With the many SIM sluts on Ozbargain and cheap mobile/4g modem deals has anyone done channel bonding like Speedify. Unfortunately I've read some reviews that it doesn't work as described but their is a 1GB/month free tier which I've yet to try. Anyone tried it?
Is it possible to roll your own solution like vpn - How to Bond Two (Multiple) Internet Connections for Increased Speed and Failover - Server Fault but use OpenWRT in easy to follow instructions?
Or alternatively hire a network tech through AirTasker/Upwork/Freelancer to remotely assist with installation?
There's cheap VPS for 1TB/month for under $5 through Binary Lane, Vultr, or Digital Ocean which are Australian based for speed.
What's your use case? Some download uses can't be 'parallelised' so bonding won't do anything to improve overall speeds.
The other issue of a cheap VPS might also mean you are bottlenecked on the other end anyway. Again, only even relevant once we learn your use case.