What diet do people switch to after weight loss on the Keto diet to maintain weight?
Context: I am going on keto for medical reasons. I have Polycycstic Ovarian Syndrome and as such have found I pretty much cannot lose weight unless I am in ketosis. I am insulin resistant at the moment (a symptom of PCOS). I know that losing weight improves your insulin resistance so I am hoping in the future I may occasionally be able to eat a starchy food, like a potato, or a pizza on special occasions. :/ I'm italian background so this is a bit shit haha.
Options: Low carb (basically no obvious carbs like breads/pasta/rice). Wholemeal carbs (brown rices/legumes healthy carbs).
Just looking for general experiences and thoughts :) Thanks
If you get a referral from a doctor, you can have the costs of seeing a dietitian covered by Medicare. Usually a visit will cost $75~120 per hour of consultation.
see http://www9.health.gov.au/mbs/fullDisplay.cfm?type=item&qt=I… for more info
Only a medical professional can give you advice specifically for you, they need to take into your account your age / BMI / medical history