Another comics bundle has started on Humble Bundle this one a Star Trek comics bundle presented by IDW. If you bought last year's bundle the first two tiers are almost identical.
Captain's Log, Stardate 97677.71. There has been a new bundle on the horizon filled with comics in the Humble system. We are faced with over $562 Star Trek comics from IDW Publishing. Issues include Star Trek: Discovery: Succession, Star Trek: Voyager: Mirrors and Smoke, and Star Trek: Year Five #1-8. After a brief landing, we have come to the conclusion that purchases of the bundle will support Traveling Stories.
The comics can be downloaded in CBZ, PDF & EPUB formats.
Pay $1 or more to get:
Star Trek: Boldly Go Vol. 1-3
Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Space Between
Star Trek/Planet of the Apes: The Primate Directive
Star Trek (2011-2016) Vol. 1-13
Star Trek: Waypoint Vol. 1
Star Trek: Waypoint Special #1
Star Trek: Discovery - Captain Saru
Pay $8 or more to also unlock:
Star Trek: The Next Generation 20/20
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Through The Mirror
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Ghosts
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Intelligence Gathering
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Hive
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy
Star Trek: New Visions Vol. 1-8
Star Trek: Alien Spotlight Vol. 1-2
Star Trek: Waypoint Special 2019
Star Trek: Discovery: Aftermath #1-3
Pay $15 or more to also unlock:
Star Trek: Harlan Ellison's City on the Edge of Forever
Star Trek: Discovery: Light of Kahless
Star Trek/Green Lantern Vol. 1-2
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Terra Incognita
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Mirror Broken
Star Trek: Discovery: Succession
Star Trek: The Q Conflict
Star Trek vs Transformers
Star Trek: Voyager: Mirrors and Smoke
Star Trek: Year Five #1-8
Star Trek Online: Cross Faction Intel Science Bundle (game)
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