Hey All,
I was wondering if any of the finance gurus can give me some advice re. leasing my vehicle. I've had mixed advice from people at work who believe it is beneficial, to a family friend who has had a bad experience. The financial advisor from my bank has taken a while to get back to me.
Basically I'm looking to lease back the vehicle I currently own, the leasing company have offered around 20k.
I am a single income earner (gf still at uni for 2 years) earn 68k before tax and I drive just over 20,000km a year.
Would this be beneficial for my current financial situation? All of the online calculators are by leasing companies which no doubt would skew the figures in the customers favour. I have heard that it is only beneficial for people in the top threshold and traveling over 25,000km a year.
Any advice?
Talk to your HR dept/salary sacrifice provider & then take the info to your accountant; any fee you pay her/him will be money well spent for proper advice IME!
Depending on your employer/job/financial position it can be extremely beneficial IF your other circumstances permit! The exact nature of the benefit is somewhat dependent on your particular industry and the packages on offer to you individually! :)