Hi all
I need some advice to basically my neighbors our have been recently harassing us by using a stereo system and an microphone. They have been using low to high frequencies and whispering into their mic, which has been projecting right into our home. We have tried an shotgun mic but unfortunately we're unable to captive the sound as it's too directional. The sound feels amplified in our house but difficult to record.
We have two decisions but need to advice to pick which one.
We were recently recommended the following:
We were recommended to rent out an sound meter, that could detect a range of sounds. It was advanced, with 24 hour watching..we were thinking about renting for an month.
Slowly buy an reference and preamp to attempt to record the voices and frequencies at the same time then upload the results to Upwork for an professional to review.
Any recommendations would be appreciated.
Talk to your neighbors