What's up with file sharing site not having comments on there reliability anymore?
No Comments Anymore on File Sharing Sites

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Pirated software and media
yeah so sad why we cant talk about it… but ozb still better than WP. gee over there the censor is so heavy
No need for fat shaming.
If you want a circlejerk forum go to reddit.
Been there, done that, can confirm.
OP, I am not gonna tell you how nice are private sharing sites. These are the best.
Agree totally. If you can get onto a private one, they are just far superior. Only prob is keeping your ratio up!
Usenet > any private tracker.
I found that Usenet just plain sucks. The amount of fake crap on there is so disappointing. Doesn't matter how well you set up your filters, you still end up with garbage most of the time. That is why I gave up on it anyhow.
Not sure what you were doing wrong. Usenet is awesome. I've only had 1 failed download the past month. Full automation is a piece of cake to setup these days.
@Typical16-bitEnjoyer: The problem isn't failed downloads but people posting trackers for fake files. You setup all your filters and when you get home you have gigs of crap because of all the fake files people post there.
OP, what are you specifically trying to find.
How did cleaning your nails go? You manage to do it?
Ow same guy.
OP uses unreliable tool to clean the nails.
So basically what you're telling us is that you don't know how to operate the search bar.