• expired

30W COB LED Outdoor IP65 Waterproof Light - AU Stock $8.59 US (~$12.87 AU) Delivered @ Banggood

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On sale from and shipping from Banggood's AU warehouse is this 30W COB LED light featuring an IP65 waterproof rating, 3 modes of lighting (low/full/strobe), it's powered by 2 18650 or 4 AA batteries, has a USB port for charging your phone and a micro USB port for recharging the light if 18650 batteries are used. Perfect for camping :)

  • Apply the coupon BGAU37 at checkout

AU$ based on current Mastercard rate and free shipping included.

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closed Comments

  • Looks useful. Does anyone have recommendations on the best place to order some 18650s?

    • +1

      Any vape store, really. I'd recommend Sony, Panasonic or Samsung. You'd be wanting 3000+mah in my opinion, 30w is not much draw from the batteries, so you can get away with a higher capacity battery at the cost of lower amp draw.

      I believe Samsung have 15a 4000mah 18650s, should last for ages in the LED panel.

    • +13

      Wait until aldi have their cordless power tool replacement batteries (xfinity) on sale. I pulled one apart last month and harvested 10 Samsung q30 18650's for $20.

      • Are the batteries soldered together?

        • +6

          Yep. Here's a pack I ripped apart a year or two ago… in progress and finished products Used basic tools took approx. 15-20mins of limited effort.

          • @SteveAndBelle: That is exceptionally useful information.

            Needs a post all of its own somewhere.

            Thank you

            I reckon three of these lamps too - because :) Thanks OP

            • @Alan Laz: Ha, thanks :) I've posted these pics and those of an Ozito battery tear-down many times before. OzBargainers seem to have low tolerance for people reposting things over & over again so I only post when people ask :)

              • +3

                @SteveAndBelle: Yeah but I found your post by selecting a torch/outdoor light post; otherwise, would never have known.
                Post the images often - whenever 18650's are mentioned!


              • +1

                @SteveAndBelle: I was in Aldi Bentleigh today and bought 2 of these beasts, one was enough, but hey….

                My evening fun is assured.

                I'll be reviewing the posted info shortly

                Thanks again

                I left one behind, preppers!

    • Rip apart any Tesla made before mid-2019 - you'll find thousands of them. ;-)

      Seriously, you can take your chances on eBay, but there are many fakes.
      Electronics sellers like Arrow or Element 14 will sell you the real Panasonic cells.

  • +1

    30w would drain 4 AA batteries in under an hour. 45min for eneloops.

    • +1

      Seems like under the Q&A someone gave an accurate answer.

      • Very good reviews, so I’ll bite.

      • Could you share the info so we don't have to look through 118 pages of reviews? :)

  • Great concept! Ordered six for friends & family… plus to use up all my spare 18650s :) Cheers OP!

  • "micro USB port for recharging the light if 18650 batteries are used."
    i see. so better to use 18650s.. but they are expensive… cost more than the light lol….

    • You can get the questionable quality generics for cheap or rip them out of an old laptop battery. Otherwise the big brand Samsung ones will cost more ;)

  • ordered this previously, great little light, recommend. Better light output with 18650s.

  • Worth a try for $12.87. Thanks Clear.

  • Yeah I’ll bite.

    Have some old laptop battery 18650 doing nothing!

  • try the code, says expried.

    • I just used it, it works.

    • Just worked for me. Although the total came out to AU$13.43 for me.

  • That guy changing the flat tyre looks too excited.

  • +1

    5 hours on full brightness? from 2 x 18650s? even good 18650's are only 12Wh each. At 30W draw that's 48 minutes.

    Obviously they are under-powering a 30 watt LED with 5-6 watts, if it is a 30 watt LED that is. At 5-6 watts, the 800 lumens output stated would be close to realistic.

    Essentially this is not a 30 watt output capable device. I'm sure it still works OK for the price however.

    • +8

      One of the review replies on Banggood says "Having too much time on my hands I measured the 18650 current consumption (they are wired in parallel): 0.6A on high, and 0.15A on low. This gives approximately 2.4 watts on high and 0.6 watts on low for a running time of around 10 hours on high and 40 hours on low. Hype aside, I like the light". Certainly not 30W.

      • Less than 10%!

        I suppose they only state that is a 30W light, not that it actually uses 30W. Still would fail the Australian Consumer Law.

      • Hehe - yeah I like his comment "Obviously the magic extra Watt-hours came from China. "
        Maybe President Xi will beam them down to you via satellite.
        Perhaps "30W" is the model number?

  • Thanks OP.

    Anyone got a decent deal on 18650s or similarly suitable rechargeable batteries?

  • Looks like all the au stock is gone :(

  • +2

    Novice users should be very careful about using 18650's in this as they are run in parallel. If you accidentally put one of them in the wrong way and are using unprotected cells you have the receipe for a bomb/fire. If you are pulling batteries from lapatops or cordless drill packs as suggested elsewhere in this post they will be unprotected and potentially very dangerous. This is a poor/unsafe design. If you are very careful, OK.

  • +1

    i bought this exact light a month ago on ebay.
    it was only 17 or 18 dollars and came with 18650 batteries. just search "work cob light"
    good light, built alot better than i expected.

    going to pull the trigger and buy this light next.
    its 4x18650, runtime would be insane, and the same size. would be great to use as a powerbank also with the 4x. especially if u put real 3500mAh ones in


  • +2

    This coupon can only be used 100 times.


    Looks like it's expired

  • It’s U$7.87 shipped from CN..

    • No it's not. $8.79 US inc GST and the coupon cannot be applied to the CN warehouse.

      • Am I missing something? Just select shipping from CN and it shows U$7.87 without applying coupon code. Shipping fee U$1.50.

        Anyway AU stock is back.

        • CN shows me $7.99 US with free shipping. $8.79 US once you checkout. BG prices are ex GST.

  • Looks like Ozbargained? ordered one for A$13.66 and 4% cashback from CN

  • I messaged BG and the coupon is live again. They've advised stock is low.

  • Anyone seen similar product with USB-C ?

  • +1

    Seems to be gone again "This coupon can only be used 150 times."

  • I'm getting $12.41 from China shipped? What am I missing?

    • +1

      The great big Expired tag on the deal that shipped from Australia.

      • It's alright, from China with postage and GST it's AU$13.65 including .24cents shipping insurance.

        • That's what I ended up doing, got 3 of them. Thanks op.

  • Now showing as A$12.17 (per each) delivered from China. Or A$16.99 delivered from the US (except what would be the point since I assume it's quicker and more directly to get it shipped from the country it is made in..)

    Without any codes either.

  • Comments on the page suggest it’s 30W equivalent, not 30W LED.

  • Bought 2 even with out the discount thing it is still a bargain, 1 inside my car for emergency one at home for general use

    • +1

      How long an extension cord do you have? :)

      • Hahaha s**t, I just read portable! My mum said she bought one for $5 at Bunnings and it looks like the one on this post, yet I can't find it listed! Maybe it was on sale!

  • +1

    Arrived today and seems plenty bright even with just 4 AA batteries.
    Next step is to buy more 18650 batteries.

  • Received today. 18650 old laptop batteries work a charm. Great to be able to charge them as well!

    • Btw, these are still available from China for $11.92.
      Ordered mine (for slightly more, grr) and already on their way.

      • $11.92AUD? Without promo code?

        I like it a lot, wish it had a magnet though.

        • Yeah, no code required to get that price.
          I'm interested to know how waterproof these really are.. IP65 rating should mean it's better than splashproof.

          • +1

            @MrMiser: These are not at all ip65 rated. Just received mine, battery door has no sealing whatsoever, I wouldn't recommend getting these wet.

  • Received mine yesterday. Fairly impressed actually.

  • Still waiting for my random purchase of these lights.

    Must be virus affected.

    Poor people. Pres Xi and his mates dragged 1500 million people out of poverty and now this happens to them. Hope all comes good soon.

  • Just as a heads up, definately not waterproof. I put in. 18650s and sealed the battery door up with silicone. Dropped one in some water today, and it filled with water.

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