they ar not giving you the "genuine" one as they descried ??

                  u ar not giving up do u ?!

    • +3

      Kogan has them for $35 and $39 for the formaldehyde filter and anti bacterial filter respectively. I think there are some other filter types you can get too. This is pretty cheap compared to other air purifier systems that can easily go over $100 for filter replacements, specially if they are hard to find/not mass produced.

      Depending on your needs you could probably use the version 2 and save some money.

      • Those ones aren't HEPA like the one that this comes with, but still work well.

        • I heard that the new HEPA filters will fit in the older Xiaomis. I have been looking for the new filters but I don't see them anywhere.

          • @Banana: 2, 3 and Pro all uses same filter. This one comes with class 13 HEPA while the one in older model is class 12 I believe.

          • @Banana: I believe the filter size for all the Mi purifier with the exception of the new Pro (only came out recently in China) is the same - so all compatible with each other. Blue and Purple are some lower grade particle filter, green is H11, grey is H13 and equivalent to "true hepa" (which is really a marketing gimmick). Green as cheap as $35 with kogan first, grey only stocked at mi-store australia for $80 + shipping and OOS until end feb.If its not for bushfire smoke (which has mostly abated it seems) just go the green one.

        • +1

          nop, they ar all HEPA fuilters.
          just like Wilburre said they ar H11(kogan) vs h13(original),
          H11 pass a Maximum of 5% of 0.1 micron particles per liter of air.
          H13 pass up 0.05% of 0.1 micron particles per liter of air.
          so technical speaking, u just run the air purifier longer and u will get the same result.

          • @samelight: Nice explanation. So H11 still most cost effective a lot of power to pay for the price difference

      • Antibacterial can filter Coronavirus?

        • +2

          Just about any filter will take out Coronavirus. It travels via droplets in the air rather than as a gas.

          (That's why room to room transmission isn't expected on cruise ships)

  • I want one of these to take dist out of the air while I put contact lenses in….


    • Do it in a bathroom with the shower turned on really hot.

      • That risks the humidity being too high and Acanthamoeba being present.
        I have glass contacts the seal permanatly on my eye for 12+ hours, no tear film can get behind them; so whatever is in the air\on my hands is in my eye, locked there for 12 hours.
        Gotta be really careful.

        • +1

          12 hours with lens everyday?hmm, i think you should wear glasses

          • @superuser: Usually it's more like 18 hours.
            And, Har Har, very funny.

            Commenting that on someone who wears rigid lenses?
            How many people do you know who need rigid lenses, that can possibly wear glasses?

        • Actually there is tear film behind rigid lenses, its what makes the vision out of rigid lenses so much superior to soft lenses. Also rigid lenses are much healthier as it allows for more tear flow around them.

          The risk of infection with rigid lenses are actually quite low as long as you clean it well with peroxide based cleaners and take care with hand cleanliness when inserting contacts.

          • @azukay: Well aware. But thanks,

            I'm wearing Comfort15 lenses, with an Edge2 Profile, so they dig in SUPER deap (250 microns) and realllly seal on there.

            any tear film that exists before insertion is well dilated by Celluvisc.

      • +1

        Actually you want to run the shower hot - and then turn it off and let the steam condense for a few minutes which takes dust out of the air.

        Handy to know for attaching screen protectors or opening up hard drives.

        • That was the logic I was going for :P - I guess it doesnt work with contact lenses

    • Probably better to prevent dust getting in your house in the first place (if possible). These air purifiers do catch some airborne dust but if you have dust on the floor and walk on it, it will always become airborne. Maybe a good vacuum cleaner with a good hepa filter might work better if you use it all the time.

      • Unfortunately my house isn't even water tight, let alone dust tight.
        I have old swing-out windows that can't even be fitted with flyscreens in any usable way.

        I'll be buying somewhere better soon, but for now, this place has allowed me to save for a good house, and the land value did the usual positive thing.
        The house is just bulldozer worthy.

      • Get a whole house purifier that creates positive air pressure. That can make a big difference to dust levels in the house.

      • Get a house with no ventilation and never leave the house, then dust won't get in.

  • +4

    Bought. Have the older 2S, and - with two asthmatics in the house - it was brilliant here in Melbourne when the smoke and dust came through.

    • +1

      …and arrived today, so great service. Came with a cable with a European "type c" plug (the ones with two round pins) - and the box had been opened & resealed no doubt to drop an adapter into the box. The box itself was the standard Xiaomi box proudly saying exactly what was inside, so it wasn't inside a plain box which could be an issue if the postie just left it outside a house. The box itself had also suffered a couple of dings, but everything was fine inside. Note also that the adapter pins do not have insulation at the top of each pin (which means if it is pulled out from the socket slightly, there is a risk something could short between them) so personally I just used a standard "figure eight" power cable from an old laptop power supply to avoid the adapter completely.

      FWIW The device itself is running fine - found it immediately in the app so all good.

    • +2

      Heh - can always put tape over it, which might make it hard to operate the touch screen, but I'd definitely consider putting it (and any IoT device) on a separate wifi network just to be safe.

      • -5

        Good suggestion. Thanks.

        Definitely don't want Xi Jinping spying on me…

        • He passed away from COVID19 early Feb, you're good.

        • +1

          Spying on you is the top list of his priorities right now

  • +3

    I got one for the bedroom, its pretty good. The particle sensor was not reading properly after the initial setup, which was a known bug after digging around online. Following a reset, everything has been working perfectly.

    My only con would be the Google Assistant integration. It could be better, you can only turn it on and off, no other options available through the assistant.

    • did yours always read 001 after a few days use?

      when my room is hot due to hot weather, it can goes up to 046, but when it is cold, it is always remain on 001.

      is it normal ?

      i tried to connect to google home to do ON / OFF
      but no luck [bought from china, set to mainland region on my iphone app]
      any advise on this ?

      Thank you

      • +1

        Mine was reading 001 and was stuck on that reading. Would never change. A factory reset and firmware update managed to fix it and now it reads correctly.

        I havent noticed any differences between hot and cold days. Might be worth cleaning the particle sensor. Its located at the rear of the unit.

        • How do you do the factory reset? Hold the On/Off & Mode button and the Display On/Off button for five seconds?

          • +1

            @Crashdown: I cant remember any more. I believe I reset it through the app. Worth checking the manual just to be sure.

        • thanks @furyz
          will give it a try tonight

          • @langitbiru: Did you figure out how to reset it/fix the 001 problem? I can't find anything about it online and I've tried resetting/unpairing/repairing to no avail.

  • +1

    Kogan has the Xiaomi 2H for around $150. How much better if the version 3 compared to 2H?

    • From my understanding
      2H has no Air quality detection, basically just an upgrade from v1 with more air flow
      2S has Air quality detection, and can auto-adjust the fan speed based on air quality
      3 is similar to 2S, with improved air flow (which can serve larger room space)

      • So 3 would be worth the extra $75?

        • Depends on your need really
          the Air quality detection basically checks on number of PM2.5 particles
          If you need this feature, then you should compare between 2S and 3, not 2H and 3
          2S is around $199 i think

          • @littlesoldier: 2S doesn't have the HEPA filter.
            Hence compared 2H and 3 which both have the HEPA filter.

            • @congo: From official xiaomi website, 2S does comes with HEPA filter (H-11 grade EPA filter)

              • @littlesoldier: yeah but 2H and 3H have the H13 filter which actually meets HEPA grade (12-14, EPA 10-11 from memory). you can swap the filters after the fact, but for no nonsense I bought the 3H. has been great in the bushfire smoke and i can't fault it. i bought from mi-store ebay for $269.95 (ebay plus 10% off at the time) as that comes with 1yr warranty and nobody was more than $5 cheaper at the time. At this price i'd be tempted to buy here and forgo warranty.

    • oh yea, its also heaps quieter…

  • hi op, is this the global version?

    • +2


  • I like the price. But what about warranty? I don't see anything on the website.

    • +1

      1 year warranty

  • +1

    Ordered one, the cheapest I can find so far.

  • +2

    Hi Op, will they be shipping from AU or China? If so, how long we should expect for delivery? Thanks

    • ship from syd warehouse

      • Delivery time frame to Sydney?

        • transit time is 2-6 business days

    • great question considering the delays out of China

  • OP, you mention this is the global version, but will it work on the china server?

    • You don't have to be connected for it to work, you can drive it just fine from the front panel.

    • I have a global version and it wouldn't connect to the Chinese server. I had to set my region as Australia.

  • -6

    With or without a Corona?

    • COVID19 will be dead when it arrives here.
      It shouldn't survive for weeks.

    • It comes with one ice cold Corona inside.

    • Don't be lazy, go pick up one in your nearest Aldi.

  • How does this compare to the dysons? I.e TP04 etc ?

    • I saw a video on youtube and Xiaomi clean the air faster than Dyson, it's about 3-4 times faster if I remember correctly

      The video is in Thai but you can just check how long does it take to clean the air in the room.

    • +1

      The Dyson has a carbon filter for odours etc, that I don't think this one has. The Xiaomi also lacks some of the bells and whistles (oscillations, a remote) and the app isn't quite as slick (the Dyson app has historical data represented graphically etc). That said, it's a third of the price - if I was to buy another, it would be this one.

      • thats wrong, xiaomi's filter also got a carbon filter layer too.
        Xiaomi is not a fan, you don't need a remote you just put it in auto mode then leave it on 24/7, thats something u wouldn't do with a fan especially in cool temp,
        also if u don't turn it on 24/7 the "historical data represented graphically" is pretty useless don't u think ?

    • the dyson one is not air purifier, u can use it as one but the airflow is much less then a actual air purifier.

  • very good price, my wife bought from china, including currency conversion, i think price difference is more or less $10-$20 only, so i must say, good price

  • does these come with an AUS power chord or need to use adapter?

    • +1

      AU adapter included

  • bought one, thanks rep.

    Any chance of a Pro H deal in the near future? Would be good for the lounge.

  • Hi OP/Rep, does it come with an invoice with an ABN?

    • Yes, Tax invoice can be provided upon request

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