Protein powder

Hi all,

I'm looking at buying some protein and have been looking at purchasing from

Read that Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard is quite good but can't find a place that stocks them cheap.

Any recommendations are welcome and I'm located in Sydney if that helps.

Thanks in advance.


  • Designer Physique egg protein or whey. Swear by it!

  • Your protein direct link shows 2.5kg of flavoured weigh protein for $60 plus postage!
    Try GNC, if you pay a small amount for membership there, their prices are fairly cheap compared to the link you provided.

  • I used to buy from PD and i recommend it! Great stuff and fast postage.

  • I used to as well was probably 18 months ago, and their service was brilliant and postage was very fast!

    • Might I add, postage used to only be $7 as well flat rate. Don't know if it still it or not but. They used AAE if under 10kg or courier if over 10kg.

  • if you want to get some specific brands, seems to have the most competetive prices on the whole range.

  • Thanks for all the responses. I think I'll be buying whey protein concentrate from protein direct as it seems to be well priced for what it is (plus $7 shipping).

    The products at GNC are quite expensive.

  • +1

    if you are after Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard then is the place to go.
    Use Coupon code "GOLD05" to get it for $69.95 rather than normal price of 84.95 and also get a free shaker thrown in…..You would have to pay shipping of $6.50 though

  • Have found ADA Street and Evelyn Faye to be priced well.

  • supplement warehouse

  • Has anyone ever bought protein from ebay? This guy is selling ON Gold Standard for $85 (5lbs - 2.3kg) which seems like a pretty good price (please remember this is the best selling protein in the world and dont compare it to nobrand powders).ā€¦

    • +1

      There is no mention of its size anywhere on that link. In my book protein powder is a waste of money unless you are an athlete or professional bodybuilder.

      • Your book is wrong.

        • Ambiguous's comment is blunt, but it's the truth.

          If you look at the properties of protein powder you can see that it's just whey, which also happens to be a good clean source of protein.

          Sure it's not a complete protein with all the amino acids, but it's the next best thing to eat a slab of meat, or a few eggs.

          Everyone needs protein to live, and retain muscle mass and bone density especially as you get older.

        • Actually it's not. It's 100% correct. If not actively attempting to gain / preserve muscle mass (eg weight lifting / during intense cardio workout) then the benefit of increased protein intake is negligible (similar to multivitamins) and even in the cardio situation a balanced diet provides enough protein (unless you continue doing some weights during the cardio time you'll still lose muscle regardless of the amount of protein)

          You can also use protein as a meal replacement in that it can be quite filling although slowly metabolised protein like casein is better.

        • Yes obviously we're talking in the context of people that work out. All I meant was that HustleGame's idea that unless you're a professional, protein powder is a waste of money is completely wrong.

          If you're working out, you need a fair bit of protein in your diet. Im not going to go into numbers, since a number of different sources perform different calculations, but personally I aim for about 150g/day calculated based on my daily calorie goal and macronutrient ratio. That number isnt easy to reach unless you're eating chicken breast for lunch and dinner, and even still shakes can be better in certain situations. i.e. Post Workout, a WPI shake (w/ water) can be absorbed faster than any food. At night, a casein shake will give you a slow release of protein through the night, without the additional calories (and disgusting taste) of cottage cheese (probably the best natural source of casein protein).

          Anyway, can we keep this thread on-topic, i.e. the cheapest protein powders in Australia. This stuff is so expensive and given that you cant import it, you're stuck paying local prices.

          Ive found vitaminking to have the best prices for Optmimum Nutrition Casein - $75 for a 4lb tub. The best price for ON 100% Gold Whey 10lb sack is probably $140 delivered, available from a number of dealers (including ebayers).

  • +1 is cheaper if you buy it in larger amounts.
    I've used this site before and its got fast delivery and the it tastes great too.

  • +1

    I rather eat a slab of meat and a few eggs for my protein source. I used to take protein powder but stopped completely long ago.

  • is cheap. 3kg WPC for $72 delivered.

    taste was a bit strange at first (had a quite a pungent milky taste). got used it to, and it mixes really easily. if you buy it from their ebay store, it costs about $80+ but you get free flavouring bags which are alright.

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