[QLD] SPER Voluntary Instalment Plan - Does It Affect Credit History?


I have a speeding fine that I have planned to pay in Instalments through SPER's Voluntary Instalment Plan. Basically my $260 fine will be split to a minimum payment of $60 a month. Will having this fine paid as Instalment have any effect on my credit history?

Below is a copy paste of the information I see from TMR website. It doesn't speak about credit history though.

Voluntary instalment plans for unpaid fines
If you have been given an infringement notice that you can't pay straight away, you can enter into a voluntary instalment plan with the agency that issued the fine (e.g. the Department of Transport and Main Roads) before the fine is referred to us.

You can enter into a voluntary instalment plan if:

your fine is at least $200
the due date of the fine has not passed.
To set up a voluntary instalment plan, you can:

contact the agency that issued the infringement notice
complete and sign that section on your infringement notice, and post to the agency. You will need to include an initial payment of $60.
Once the initial payment has been received, the issuing agency will register the outstanding debt with us and we will manage it.

We will send you a voluntary instalment payment notice and a payment schedule to follow until the fine has been paid.

If you do not follow the payment schedule, we will cancel your voluntary instalment plan and you will need to pay in full.

Poll Options

  • 1
    Yes, Affects your credit rating
  • 14
    No, This does not affect your credit rating.

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Queensland Government
Queensland Government


  • I doubt it would affect it. You've entered an agreement to pay the fine, so you're not defaulting on anything.

  • So long as you pay the instalments on time.

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