It's hard to know from brand names who owns them. Even some that originally were co-ops have been bought out, I think.
Which Milk Brands at Supermarkets Are Not Foreign Owned?

Yeah, they are. And reasonably priced as well. Unfortunately (at least at my local Woolies) they only come in full cream and 2L
I was shattered to discover Great Ocean Road Milk is Canadian owned :(
Apparently ~98% of milk products sold in Australia is from Australian dairies.
The actual milk is, the processors aren't
The cows are true blue dinky di Aussies. They just work for foreign interests. Nothing new about that.
Half of the major milk brands are owned by overseas companies, sending profits to Italy, France and Japan.
Woolworths’ own milk, as well as Pauls and Farmhouse Gold, is supplied by Italian company Parmalat, which is owned by France’s Lactalis.
Dairy Farmers and Dairy Choice are both supplied by Lion, which is owned by Japanese company Kirin.
A2 Milk is publicly listed, which means it is owned by a variety of Australian and international shareholders.…
Woolworths and Coles milk in WA is supplied by Browne's, which ATM I think is Australian owned. The IGA milk in WA is supplied by Harvey Fresh, which is owned by Parmalait, which is Italian
Maleny Dairies
And here is what the govt does to support local companies…
"We would have taken on another farm [if we had won the contract]”
Sounds like they weren’t able to supply the tendered contract
The highly bid at the lowest cost wins. It doesn't looks like they put in their best bid.
Maleny Dairies are a shitty company and I would never give them a cent of my money.
This is why I buy Norco milk for my family. Even states 100% farmer owned on the bottle. Assuming most of the 'farmers' are Australian backed it would have my intended backing.
Cant get it in VIC. At least not around where I am.
So Coles own, despite screwing the producers, at least pays to locals, whereas Woolworths own is a double no no.
My local IGA keeps changing around its brands, some I've never heard of.Norco. If you're buying any other brand you don't deserve to live.
Looks good but very expensive.
Ah crap, we normally by Pauls Physical, any other recommendations that's Australian owned (VIC)?
Pauls (part of Parmalat) apparently buys its milk from over 680 farms across Australia.
That applies to most of the other big brand names in the milk category.It's no different to brands such as Vegemite; manufactured in Australia but foreign owned.
Cadbury chocolate is produced in Australia (for this market), but foreign owned.
Beer brands such as VB, Carlton Draught, Cascade, Great Northern, Fat Yak, Reschs, etc., are all made in Australia (for this market), but foreign owned.Vegemite is owned by Bega which is Australian.
Still, if there are alternatives that are both Australian farmed and Australian owned I'd switch.
lol, that made me laugh. Not sure if I would go that far tho :)
Personally buy Coles Hi-Lo, and Masters Iced Coffee (owned by Lion Co, which appears to be Australian)
WA also has the option of Harvey Fresh, which is local
What about Brownes? Can only find articles from 2017 that says it was sold to the Chinese…
Masters iced coffee tastes nicer 😉
Thought Lion is owned by Kirin?
Thee plot thickens
China Mengniu Dairy will pay Japanese beverage giant Kirin $600 million to take over its Lion Dairy & Drinks portfolio, the company said on Monday.…
Harvey Fresh is owned by Parmalait, which is Italian
I've struggled with this too. Here in WA I've been unable to find an Australian owned brand in supermarkets except for a couple in random IGAs that are around $4.00 a litre (excluding raw type milks which are even more expensive). Harvey Fresh was my "go to" until they got bought by Parmalat :(
Farmers' Own is owned by a farmer's collective.
Should be available at any Woolworths
I have resigned myself to the fact that if I want to pay a fair price and shop at supermarkets the best I can do is make sure the milk is PRODUCED in Australia
I guess any large corp, particularly a listed company will likely be part or fully foreign owned
My local dairies supply Pauls and related brands so I buy thatYou'll be surprised to know very little is actually majority shareholder Australian owned.
You point your finger at any shelf at Woolies and you'll hard pressed to find anything owned by us.
We are a spec on the far side of the globe who think we are someone. States in the US are bigger than us.
Which state US state is bigger than us? Alaska?
You'd be surprised about how untrue that is when it comes to food items.
Bega bought a whole bunch of stuff when Heinz and Kraft merged.
Kiewa country milk and Riverina dairy both claim to be locally australian family owned and are available in supermarkets near me. obviously more expensive than the coles/wollies brand.
Here in SA, we have a couple of really good ones that we get. fleurieumilkco and pariscreekfarms are so much better than the $1ish/litre stuff around, but are closer to $3/litre. Both factories are within half an hour from our house, so we are pretty spoiled as we can get the milk very fresh. I believe you can get some of these milks in NSW as well.
A friend has been compiling this list. Hope it’s helpful for you all:
MELBOURNE: Bulla, Gippsland Dairy, Farmers Own, Schultz Dairy, SunGold Jersey, Yarra Valley (cheeses), Inglenook Dairy.
NSW: Riverina Fresh
WESTERN NSW: Little Big Milk, Dubbo
QUEENSLAND: Norco, Maleny Milk
FAR NORTH QUEENSLAND: Mungalli Biodynamic Dairy
WA: Bannister Downs
SA: Jersey Fresh, Fleurieu Milk, Tweedvale Milk, Alexandrina Cheese Company. You can also buy SADA fresh, it’s sold by Coles, produced and owned exclusively by South Australian dairies, but marketed by Parmalat (an French/Italian company)- a smart business decision while keeping profits in Australia.
TASSIE: Betta Milk, Ashgrove Milk, Real Milk and Pyengana Milk who are companies which are owned by Tasmanian Farming families
ACT: Farmers OwnHeads up. Pyengana and betta milk has sold out to lion. No longer tas owned . Bream creek dairy is tas owned as well as 2 cow dairy
I believe Norco but DYOR