Looking for a good deal on a Fridge around 450-600L.
Would prefer one with a non-plumbed Ice/Water dispenser.
Due to space constraints in front of the fridge, would prefer side by side or french door style however single door would also be fine.
Problem has been finding one with the height below 178cm.
Space that fridge needs to go in is 178H X 102W X 65D.
This(harveynorman.com.au) Hisense would have perfect if not for the height.
I have found this(thegoodguys.com.au) other hisense which does have a water but not ice dispenser.
Thanks in advance.
Fisher and Paykel. Only has water to door, but automatic icemaker in freezer compartment. You need a water point behind the fridge and there is replacement costs for new water filters.