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Playstation 3 for $272.13 from Sony store. I believe this is cheapest console. Maybe try a price match with other stores.
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Playstation 3 for $272.13 from Sony store. I believe this is cheapest console. Maybe try a price match with other stores.
u can't buy it from the sony site - this has been well covered on whirlpool.
Then use your legs and walk into a Sony store.
edit: dw
This is Not a SALE.
This is the same as OW sale price that you can't buy.
U will not get it at that price even if u walk there as it is excluding GST of $27. All covered on whirlpool recently.
price includes GST as stated on the webpage..
Cannington Sony Store have none in-stock
Can some common sense apply, this is clearly a mistake on both prices.
wasting our time
even though the "official" sony s#!t site wont allow you to add this item to cart, it has do be a deal.
So long as you can convince the real retailers to sell at this price.
Price matching is NOT a bargain. And in this case its abig if, and a waste of time for many if they cant get the deal. Moved to forums
Bait advertising.
$269.41 if you're a Sony X member, or staff :-)
Can you please explain? Looking to get one this weekend.
Doesn't matter, 'coz Sony fixed their mistake. This whole "deal" is off. Your best bet is now the Harvey Norman/BigW special + Amex $50 cashback, if you have Amex.
and the 320GB version is $349… nice.
Too bad I can't seem to add it to cart.