Noisy Neighbors Advice

Hi all

I need some advice to basically my neighbors our have been recently harassing us by using a stereo system and an microphone. They have been using low to high frequencies and whispering into their mic, which has been projecting right into our home. We have tried an shotgun mic but unfortunately we're unable to captive the sound as it's too directional. The sound feels amplified in our house but difficult to record.

We have two decisions but need to advice to pick which one.

We were recently recommended the following:

We were recommended to rent out an sound meter, that could detect a range of sounds. It was advanced, with 24 hour watching..we were thinking about renting for an month.


Slowly buy an reference and preamp to attempt to record the voices and frequencies at the same time then upload the results to Upwork for an professional to review.

Any recommendations would be appreciated.


  • +3

    Talk to your neighbors

  • -1

    Thankyou for the recommendations but sadly this is not really a option at this time.

  • +6

    And what did you do to piss them off so much that they're targeting you in particular?

  • -1

    No idea, simply seeking advice at the moment. It's simply unsafe for our family to go there as we were advised to certain options.

    • +9

      No idea


      We're not talking loud noises from a party or something, we're talking about someone going out of their way to piss you off.

      You want advice? Talk to them and resolve whatever petty shit you did to piss them off to this extent.

      Or move

  • I am sorry you feel that way but thankyou for the advice but again as previously stated. We simply deem it not safe given their past threats. Some people are simply like this and our situation is sadly not unique.

    Is anyone able to recommend additional regarding the listed options please?

    • We simply deem it not safe given their past threats.

      ….i know what you mean. ive lived next to my fair share of psychos in the last handful of years since one of our neighbouring properties turned into a rental.
      no ideas…other than log all incidences of harassment to use as future evidence

  • +10

    Any recommendations would be appreciated.

    Learn when to use "an".

    • Eh?

      • +6

        an shotgun
        an sound
        an month
        an reference

        • -1

          No life? Obviuosly if u can spend 15 mins writing that think about if u have a life and i dont mean that with disrespect

    • Double eh?

  • +6

    If you can "hear" it but a mic can't pick it up, are you sure it's not, you know, just in your head?

    • +6

      Does sound like some next level psychological warfare going on.

    • This. If you can hear it, so can a microphone.

      • its the same as taking a picture, you can see the subject, as can the camera.
        but for us that are just a picture taker and not a semi or pro photographer, the picture we take is not always the same as what we see.
        cameras in our hands cannot always capture the vibrancy or colour of some scenarios.

        same as with noise, you can record something, but the actual sound does not always show how bad something actually is.

    • Apparently your conscious mind isn't responding to it, but your subconscious mind. Haven't read that much about the topic but it's an interesting one.…

      Why am I picturing that OP lives next to a bunch of school aged kids whispering into the mic while their parents are watching TV? If it's not that, and the situation is unprovoked, you do have some psycho neighbours..

  • +1

    You need to seek legal advice , and ask your neighbours to go for mediation

    • +1

      He needs to seek evidence first.

  • +1

    my neighbors our have been recently harassing us by using a stereo system and an microphone. They have been using low to high frequencies and whispering into their mic, which has been projecting right into our home

    How do you know they are doing this and not something more benign?

  • Thankyou for the advice all, our family has decided to go with an sound meter instead. It was recommended by some professionals. Others have confirmed our fears.

    We did previously attempt to use an shotgun mic but sadly they are too directional. Unfortunately with their previously stated threats and offensive remarks, we believe it's ideal to gather evidence with this device and submit it to the police.

  • In the work I do I can absolutely confirm that some neighbours are very volatile and it can be very unsafe for someone to approach them.

    These people also say 'why didn't they talk to us', but the previous history shows that all they have done is abuse the person who politely door
    knocked them to discuss the issue.

    The issue is, you never really know who you can or should not approach.

    I would more so suggest a reasonable letter dropped into their mailbox..
    mediation can also be a good way, if they choose to be accepting of attending.

    Also the EPA - Environment Protection Authority in some states (or relevant state based authority) can take noise level readings to see if they are in breach of any noise limits. They can then serve a cease notice and if they don't, the authority can financially penalise the offender.

  • +14

    Member since 7hr ago. We surely need a ban on posting in a forum for 48 hrs for new members unless you post a deal.

    • +1

      not post a deal, when the user contributes.. if there's a rule of "post a deal" before they can post on the forum, it'll be flooded with "$1 off mentos at Shell"

    • -1

      Dumb idea, I've never come across a deal myself in years. I really don't know why people come here for advice though it has to be said.

    • But where else would people discuss their neighbourly disputes if not Australia's foremost bargain site?

    • yep

    • +1

      Perhaps, but don't call us Shirley.

  • +11

    Try the shotgun without the mic

  • +1

    Do you have a smartphone?

    Get everyone in your house to be quiet, turn off all your appliances, and use the phone to record.

    If that recording doesn't have anything, either the sound is very quiet (in which case you'll be hard pressed to argue they're intruding on your 'quiet enjoyment'), or you are being targetted with an advanced military microwave weapon imagining it / suffering from tinnitus.

  • +1

    Any normal microphone with gain enabled will pick up basically everything you can hear.

    Its even less believable as a window or a door should completely block the noise, if it is loud enough to penetrate this, simply open your window/door and record it with your microphone.

    Your neighbors are unable to change the laws of physics just to annoy you.

  • In addition to all the comments saying that you really should talk to your neighbours and find out why you are being targeted, you really need to figure out how to reply to individual comments instead of making a brand new comment every time.

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