School Required Laptop Ordered through School's Supplier - No ETA - Compnow

Our school decided to swap from ipads to laptops as their BYO device. We ordered through their supplier and after about 2 week I contacted them to collect the device. Only to be told that none are in stock and not expected until "sometime in Feb".
There is no mention on their website that there is a delay and my order receipt only states "You will be notified when your order is ready ". We did shop around but the specific device is has other specs in other shops.

The CompNOW rep is not returning calls.
Does anyone have a similar experience? Is that common practice?


  • Is the school OK with the delay ?

    Will your child miss learning / classes because of the delay?

    Is your child able to use another device / share another device in the meantime?

    • We are talking to the school after some kids with different models got to set theirs up. The others without were playing UNO! But officially the curriculum will be adjusted. I am waiting to see.

    • I am sure the school will accept the delay, after all they are no doubt on a kick-back from the supplier

      • That's a very bold claim. Possible but very bold.

  • +1

    Is that common practice?

    What would you have the shop do? I'm sure they'd be happy to expedite the order, if they could.

    We did shop around but the specific device is has other specs in other shops.

    I'm sure you can find an acceptable substitute, if you put your mind do it.

      • +2

        it's called a pen & paper, like in the good old days

        Geez, you must've grown up in an affluent area. When I was a kid, we used sticks and dirt or blood and cloth for all our learnin'

        • +1

          You had sticks?! Geez you must be rich.

          • +4

            @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: the sticks were free, but we had to choose between using them for fire (heat/cooking food/light/etc) or learnin'. I chose learnin'

      • +2

        Pretty hard to do a powerpoint presentation with a pen and paper.

        • +2

          What's a powerpoint presentation? Does it involve sticking pens (and other objects) in to a power point?

    • The shop is happy to take the money for the orders, they agreed to supply a school with a year level of 350 kids with new laptops. It's foreseeable that 90% of parents will order from them. I am sure I could find it elsewhere …..if I had it custom built by Lenovo and paid $$$. But I am an Ozbargainer.

  • +2

    If it is the school supplier then surely there are other parents in the same boat?

    I am sure there are some dodgy dealings when selecting these suppliers. I have the had the experience a couple of times where you have to buy the specific model from the designated supplier, even though you can get a similar model with better specs cheaper elsewhere

    Had this recently again with a $250 calculator. The one we had to get was an old model and not available elsewhere. Could get the new better model for $40 cheaper but the school were adamant we had to have that specific model.

  • Had this recently again with a $250 calculator

    wtf … what kind of calculator costs $250?

  • Let the school deal with it.

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