Has anyone bought one before? If so, could you comment on quality and price? I am looking to get one, but there are so many different options (padded, 3 in 1s, 3 stools etc) and I'm not sure which offers the best value and reliability.
Plyometric Boxes Advice

Yeah that's true. I've checked a couple marketplaces on facebook etc but no luck. Theres some with free shipping on ebay, but again, unsure of quality.
I'll give rogue a look, thanks!
I've come across some terrible boxes. Decent boxes are made with finger joints/dovetails and have internal bracing. The cheap ones are just particular board, screws and some glue.
Yeah I don't imagine screw and glue would sustain so much pressure over time. The rogue games box (20, 24 and 30 inch in one) comes to $245 shipped. Something for me to consider. Thanks
In true OzBargain way, I think it's best to head down to Bunnings and build one yourself. There's heaps of DIY instructions online. I've always been interested in making one, but the fact that my gym has these has always stopped me.
Haha. If only I was more handy…
Padded for sure
Unless you are a CRAZY CROSSFITTER who likes pain ie: skinned shins.
Nah f that! Thanks, I'll get padded if I can
Pfft, go unpadded. It encourages you not to half arse it and miss a jump.
Can't recall how much I paid for mine. It's just plywood and you can DIY if you have the time and basic tools.
Being in Griffith, shipping is going to play a big factor in shipping large plyo boxes.
ROGUE may be expensive but their shipping actually makes them good value when compared with smaller operations. They are also very well regarded products.