quite expansive in OZ.
Looking for a SSD, any good deal?

I picked up two intel 320 series 160gb drives for $260 AUD each delivered off EBAY from the USA.
They are about $330 here so pretty happy.
So you're the one, I was watching them and thought about it for too long…
They'll be back… The prices have come down in the last 3 months and they are still dropping.
AU shop prices were $399 3 months ago - now $330.
Did you mean these ones:
The guy did bundled postage same cost for 2 as 1…
yes, they are cheaper in US.
but i'd prefer OZ stock for the warranty.i picked up a ocz 120 gb from HT for $253. Not cheap but im happy with it. Performance is amazing.
Bear in mind at least for Intel the warranty is global so you shouldn't expect too many troubles getting them fixed if required. Plus intel are more reliable than Vertex 2 :)
if you are looking for reliable SSD, you cant go wrong with Intel Brand. I been running Intel SSD 2 years, no problem. stable and reliable.
I used to have OCZ extreme, it was dead, blue screen after 4 months.I have a 3 year old X25-M still going strong.
The 320 series have redundant memory and are designed to outlast the X25-M by a large margin….
Agreed. I have an Intel 510 (Sata3) and its fantastic. Smokes most other SSDs in real world tests. It is certainly not the cheapest though.
This is a good read:
Well I am not sure if this will be valid or not but Amazon UK currently have a Kingston SSD V+100 96GB SATA2 2.5inch Hard Drive for £79.99 + P&H.
That works out at about $AUD$125.00 + P&H
http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B004APRLTYEither way its a good indication that prices are dropping reasonably quick.
anyone wanna get Crucial m4 from US, cuz its US $160 only
Interesting cos I was looking at this as well.
Crucial CT128M4 Solid State Drive2 128GB M4 £142.48 ($AUD220)
http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B004W2JKZIAnd the one I found in the US was $188
and I was weighing up the fact I dont pay shipping while in the UK or have it shipped from the US back to AU.Do you have more detail on your M4?
this one look good, although a bit higher, but still cheaper than those retailer selling @ 279btw, looking someone share the postage (although not really much, but still want to make it cheaper)
dont really know where you people are looking to buy ssd drives but from what i have found ,these are a pretty good deal and probably as good as you will get in australia .http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=210_902_909
There is a box at the top right of the site labelled search, you could try there first? :P