The Walking Dead. A Rant and a Review Spoilers!

Persisted through season 4 of TWD and mid way of season 5…but incredibly mind numbing boring…like i wold rate it at 2/10. So boring that i just skip some scenes.
Seriously couldn't the writers think of something else than just break into a house, steal, walkers then a main character goes, people mourn then repeat FFS.
Annoyed that such a good show went to craps.

After season 3…there are no character developments, just carol.
Season 4 started off well with Terminus but then they revealed pretty much everything about it within one episode and rounded everything up within 2-3 episodes whilst they spent like 5-10 episodes on after the group split up and invaded houses.

Also I like Glenn and Maggie, but they have like zero chemistry on screen.

I would have thought some better plot lines would have been:

-glenn and maggie shouldnt have gotten married, instead there should have been a love triangle- with rosita or tara
-stronger walkers
-made the terminus story line last more episodes
-involve the US army- surely if 5 civilians can stand up to walkers, a whole army regiment would survive.
- should not have klled off shane!

I remember the defining scene in season 1: the highway with one side all completely blocked and the other side empty and rick walking towards the city on his horse. That moment i was thinking to myself this 'll be an epic series.

Yeah epic failure.,


  • +1

    I lasted 2 episodes

    • +4

      You must make your wife happy

      • hahaha. my wife is the reason I watched it.
        we lasted 8 seasons, sadly.

  • +1

    I've almost finished season 8 so a couple of seasons behind and overall I still think the show is good, but the pacing is just way too slow. Unfortunately if you are binging the show it feels even slower. There is quite a bit of filler, sometimes a few episodes in a row but I am getting through it by watching it at 1.5 speed sometimes even faster if they are just talking a lot. If you have trouble understanding what they are saying then you can always put subtitles in.

    I really feel watching it (and other dramas that are mostly talking) at a faster rate can make a big difference. I generally don't increase the speed of comedies or stuff with action scenes though.

    • perfectly true…..the seasons after 4 are just very slow and watch it 1.5x and if you are binging on the show it is even slower.

    • Whaaaat ? They are at season 8 ? How ?

      • lol try 10

  • i lasted I THINK until the very start of season 6.
    and it did get really boring where u are up to. then it gets GREAT again.
    i want to start watching it again. but i know to much about the story line in the following seasons.

    • from what season does it get great?

      like the characters just develop up to season 3…then it's just them moaning and talking. it's like they wanted to make it almost real,

      • The stuff with Negan is pretty good. There are great bits here and there but unfortunately there are lots and lots of slow bits like when they are going on scavenging runs, opening cupboards and talking about I dunno, what their favorite chips were back in the day. They could cut the show down in half but they seem to have a free license to take as long as they want.

        • prob the writers got cocky and felt like they could just regurgitate vomit out and the audience will appreciate it. no wonder the actress that played maggie and rick wanted to leave the show.

          i know in the book shane is meant to finish in season 1 but he should have continued.

          • @funnysht: Yes, the show and the comic is very different. I have read quite a lot of the comic and the comic was pretty slow at times but you can read at your own pace and I read fast…

      • nope just googled it. i got well into season 7.
        gets good early in season 6 untill where ever i stoped watching in season 7…
        alot more stuff happens. thats all i can say.

  • +1

    Condolences & commiserations for your own recent, zombification

    Still, it's good that you're up and about… :)

    Zombie genre, one day to be looked back upon and referenced as "Dystopian Lite". Maybe

    This will cheer you up in the meantime, it's brilliant.
    Just flow!

  • +1

    Yeah I gave up when Negan (?) turned up. It seemed like the only progression each new season was in the level of violence and gore which got pretty boring after a while. Didn't even make it through the first season of FTWD. I think I have zombie fatigue to go with my superhero fatigue.

  • +1

    I used to think the walking dead was scary but now I realise it's a comedy.

    Not sure if you notice but almost in every episode of walking dead they have the need to kill a zombie for no reason at all, they can be having fun, eating, talking or walking..zombie comes along out of nowhere and presents some fake danger, hack and slash then they win again..rinse and repeat for every episodes, this is like the Michael Bay of TV series..explosions not needed but hey, its time to wake people up…boom!! boom!!

    • yeah… i think 90% of all zoombies you could just run past them or just push them aside, then in season 3 they showed that humans can be a far worse enemy than walkers…good idea, but then they focused on that theme for every season after that and just made the walkers a 'nuisance' than a threat.

    • If they would have behaved in season 1 or 2, like they are behaving in later seasons, there would be no season 3.
      I mean, they should by now have learnt how to deal with zombies, but no, every 3 episodes they are "Surprised" by zombies. C'mon.

      • and everytime they need to kill a character, they will make zombies appear from every direction suddenly and they walk faster than the character can run.

  • I haven't watched much of TWD purely because the episodes i have watched and the reviews i hear are that it is slow paced.

    in regards to the show progressively getting more boring/worse, you will find that most tv shows either go down that path of being boring and losing viewers until it fades away into obscurity or by finishing up the series with a handful of seasons with viewers always wanting more. Rarely does a show finish perfectly.

    • That's true but most shows actually try to think of new plotlines and interesting unexpected scenes.
      Look at breaking bad or prisonbreak. Prisonbreak some ppl say got boring after season 2, but it was always exciting unpredictable and new way of escaping/plans.

      It seems like TWD writers just got purely lazy. It's not like prisonbreak where the theme is always going to be escape from a prison, TWD is a post apocalyptic era, anything goes.
      Also there's a sudden change in quality of the shows from season 3 to 4, i wouuldnt call it progressive, like if the writers changed or something.

  • +2

    First 3 seasons were good. Just goes downhill from there and never recovers. Boring and lackluster show.

  • i dont know how they cant overpower the zombie. i mean they are zombie they cant think so must be easy to set a trap or something or run from them.

    • i think if you go down that route, the whole show falls apart.
      Few guys can beat some zombies but the whole US army gets annihilated -__-

      but then again when you see the part where the governor gets the soldiers stranded in the middle of the highway.. well chatting away right in the middle of the road with no lookouts unprepared…..

  • It’s become a soap now basically.

    The problem with a zombie apocalypse is that you can only go so far with that type of story line, I think anyway. They had some friction between main characters in earlier seasons, and started to kill off main characters to create intrigue (who’s going to go next) but realistically after a certain point it’s a show about people, and rather than having the enormous variety of story lines that go along with living in a functioning society you’re limited to doing in an effectively non-changing zombie world.

    What they should have done IMO is to have a virus cure style breakthrough in maybe series 4-5, start bringing back the government, and all the hassles and challenges of rebuilding. Then you can have maybe a set back, or the virus evolves, or foreign governments trying to get the cure, and then all sorts of different non-zombie elements coming into the show.

    Like I’d love a show that deals with the clean up after a zombie apocalypse, where they’re dealing with trying to get things back to normal and restore stuff. Story arcs of police forces being rebuilt, and gangs getting stronger and being challenged by a central government trying to restore control, and a virus cure maybe not working or needing different zombies who’ve adapted.

    Cause the show is basically every episode going back to the world being dead. Not only goes it get depressing, it gets repetitive, and frustrating for the viewer who has all these other programs that have evolving story lines.

    I think Z Nation did a better job to be honest. I far enjoyed that show more than TWD.

    • +1

      Z nation looses it's "fun" after a while, gets too weird. I do like Murphy.

      • +1

        You’re absolutely right, Z Nation did get weird. But I’m a weird guy so that’s probably why I liked it. I didn’t watch the whole series though, I think a lot of these shows just get too bogged down after a while and it’s hard to continue to be able to relate to them and enjoy.

  • -1

    I love Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan, so much so that he actually made those extremely slow seasons bearable. There’s one particularly slow episode that has no real “action” and takes place in just one location. Negan was the only thing stopping me from walking away from the show, at that point.

  • +2

    You have no idea how bad this show gets if you only watched up to S05. You deserve a medal for persisting pass S08.

    S07 is so bad it's almost worth watching for how bad it is.

  • Why is this a thread? Why am I commenting?

    I always described the show as awesome zombie special effects with 90% of the episode having 2 people talking to each other.

    Stopped watching at S07 like most people.

  • Gave up season 1. Never hated all the characters so much I wanted all of them to be dead already.

  • I can't remember what season it was, but after they left the compound TWD just became a repetitive narrative of 1. Escape 2. Find hiding area to set up camp. 3. Get over-run by traitors or walkers. Rinse and repeat.

    • they got the title jumbled up, it should have been "Walking & the deead"

      coz half the show is about the zooombies and the other half is just the main characters walking around

  • I watched until season 8 or 9 but had been bored of it for quite a while. The storylines were just repeating and Negan was an annoying character and I didn't like the way he spoke, he seemed very "cheesey" the way he delivered his lines. I did start watching Fear The Walking Dead which I enjoyed but just didn't see it through to the end.

    • reminded of the never ending monologues in scandal

  • I think I managed until about season 5 or so but it just got so depressing and repetitive. Every sanctuary they’d find would always fail, every friendly would double-cross them. I mean for god’s sake - get to an island! I know they’re following the comics but enough is enough.

    • yeah true

  • -1

    I still like it.

    • great job

  • I lost interest in the series when, in the middle of a raging zombie apocalypse and being chased down by a rival gang/biker/whatever, the token Asian guy got it on with the token "hot" girl in the abandoned pharmacy… That was my "jumped the shark" moment. The rest of it was fairly dealing with post apolocolypic life, but that moment was a "WTF, that wouldn't happen." moment.

    • that was your "wouldn't happen" moment in a movie full of zooombies?

      • The zombie part is something that I could buy into. It has an element of "yeah, that might happen" in an apocalypse relatable kind of way…

        A girl just deciding to have sex with a random Asian dude in the middle of said apocalypse while hiding from a gang hunting for them in a dirty abandoned pharmacy… That part, I just couldn't buy…

  • one of the big things that s#hits me about this show is how in the first couple of eps. they discover that if they spread zombie guts on their clothing, the zombies dont smell them anymore and see them as fellow zombies. to where they can walk with them and move about in a zombie hoard, completely invisible.
    and they did that only once, and never ever again… it can get them out of almost every situation they are in. but they all forgot.

    • yeah true

  • So up to season 7…it gets quite interesting once negan comes back in, im guessing the groups join up again Negan.

    Ironic how the real threat is now humans rather than walkers. I guess it's good commentary

  • it's weird how they including rick turn out to be exactly like Shane.

    If the now Rick met Shane, they'll prob get on well. What Shane said about survival was right on.

  • Watching it all just because is overrated and hyped in the usa is as sad as watching Biggest Loser usa or keeping up with kim k. Lol

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