Best Personal German Language Course/Tutor for Cheap

I am planning to attend uni in Germany/Austria some time over the next year (either august/September semester or start of next year). Most universities require c1 or b2 with a German course while you study but I've been looking at degrees that are bilingual (start in English, end with German) or English only so I won't need to be at c1 or b2 level by the time I start, just as close as possible (b1 level or part way through b2 is where I would like to be).

So with the back story of my reason to learn german out of the way, what would be the best option for a personal education in the German language? I would like a personal approach compared to teaching myself or online study so that I stay motivated (due to having an obligation the the teacher/tutor/class/etc) and also have direction/guidance.

I live on the Central Coast but willing to travel to Sydney if I have to and am looking at 5 full days a week or as much as possible. I've looked at the courses offered by Goethe, usyd, unsw, etc. but they are expensive and/or aren't condensed enough. I know learning a language will cost money but $4500 with Goethe is too much and that's not even the most expensive option.


  • Have you considered learning the language in Germany? A former colleague undertook a German language course there at a residential college and said it was quite intensive however it was the best way to learn.

    • I have thought of this but I would need to save a lot of money to support myself or get a job which as far as I know isn't easy when you don't speak the same language as everyone else. Technically one of my options as it is, is to do this, just learn enough to converse easily with people in germany while studying an English taught degree and perfecting the language at the same time

      • OK. As you know, Goethe-Institut is expensive however it has an excellent reputation. Depending upon your budget, perhaps try the extensive or super intensive course.

        I've also heard good reviews re: Centre for Continuing Education @ USYD.

        Another suggestion is private or small group tutoring

        Good luck!

  • Get a job with the ATO?

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