Only goes half price once a year so stock up now.
½ Price Cottee's Ice Magic 220g $1.97 @ Coles

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Ingredients: Antioxidant (319) - TBHQ, tertiary butylhydroquinone
"it has some negative health effects on lab animals, such as producing precursors to stomach tumors and damage to DNA." your ice-cream…
Lab animals don't always reflect the same results as human trials.
Says the Lizard…
No, the lizard died from the ice magic years ago, but Spock says your logic is illogical
Its pretty good but..!
Who cares? It still tastes great. Reading your comments gives me an aneurysm but that doesn't stop me from coming here.
gives me an aneurysm
A Cerebral aneurysm ?
It might be the TBHQ.I wish I wasn't a worrier, but i think it's kept me alive
LMAO roasted so unnecessarily hard
I was having a good day. We were all having a good day.
Reading JVs comments makes a good day an even better day,
Antioxidant sounds scary. It just stops oxidation of the fat, which causes it to become rancid. negative effects are at very high dose and most organic molecules will be harmful at a high enough dose.
Is it just me or is ice magic not the same anymore?
not the same anymore?
50.1 % fat
44.7 % carbslooks the same to me…
I agree… but not sure if it's just a maturing of tastebuds from when I was a ten year old or a change in formula…
always heard this stuff gave you cancer
this stuff gave you cancer
Only if you are an animal.
If you are a plant, it might be OK.
human is weak!!!
But Main Street's still all cracked and broken
That shit is soooo unhealthy….keeping with the cottees way of filling kids with fat n sugar (cordial anyone?)
51% fat
39% sugar.No thanks.
it's not natural either, how does something come out of the fridge and go hard and colder than something that just came out of the freezer? chemicals.
It's mostly vegetable oils and sugar… you can make a version of it yourself with coconut oil if you want. Coconut oil is liquid in summer room temperatures and goes hard when it hits something icy. Just mix some coconut oil with sugar and bits of chocolate on the stove, then once it cools down, pour it on your ice cream.
I mean, vegetable oils are made out of chemicals, that is definitely literally true.
Then go do some exercise? :P
I like my Slurpees, soft drinks and 70% sugar Cadbury chocolate powder lol.
In moderation ofcourse.The only reason why I don't have Ice Magic much is because as noted it seems rarely on special.
free obesity and type 2 diabetes always comes with it though.
once a while is fine. Haven't had it for 10 years
I haven't it since i was like 10, i'm 35 now, I feel i could probably have one serving and i'll be alright
connoiosseur ice cream & biskoff spread covered in this stuff…someone try it!
biskoff on icecream? crunchy or smooth? do you just scoop lumps of it on? i’m curious
chocolate + coconut oil melted and combined works exactly like ice magic. Haven't worked out if its cheaper, but at least you know what you are putting in it
I do about 3 squares to half a teaspoon.
good idea .. thx
Is it just me?…first glance i thought it was ice coffee lol
It's just you…
Oh. O I just bought it when it was on sale at woolies for like 20% off :(
"ice" is better for you than ice magic
word to mothr.
Recently tried it it doesn't get hard fast enough probably because its just too hot the weather
that's what she said
Just in time. Down to my last bottle.