This was posted 5 years 1 month 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

ToolPRO Screwdriver Set - 22 Piece $10 | ToolPRO Folding Lock Back Utility Knife $5.59 @ Supercheap Auto


May be limited stock being clearance item, managed to purchase for click & collect as a couple of stores around my area have it in stock.


  • 6 Slotted:6x38mm, 3x75mm, 5x75mm, 3x100mm, 6x100mm, 8x150mm
  • 5 Phillips: PH2x38mm, PH0x75mm, PH1x75mm, PH2x100mm, PH3x150mm
  • 4 Torx: T10x100mm, T15x100mm, T20x100mm, T25x100mm
  • 6 Square: S0x100mm, Sx100mm, S2x100mm, S3x100mm, S2x150mm, S3x150mm
  • 1 offset screwdriver
  • Made from durable chrome vanadium
  • Magnetic tips

Also on sale ToolPRO Folding Lock Back Utility Knife $5.59

Have one of these from a previous sale and quality is great compared to similar utility knives you find on eBay/AliExpress. Great for opening all those Amazon packages :)

Credit original deal

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Supercheap Auto
Supercheap Auto

closed Comments

  • +4

    Disappointed, no cable ties.

  • +2

    Correct me if I'm wrong but Toolpro is usually cheap Chinesium shit, no?

    • I believe the hand tools are meant to have a lifetime warranty but even though I've got some toolpro tools, the repco branded ones seem more sturdy.

      I still think the screwdriver set is good value so it gets a nod from me.

      • I read somewhere that lifetime warranty actually means they are guaranteed until they fail, so no warranty. Not sure if it's actually true

        • +6

          guaranteed until they fail

          What does that even mean? haha

          • +5

            @hhuy837: Lifetime warranty means the product's lifetime, not your (human) lifetime.

            • @dojomojo: This isn't correct, if a toolpro too fails you just take it to SCA and they replace it on the spot. I have a few Toolpro tools and they are mostly fine, and th rep they have on here is good

        • with repco the lifetime warranty was explained to me as "lifetime of the tool". As long as it wasn't misused they will replace it.

          Ironically I chipped a bit off a screwdriver, kept it in the car and the next time I went back to repco, some casual sunday employee swapped it over, no questions asked. (he did check to see if I had used it as a chisel but no marks on the back).

    • They're pretty good. Much better than the ones that came with the Miller Falls tool case I bought. Not as good as say, Stanley, but definitely great value. I have ToolPro screwdrivers and a pliers set.

    • +1

      Toolpro isn't too bad. To me it's not far off other mid-tier tools on the market these days.

    • -1

      No it's CR-V steel ..

      • Yes I can read that. But it could be a shitty alloy with huge impurities for all I know. Hence why I asked.

  • +6
    • Thanks Fysh. Didn't see this one in my searches.
      Hopefully got the $2 CashRewards bonus too.

    • I got the little rachet & socket set in the Workpro, fairly happy with the quality!

    • Thanks buddy! Got one, love the case, gimme space to place…

  • This is perfect to use my $8 credit on that expired yesterday. Shit.

    • +1

      my $25 credit that expired yesterday got put back onto my account because of the issues they are having with my online order and then the issues with phone support to solve my online order!

  • +2

    Perfect for oldies with the onset of dementia. Can't find what you already have ? Just buy more on special!

    • +1

      but what if you forget cashrewards?

      • -1

        your heirs will do advance punishment: Place you into the worst care home!

        • dammit after i wrote that i forgot i needed to activate for the $2 bonus today.

          so where is this care home from hell?

  • +1

    No Pozidriv unfortunately.

  • Not much use for all the torx and square, but still bought

  • Thanks OP bought! Don't forget to combine with the $2 cashrewards offer

  • Can anyone recommend a half decent screwdriver set? Been through many different brands and just confused which to look at nowdays. Cheers!

    • I have this one. It's very good quality and the Philips head drivers fit nicely into a wide range of screw head sizes.

    • For full decent Wiha make excellent screwdrivers. For decent, Stanley do the job.

    • get a snapon set

    • I don't want to say that any of the advice above is bad, but this question can't really be answered without knowing what you plan to work on. If you are a car mechanic then you want a quality set made by a company that make mechanics tools (like this one), and if you arent a pro that is going to be turning screws all day, then this one will be fine, and save your kidney compared with say the wiha or sidchrome. If for working on cars then also consider you may want a set that goes quite large as big and long screwdrivers can be used for all sorts of this, from bracing to leverage to listening to part of the engine.

      If you want one for a round the house for e.g building Ikea stuff, then you could pick up a craft right set from bunnings for under 8 bucks any day of the week. I have had one of these as the family set since I was a kid and it's still working fine, but if this Toolpro one is the same price you don't need to go cheaper. It's also good to have some cheap screwdrivers for times when you know they are going to get ratty and you don't want to screw up a good set.

      If you need to work on computers, again you could spend 4 or 5 bucks on some cheap stuff (do a search on here) or you could go for a Xiaomi set, they are quite popular. If you are going to take apart certain devices E.g Nintendo stuff, you need a set that has triwing, etc. So really there are lots of good options that are hard to argue with, and you don't need to spend a lot.

      Also consider if you want magnetic, or invest in a magnetiser

      • I agree with your general advice, but I'd avoid Craftright screwdrivers at all cost. I had 2 sets, a general set and a tang-through set. The Philips drivers from both sets started to cam out easily after a few uses. I threw them out eventually because I ran out of space.

        I'm not a tradie, but my go-to set in general is Kincrome TorqueMaster and Wera, and Vessel Impacta for working on my cars. I used to think cheap tools have their places, but even as a DIYer, they give me more trouble than benefits. If someone uses screwdrivers once in a blue moon, sure go Craftright, but otherwise it's worth investing in a decent set.

        I'd get this Toolpro set. This is so much better than Craftright.

        • Not all craftright sets are created equal. I have some really cheap craftright stuff but also some very good stuff (I tried to link to it previously, if you do a google image search it's the one with red and black clear handles selling for 22 bucks on eBay). I also have some decent stuff that I paid very little for which was worth it.

          Regarding working on cars, we still don't know what this guy wants to work on, and I have a cheap set from 25 years ago which is still going fine which is identical to the common craftright set that comes in a black blow mould, and it comes with some nice big screwdrivers that this doesn't. Toolpro is definitely better quality no doubt, but there are at least a couple of scenarios where this toolpro set won't be enough but the reverse is more likely, so this is a great deal

    • +1

      The Kincrome TorqueMaster screwdrivers are strong and fit nicely, but they are a bit pricy. I also like Klein and Wera screwdrivers but they are also expensive.

      This set is well priced:….

      You can get a Stanley 14 or 20 piece acetate screwdriver set from Bunnings. They are decent quality and won't break the bank.…

      I also have the Toolpro 10 piece set. They look the same as the ones in the picture. These are some of the better Chinesium tools I've used. That said, when in doubt, avoid Chinese screwdrivers. I mean avoid china made tools in general.

      • I wouldn't consider any of those screwdrivers in competition with this, it's 10 bucks, and they are between 29 and 56, and more of you are talking about the kincrome and wihas. The generic craftright set is 6.95 or so, paying 3 to 5 times as much isn't really comparable. I personally wouldn't get the Stanley ones, their quality has dropped a lot over the years and I would say they are no better than Toolpro in general at least and often worse (E.g. Their cabinets are much worse from the ones I have seen).

        • If you turn screwdrivers once a year, sure go craftright. I wouldn't use them otherwise.

          That stanley set is definitely worth the price. That's the only decent Stanley set I know.

          This is all speaking from personal experience.

    • +1

      Stanley holds the world record to satisfy your curiosity for watching steel oxidise.

  • No stock in all of adelaide lol.

  • No stock, I too forgot to use my credit :/

  • Thanks, got the last in my store.

  • Now to find a deal on a storage solution for the screwdriver set as it didn't come with a storage box or anything…

  • Price seems to have gone up to 20 bucks so might need to be expired

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