This was posted 5 years 1 month 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Ocean Chef Salmon Fillet Varieties 1kg $20 @ Woolworths

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Pretty good deal, start on Wed 29.

Mod edit: Make sure you activate the 5x points Woolworths Rewards promo before you go, if you haven't already.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Hey mate, Wednesday is the 29th

    • +1

      Thanks, updated.

  • Fillets have skin, right? I really skin-off ones. Still they are great prices.

    • +2

      I just peel the skin off after I've cooked it and feed it to the dog.

      • +2

        You're missing out on a lot of the vitamin D benefit then.

    • +22

      The skin is the best part.

      • I find that peculiar, like people who eat lemons/bananas/whatever whole.

        For me, it's a saviour for noob cooking. I can put it on low-medium heat, run-around cooking everything else, deal with crazy kids etc, and never burn/stick the salmon. Heck, you could cook it for an hour without burn. Granted, still ruin by overcooking.

        • I just microwave my salmon fillets, they turn out wonderful. I only cook for 2 minutes 30 sec … I love them pan fried in olive oil as well but for fuss free I put them in a microwave container and microwave while I quickly make a salad. I eat a lot of salmon, love it.

          • +1

            @AusBargainhunter: The Woolworths ones designed for this only take 1min30sec

            • @Lukian: Great! I just had a look at their online site and the fillets are still $28 a bag. I wonder if the special is in-store only or not available at Gosford Woolies.

            • @Lukian: I ended up buying 4 kg's … good price.

  • +2

    These are farmed.

    • Farmed likes harm

      • I used to buy salmon for $7 a kilo in Russia. It is a wild caught one as people are lazy to build farms in eastern side of the country

        • +18

          That's a fair drive, for food.

    • Considering it is from Norway, how do you know that?

      • +3

        It's not wild - as in wild alaskan. Norway farmed are just as bad as Australian farmed.

        • Fair enough, but why exactly is farmed "bad" compared to wild.

          • +3

            @cchhiillyy: It is not that orange colour and didn't take antibiotics and hormones like a farmed fellow salmon.

          • +2
            • -2

              @nonpop: Compare this to Atlantic salmon farmed in Tasmania from Tassal for example. Big open water. Sustainable practices. If they feed antibiotics (only on vet orders when absolutely necessary for the health of the animals) they ensure there is no residue before harvesting (full withdrawal). GOOD farmed fish is the way of the future. Much less impact on the environment than farmed land animals and can be done right.

              • +1

                @JamesRodriguez87: You must have missed my earlier comment but if you think tassal is 'good farmed fish' - think again:

                • -2

                  @toobzy: I'll check it out. I do note though that this is in 2016 so it's already 4 years old and the media love to sensationalise. Refer to Tassal's responses here:….

                  Also I'd encourage you to read their sustainability reports. As far as farmed animals go, these guys have some pretty strict controls and in place to ensure compliance and that the end result is a quality, safe product for our consumption (and has minimal impact on the environment). You can find reports here:…

                  What are the alternatives to farmed salmon? Wild caught - drag big nets along the oceans and catch anything and everything that gets tangled in the nets including dolphins and sharks and other endangered species OR become a vegetarian.

                  disclaimer: I'm invested in Tassal as a shareholder

                  • @JamesRodriguez87: Yeah please do watch it in it's entirety. There's irrefutable facts stated throughout the whole documentary. No offense but I'd prefer to rely on investigative journalism than a report released on Tassal's own website. Of course they are going to say everything is great.. they do have shareholders and money to make. I personally wouldn't trust a company who buys the WWF logo they use on their products.

                    As for alternatives, probably not that many. Maybe smaller local fish shops? You'd have to ask how/where they source their salmon.

                    • @toobzy: Watched it last night. WWF payments were for specific research reports provided to Tassal and now identify all such payments. Also ASC certification is from an independent audit body - can't be bought.
                      The way I see it, they're filling a growing demand for cheaper, good quality salmon everything within the constraints of the law/other independent governing bodies and are doing so as sustainable as they possibly can. What more could they do? The alternative is wild caught salmon at a much higher price OR imported, inferior quality with higher risk of disease AND alot of lost jobs for Tasmanians.
                      Also if they're making completely false claims, there's the potential for jail time and big fines for directors - it doesn't happen as often as you might think. We only hear of the <1% on the news that are doing wrong rather than the 99+% that are doing right.

                      • @JamesRodriguez87:

                        WWF payments were for specific research reports provided to Tassal and now identify all such payments

                        So Tassal pays WWF a quarter million every year for a research report? They are buying the use the logo, plain and simple. They now release the payment details as a result of the four corners investigation

                        Also ASC certification is from an independent audit body - can't be bought.

                        They also pay ASC (which is co-founded by the WWF) another quarter million per year for certification

                        they're filling a growing demand for cheaper, good quality salmon everything within the constraints of the law/other independent governing bodies and are doing so as sustainable as they possibly can

                        I'm not so sure you watched the whole documentary

                        alot of lost jobs for Tasmanians.

                        And what about all the other jobs lost in the local fishing industry surrounding Tassal's farms as a result of the environmental impact and chemicals used by Tassal. Entire livelihoods have been lost.

                        We only hear of the <1% on the news that are doing wrong rather than the 99+% that are doing right.

                        Just wondering where you got those figures from?

                        Anyways, I get it, you have an invested interest in Tassal and that's fine but I implore you to have an open mind and do your own research before deciding on any company that you would like to support.

                        • @toobzy: I've clearly done research (as have you) and we just have differing views. That's perfectly OK.


                          the funding from Tassal contributes towards two things:
                          · The sustainable aquaculture work WWF carry out with Tassal – providing expertise and advice on responsible practices
                          · Conservation projects, such as the Girringun TUMRA Seagrass Monitoring project in Queensland

                          The 4 Corners television report implied that WWF had sold the use of the logo to Tassal. This is both untrue and misrepresented.

                          Any permission to use the WWF logo is earned in recognition of a commitment to the highest global standards and achievement in becoming more environmentally responsible. The process of obtaining ASC certification is a long and difficult one. In this case, it took more than four years work between Tassal, the ASC, and the industry to change the way the company operates. At the end of that time, Tassal became the first company in the world to be fully ASC certified.


                          The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) itself is an independent, multi-stakeholder, not-for-profit body that develops and maintains the standard for responsible production in aquaculture. The ASC is the body that awards a certification, if standards are met, to a business. It ensures that the assessment and certification process of businesses is transparent to the public, inclusive and objective.

                          WWF International was involved in the founding of the organisation, and has a seat on its board. They do not contribute or receive funds from the ASC. And WWF, in any country including Australia, does not certify any organisation with ASC or any other similar standard.

                          The ASC label is one that is not well known in Australia. That’s why, after more than four years work, WWF agreed to have their logo included for a promotional campaign to help shoppers know that a recognisable and trusted charity; WWF, supports the ASC standards for responsible farming, based on the science of the standards and the independence of ASC as an organisation.

                          The ASC receives NO money from the certification process at any time. It is simply not possible to buy ASC certification. Not only does the ASC not perform the audit, all fees for the audit process are agreed with the CAB and paid directly to the auditors. The ASC does not receive any money for any aspects of the audit or any pre-audit process a farm may choose to undertake. We only receive income from certificate holders in the form of a percentage of total sales of certified product sold with the ASC logo. The use of the logo is optional and it not a requirement of becoming ASC certified.


                          I'm not sure how many other local fishing jobs would have been lost as a result of Tassal. Do you have any figures? At a guess, the amount of jobs lost by local fisheries is less than the growth in jobs created by Tassal (but I'd love to be proven wrong if you have some statistics).

                          Tassal’s operations alone stimulate approximately 6,000 jobs, directly and indirectly, and contribute more than $500 million to the State’s economy (or 16.54% of the total GDP contribution that agriculture, forestry & fishing make toward the State's economy).

                          DIRECTOR BREACHES

                          How many directors breach their duties? How many directors are there managing companies on the ASX? I couldn't find any figures specifically to support my guess but it would not be very high as a total percentage (so I assumed <1% are doing the wrong thing). Do you have anything to suggest otherwise?

          • +2

            @cchhiillyy: They feed the salmon fish pellets made from ground up fish carcasses which have heavy metals like mercury.

  • How are these? I've always just bought from the deli area. Just curious.

    • "Product of Norway Packed in Poland" - so frozen & not local/NZ

      • -1

        It will be Russian salmon, full of Mercury

        • And antibiotics

        • Russian one is a wild caught near Kamchatka and Alaska. Much better than Tasmanian farmed, and 5 times cheaper. I'm tired of eating salmon in Russia. Back in 2012 my sister's husband brought 50kg of fish with 3 kg of salmon caviar. A lot of work was done to make a fillets and put them in a freezer.

      • May I ask the reason why it is fresher?

        • +6

          Because of the blast freezing process which they do on the commercial ships. It causes smaller ice crystals to form thus preserving the integrity of the meat.

        • Just like frozen veggies are better than fresh veggies. Nutrients are intact from when they were harvested.

          Might go soggy though after thawing

          • +1

            @krisspy: Better than canned, not fresh.

            If you can't get fresh veggies, please try another shop. Try local green grocer, be sure to ask questions, and you'll find someone proud to answer.

            • @Ulysses31: Brocolli are snap frozen and retain all their nutrients. Can keep longer in the fridge and there's no wastage when it spoils. Tell me again how fresh is better?

              • @krisspy: One example, cool.

                We buy and eat fruit & veg several days after harvest, whenever possible.

                Splitting hairs & now completely OT… getting into cost of storing food you don't need yet, exact nutrient levels etc etc.

                Agree to disagree.

    • +2

      The ocean chef one is Norwegian Atlantic Salmon ( ) vs the salmon usually in the Woolworths deli section (Tasmanian Atlantic Salmon).

      Taste is similar. I feel anecdotally that the salmon in the deli section tends to be more oily than the frozen ocean chef. However, I use both interchangeably depending on whether I need it defrosted for that tonight and also dependent on which is cheaper at the time.

      • +1

        Cool! Learned something new. Just getting a bit deeper in the cooking game. Thanks!

        • +8

          The easiest way to cook is to defrost overnight in the fridge then cook approx 15-20mins (depending on thickness) in a convection oven at 200C on baking paper (skin down if the skin on one). I usually serve with steamed vegetables and some flavoured rice like the lime and chilli packet one from Tiida. Its makes a healthy quick weeknight meal that I can be in the shower after work whilst it cooks. ;)

          The only downside of the frozen one is that the pieces can be a bit irregular in size so sometimes I need to have two smaller pieces to equal one larger. If I have more time I marinate it (e.g. teriyaki) or add some other flavour/crumb etc.

      • Coles now sell John West Wild Alaskan Salmon. Both fillets and smoked.

        • They had the wild alaskan smoked salmon on clearance at my coles few weeks ago, $6 for 70 grams. I bought like 8 packets and my GF said it was the best she ever tasted and she can't go back.

  • +1

    Product of Norway and packed in Poland. No thanks.

    Rather my Tasmanian Salmon.

    • +3

      Fussy. Bet you wouldn't know if it were cooked and served to you without being told where it's from

      • +3

        I would know, u gotta try a fresh fillet of Ora King salmon from New Zealand, fish ice chilled not frozen, only a very light "salmon" aftertaste… wagyu of the ocean… $26/kg for a 4kg gutted whole fish here in Brissy but. Eats better than tassie salmon even..

        • +4

          Which store in Brissie?

          • @Stevsta: Seconding this guy, where do you grab it here in town?

          • @Stevsta: IGA in runcorn sell some really good quality fish.I got a cutlet of NZ salmon last week and man o man that was one of the best salmon I ever had.Its EXTRA Oily and very light fishtaste after cooking.

        • Once filleted how much would you get? 3kg or less?

          • @PVA: You would be lucky to get 2kg.

            • @sween64: Thanks, so it's more like $52 per kg really.

        • Didn't see much of a seafood in NZ during the trip there. May be mussels a bit cheaper, otherwise choice is limited. Even NZ apples cost more than NZ apples imported in Russia. Don't know why that is happening

      • They didn't limit their point to taste or appearance.
        Food miles, local jobs etc factor into people's decisions.

        • Nor did I mention that that's all would be contributing factors. Thanks.

  • Just bought one pack from Costco which claims to be deep sea Atlantic Salmon
    Around $29/Kg.

  • -1

    Ocean chef stuff is stale, imagine a fish frozen, travels to poland and defrost and filleted then frozen again. Seafood really only any good after one freeze cycle.

    • +1

      imagine a fish frozen, travels to poland and defrost and filleted then frozen again

      Or could it be that the fish is caught and then filleted on board and then commercially packed in Poland?

      Was watching a documentary recently that said salmon was not traditionally used in sushi until a deal was struck between Europe ? Norway and Japan in which their surplus would be sold dirt cheap to Japan. Once it became an acquired taste they then sold it at normal prices

      • Japan can get a lot of fish in the northern part of Pacific Ocean, and along the islands that stretch up north to Kamchatka and Alaska. Not sure that they need to haul salmon that far from Norway

  • I get the aldı ones usually, but this is priced better

    • Tried the Aldi frozen salmon and it tasted rather bad (watery and flavorless). Would not buy again. Ocean Chef tastes heaps better.

  • +4

    Folks just for your information…

    These Atlantic Salmon (not Alaskan Sockeye which is ONLY sold wild) are farmed.

    However when you say Farmed you need to break it up into 2 channels for the Atlantic Salmon…

    a.) Farmed in Norway
    b.) Farmed in Australia (i.e Tassal, Tasmanian Salom, etc)

    These are better than the Australian Salmon as the natural habitat of the Atlantic Salmon is in the North Atlantic Ocean which is precisely within Norway's region.
    i.e. this Salmon is open-water farmed in its natural habitat.
    The Atlantic Salmon sold here is farmed near the Indian Ocean and nowhere near its natural habitat, nonetheless - Australia have strict guidelines on fish farming unlike our neighbours.

    ALWAYS check 2 things when buying fish:

    a.) Is it Wild yes? TICK
    b.) Farmed? Where? (Australia, Norway, NZ, ok) anywhere else particularly south-east Asia stay away. Those fish have been fed a raft of rubbish, offcuts, ofal, and whathaveyou in terrible water quality.

    • +1

      After watching the whole documentary ( that someone posted above there is no way Norwegian farmed salmon is better than Australian farmed salmon, regardless of what ocean it is farmed in. There is a small chance it is of an equivalent standard but no chance it is better.

      This documentary is outstanding in the research compiled. Everyone really needs to watch it if they are concerned about eating healthy fish. I will never eat farmed fish again.

      • Dude,

        If that documentary was made by anyone with half a brain (you mentioned outstanding research compiled) they would not post the YouTube with a click-bait title.

        [Farmed Norwegian Salmon World’s Most Toxic Food]

        So this has surpassed the Basa Fish/Pangasius bocourti of the Mekong river which is grown in sewage dump?

        WTH did I miss something? World's most toxic food? Really, a research paper of academics need the attention-grabbing documentary?

        • Why would you produce something if you don't want people to see it?

          They have done a great job with the title and attracting views/engagement.

  • How many fillets are there in a bag (average)?

    • +1

      I got 8 in mine and states 8 serves on the nutritional panel.

  • How does this compare to coles ? Fridge not deli?

  • +3

    Another interesting documentary on farmed salmon in australia

  • +1

    If you are concerned about sustainability impact - Australian farmed Atlantic Salmon (farmed in ocean cages in TAS) is not a good choice perhaps - Source @ - (great site just found it). Not sure about imported farmed atlantic salmon.

  • I usually buy online from Coles but Salmon at this price I'll be buying from woolies for the first time tomorrow… This is a great price. I eat salmon for weight loss, it is about the only fish I like. Thanks for the post!

    • Did you get to try it?
      Was it good?

  • +4

    The easiest way to defrost these is in a bowl of water. Much faster than overnight in the fridge as someone posted above. Cold water will take somewhere around an hour and the more water the faster it will defrost.

    In a pinch I will use hot water (~50°C) at the risk of cooking the outer layer a bit (like sous vide) but it will be defrosted in about 15 minutes

  • +1

    Been to two WW today and neither had any stock nor any area where this would be stocked, (Macquarie and Gordon)

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