Bargains for Expansion Portable Drive, 1TB

I am looking for Expansion Portable Drive, 1TB.
Based on current deals/bargains, I see Amazon has good price for below:

Price: $58.00 & FREE Delivery.
Seagate Expansion Portable Drive, 1TB, BLACK (STEA1000400)

Is there any better option anywhere else?
Or should I wait for few more days for any upcoming sale/codes?


    • Thank you, I noted that but I just need max 1TB and something in/around $50.

      • Just be wary, i know you need a cheap one but steer well clear of WD, i would definitely go with the Seagate drive, much more reliable and pretty cheap

        • Where as others would say Avoid Seagate at all costs and go with WD
          Its like Apple vs Android on this site… generates the same amount of debate

          • @jimbobaus: It's not really like that at all though, its commonly known by anyone that know anything about computers that WD hard drives are the least reliable for many different reasons. There are many forums and comments on here but also a quick google search will give the same opinions. Preference has nothing to do with it as they offer the exact same thing.

            • @ColstonAUS: Seagate do not have the greatest track record either to be honest.

              • @jimbobaus: True but around that price range nothing does, but if you are going buy a cheap hard drive you may as well buy the most reliable one you can. For the price, the Seagate is far more reliable, both in my personal experience with both drives and through reliability tests i've seen online.

                • +1

                  @ColstonAUS: I agree :P saying that i have WD and Seagates in my arsenal and none have let me down yet :P

  • +1

    You could price beat at officeworks to get 5% off the Amazon price

  • +1

    Very poor value for 1Tb drives. Better to get a 2Tb (or more) for about the same price.

    • +1

      Thanks, any links for other reliable 2TB with same/similar price

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