CAUTION: Be careful if you are paying with a credit card, it might charge you the full amount. You should be paying for it by e-gift card anyway. The invoice will show $40 but I paid with e-gift card and it only deduct $9.50 since i have 5% staff discount
Was looking for something to add so i meet my spend requirement for bonus points and accidentally stumble upon these great "deal" on BWS.
BWS had these Spend $28 grab this for $12 dollar deals(
For some reason instead of becoming $12, they become $10 instead.
And for some even stranger reason, even when I remove everything else in the cart, the case of Iron Jack is still $10. I tried the same with everything else and it doesn't work.
I spend some times working out what happened and I realise that the total only need to be above $28 before discount for these items to become $10.
So you can get 6 pack of Canadian Club and Dry for $10 by adding something that cost $4 or more(
Same with 6 pack of Two Sun(, Foster's Classic Lager( and Strongbow
Blossom Rosé Sparkling Apple Cider( Just add product until the total before discount is $28 or more and they will become $10.
Doesn't seem to work with the Nelson County though.
Pretty sure this is an error and this exact error happened in 2018 and they honour it.
The beer is nothing to write home about but for $10 case it's a bargain.
Don't forget to pay with gift card for 5% off , 2% cashback and recycle the bottles for $2.40 ( if your state have a recycling program).
Awesome! Thanks