Hi All,
I'm hoping the friendly people here could help me.
I'm looking to purchase a Nest Thermostat-E but my current thermostat (Vulcan/Bonaire Summer Breeze) only has 2 black wires connected.
I've searched around and asked for advice and I've heard some people say it will work with just 2, and some say I need a C-Wire.
Given the opportunity, I think it best to run a C-wire if possible, I have uploaded images of the Heater unit and it seems as though the 2 wires from the thermostat connect to the 2 x "Heat" terminals and I assume the 2 x "Cool" terminals are for Air con if I had it.
Now my question is, is the single 24v terminal used for the C wire? And if so, what would the 2x black wires be named when connecting to the Nest Thermostat?
The heat I have is a Vulcan Tubular Central Heater – V3 20i Internal NG : Part #5310052
Images are here: https://imgur.com/a/WveSexP
Thank you all!
Yes/ definitely Denzel and Kobe.
-im an expert in almost everything.
You're welcome