Best DVD Ripper for ISOs

Anyone have suggestions for DVD Rippper software? I used to have a licence for AnyDVDHD until they ran into legal trouble and stopped updating. I used this in conjunction with IMG Burn. I see that AnyDVD is back up and running. Is it still a good program? It was the go to program years ago. My only prerequisites are:

  1. Backup protected Dvds to ISO
  2. Run multiple instances to utilise multiple drives.

Ive read good things about Win X DVD Rippper.

Whats everyone using these days?


  • Handbrake is what I use on Linux. I think it's available on Winblows. It is available. I just recently used it to back up all my DVD's to my Plex server before I threw all the DVD's in the garbage.

    • Nice. But does handbreak bypass the copy protection?

      • On DVD's, yes. I have never tried BlueRay though.

        On a side note;

        If you use multiple instances, it will slow the computer down significantly. What you can do in Handbrake is queue up each rip and it will just go and do one drive at a time. You cant have 4 instances open at a time and expect 4 DVD's to rip in the same amount of time as 1 DVD. Decoding and encoding takes a lot of CPU time to crunch, so running 4 at a time could end up taking longer than 4, but with each done 1 at a time.

        • that's good to know. I didn't think a direct copy - DVD to ISO would be that intensive. I did use 2x instances of IMGBurn and it didnt seem to make much of a difference. The queue function would do fine for me too.


          • @Andy3083: Handbrake converts to MP4 or mkv, OP is asking just to rip to ISO (I.e. no conversion).

          • +1

            @Andy3083: I use handbrake for Windows. I used to use DVD43 for the copy protection bit, but the reality is that I haven't ripped a DVD for a very long time! Handbrake did the job when I had some protected DVDs that I wanted to copy so that I had a backup.

  • +4

    I'm still using DVD shrink to rip my DVDs and haven't had any issues.

    It's also free which is a bonus.

    Get the old version 3.2, not the newer one, of which there were allegations of it having nasties lurking in it.

    • Yeah thise nasties I heard of concerned me so I crossed dvd drink off my list. I have read a lot of positive things about it though.

      I dont mind paying for a program as long as it does a good job.

  • I use WinX DVD Ripper platinum which goes free every once in a while. I usually rip to .mp4 files but I believe you can set it to .iso output

    • This is the one that keeps popping up when searching.

      Hard to sort through the paid advertising vs genuine reviews.

      Glad to hear its working for someone else.

      Can you open two instances at once?

  • DVD? Whats that?

    Seriously though - amazed folks are still ripping them - reminds me of when I used to live right next to VideoEzy's HO in Rosehill and they had an 'All you can Watch' deal, $30/mth for unlimited DVDs (4 at a time). Still have craploads of folders of them but my media library has been digital for well over a decade now.

    576p res on DVDs will make your eyes bleed on even a good 4K TV - thats SD FTA TV quality. If you really have to rip DVDs as others have said I'd be ripping to nothing less than H264 files but if you like the content so much I am sure you can find a better source than DVDs.

    • +1

      Yeah its not for me but my folks. Many of the shows and movies are not available on streaming services.

      Saying that, putting a show made in the 70s on a bluray wont improve the quality of it without re mastering.

      I dont see how converting to h264 will improve the quality over a lile for like ISO rip though.

      I know why they want their collection digitised but i also understand that it's a slowing market.

  • +1


    • Thanks.

      Ive used it before and highly rate it.

      Unfortunately it wont suit this time because they want the whole dvd.


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  • Ashampoo had a good iso maker, as long as you have your own movies, i.e. not protected

  • I use DVDFab. I purchased a lifetime licence from them about 7 or so years ago (it was cheaper back then). I have yet to find a Bluray it cannot do (I probably ripped over 3000 discs). It supports h264 and HEVC (h265) among other formats

    However, if you only want the rip the entire contents of the DVD as opposed to just the movie/TV show I have found nothing better than DVDShrink.

    • Can’t believe DVDshrink is still going lol

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