Hi all, I'm trying to setup whatsapp for my kids so we can stay in touch, but need a mobile number to activate it. They don't need a sim card at this stage of life (always in range of wifi), but wondering what you ozbargainers think is the cheapest way to get a sim card and number just for verification without loading up with credit? Maybe one of those $2 starter pack sims with $10 credit included or something like that? Otherwise what's the cheapest starter prepaid provider? I only need to receive the verification text, it won't be used beyond that. I'll need to get 2 of them. I've tried the various free US VoIP number methods with no success.
Thanks in advance!
Free or Cheap Mobile Number for WhatsApp

Thanks for the quick reply! So the Telstra $2 sim can be registered without credit and will be able to receive the whatsapp verification code without credit I guess?
So the Telstra $2 sim can be registered without credit and will be able to receive the whatsapp verification code without credit I guess?
The $2 sim that is actually free and you are 100% correct.
As long as they are in Wi-Fi range (since the sim has no credit) you contact them via WhatsApp
My kids has ipads for school. Their ipads do not have simcards so we couldn't use whatsapp, we use skype for messaging.
Aldi would be best as I think it has long expiry.
365 days
Just keep in mind, if u ever had to switch devices, whatsapp could ask u to reverify your number. So if the number has lapsed for not recharging, u would lose the account and need to re register a new whatsapp account again
Thanks guys this thread helped. Popped a $2 Telstra sim into a phone and didn't even have to activate it. Whatsapp downloaded and verified without problems.
FYI, I just wanted to set up a cheap whatsapp account, and one way of doing it is to purchase a landline number (39c/month from Crazytel, temporarily forwarded to my mobile) and use WhatsApp Business instead of WhatsApp, as this will allow you to verify Australian landlines.
This has the advantage that you'll retain control of the number for a minimal amount of money and no further interaction (i.e. recharges/sim ports).
aldi $5 sim with $5 credit for emergency calls on telstra network
$2 telstra sim but not credit included (same as optus/voda)