Just to tell mods…
If you can't find any posts to moderate over… how about updating the STATISTICs page!
I just went to that page to see where Twinings Samples were on the chart but they weren't there… so HUH???
Suggestion: isn't there an automated system for the list to be created?
Anyway… Statistics give the motivation for posters to actually POST!
Mod: The stats page is ranked historically. http://www.ozbargain.com.au/stats.
*Reply to Mod: Sorry, did not see the word historically. I still believe we should have an ALL-TIME votes list. An All-time list would be better than a 180 days one because you cannot see 2010 posts. Maybe you could even have a year-post e.g 2011, 2010, 2009 etc.
*So why would this benefit ozBargain? Don't really know, but wouldn't it be nice if people used this as a historical source e.g showing changes in prices of USBs, interesting changes in prices when a line is discontinued (HP TouchPad) etc. Note: i'm just saying possibilities.
Use the talk to a mod feature instead of whining to the world!