• expired

A Case of Iron Jack Lager 330ml (24 Bottles) for $10 @ BWS Spaghetti Code Special


CAUTION: Be careful if you are paying with a credit card, it might charge you the full amount. You should be paying for it by e-gift card anyway. The invoice will show $40 but I paid with e-gift card and it only deduct $9.50 since i have 5% staff discount

Was looking for something to add so i meet my spend requirement for bonus points and accidentally stumble upon these great "deal" on BWS.

BWS had these Spend $28 grab this for $12 dollar deals(bws.com.au)

For some reason instead of becoming $12, they become $10 instead.

And for some even stranger reason, even when I remove everything else in the cart, the case of Iron Jack is still $10. I tried the same with everything else and it doesn't work.

I spend some times working out what happened and I realise that the total only need to be above $28 before discount for these items to become $10.

So you can get 6 pack of Canadian Club and Dry for $10 by adding something that cost $4 or more(bws.com.au)

Same with 6 pack of Two Sun(bws.com.au), Foster's Classic Lager(bws.com.au) and Strongbow
Blossom Rosé Sparkling Apple Cider
(bws.com.au). Just add product until the total before discount is $28 or more and they will become $10.
Doesn't seem to work with the Nelson County though.

Pretty sure this is an error and this exact error happened in 2018 and they honour it.

The beer is nothing to write home about but for $10 case it's a bargain.

Don't forget to pay with gift card for 5% off , 2% cashback and recycle the bottles for $2.40 ( if your state have a recycling program).

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closed Comments

  • Awesome! Thanks

  • +7

    Changes back to proper price for me just before end of checkout process so be careful

    • +1

      This. Be careful. Check how much you were slugged everyone.

    • Wish I read this earlier, was too eager and jumped the gun!
      Oh well I still don’t mind the beer, don’t feel so bad with it only being $1 more than dan murphys price

    • https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/60750/76382/bws_ozb.pn…

      Did you change pick up store? It will change the price back to $43 if you change the pick up store at the checkout. Make sure to select a store with stock before you go to check out.

  • +1

    Just placed the order and got stung for $43 :( said $10 in cart but after placing order the confirmation came through at $43

    • +2

      I freaked a bit when the receipt was $40, but only $10 has been taken from paypal

    • -3

      yep, but it's gone! site is down..

      *edit - Sorry, it hasn't. ..Just getting hammered! double score pun!

    • CAUTION: Be careful if you are paying with a credit card, it might charge you the full amount. You should be paying for it by e-gift card anyway. I paid with e-gift card and it deduct $9.50 since i have 5% staff discount but on the invoice it show $40.85

      Did you read this, check your bank or whatever you use to pay for it. The invoice will show full amount but they only charge you for whatever price was at the checkout.

      • Can’t get into internet banking, will update in the morning

  • bought - will let you know how i go

  • Just bought it. Thanks OP.

  • Got the CC's and a bottle opener for $14.50. Thanks

  • +1

    Order confirmation email gives full price also, though only $20 has been deducted from my card. Guess we'll see

  • +6

    Paid thru paypal. Only charged me $10 but my BWS receipt shows $43

    • Same here

      • Same here. Thanks OP

    • +3

      Same here. Removed the auto payments to bws from my paypal account just in case ;)

      • How you do that?

        • Login to paypal, click the 3 lines menu, then settings wheel, then payments.

  • Paid with cc, showed $10 until I paid then it showed $40 but only charged $10

  • -2

    Site is dead…they are on to it!

    • Working for me, not gonna be greedy though

      • its back up, but goes full price at checkout. i got one. Happy with that.

    • Still works for me

    • +1

      Can confirm it's still good
      Edit: as of 12:32am

  • OP = Furion the phrophet = sees it all

  • Ripper deal if it works, thanks OP

  • when do we remove the other item in cart? When I do just makes the beer $43 again

    • +1

      You don't even have to add anything else, just add the beer and it should automatically become $10.

    • Remove items after you click checkout but don't pay. remove items then it should be $10.

  • -1

    Thanks order in 3 stores

  • Panicked as confirmation says $40 paid but PayPal only sent throigh $10.

    Cheers for cheap beers!

  • If i add 2 cartons, it comes to $47

    What are people doing for the best mix?

    • +3

      Buy 1 carton at a time.

      • I don't get any discount when buying 1 carton tho!

        • +1

          If you click refresh with it in the checkout it should update to $10, that worked for me (showed $43 before the refresh).

          Alternatively, try to add the Canadian Club to cart and then the Iron Jack. Then remove the CC and it should be $10, if not try refresh the checkout again.

          • @doweyy: It worked, $10 through Paypal!

    • Check your bank transaction. It should show $10.

    • It works in desktop mode…

      • yeah I used desktop

        • +1

          Will taste better at $40

    • Tried a gift card, but while it accepts the charge to the gift card on the screen, it won’t go thru. Leads me to believe charges might be not going through different. My guess PayPal might be the one to use

  • Couldn't get it to work without buying something else. Grabbed a case of caronas and a case of jack for $62. Thanks OP!

  • -2

    I didn't even check my bank to see how much was taken out, just sent an e-mail immediately asking for a refund lol

  • Worked op thanks. even used a debit card and transferred the money out to be sure was charged $10.

  • Thanks, just did 2 orders

  • +2

    I grabbed 1, tempted to buy the other 2 available but I barely ever drink beer at home and don't wanna be greedy! LOL

    • Me too might tive to my friend Hahaha

  • Or do 2 cartons (24) of Iron Jack, total comes out to be $45 for pick up!

    • +2

      Separate $10 each!

      • Because for some reason, having x1 carton came out full price (even after adding other stuff to make it over $28), but changing the IJ quantity to x2 and then removing the rest, the total came out $45.
        Then I changed to another pick up location and attempted x1 IJ carton again, I managed to get it $10 this time.
        I tried both several times, and the result were the same as my initial attempts so at least that's consistent.
        Some flaky algorithm is going on (their developers will have a headache tomorrow morning).
        P.S. I can confirm that the invoice showed full price but the amount deducted were as op's posting.

  • Just placed a order using my gift credit of 2000 points for 10 aud. Pick up tomorrow morning apparently.

    • “Nice order, we're all over it …

      Don't forget to keep an eye on your mobile - we'll text you when your order is ready for collection.”

  • +8

    This is going to be the best night in Iron Jack’s sales history for years

  • Price seems to jump back up when I remove the second item.
    Edit: Tried again and it added as $10. I don't know the trick.

  • I love this kinda hack. I tried with a wish card.
    Let's see tomorrow…

  • Thanks OP, got a case. Charged $10 on paypal, I'm laughing

  • I just got one too. The payment amount jumps around so its a bit iffy but my Paypal was only charged $10. Happy Days! :)

  • +5

    Thanks OP.

    Got a carton of Iron Jack, a 6-pack of Canadian Club and a single bottle of Strongbow
    Blossom Rosé Sparkling Apple Cider for $24.10 total.

    Paid via Paypal and confirmed the total.

    • +2

      Bro you are next level. I didn't even think of this.

      • +1

        You don't need the bottle of Cider,
        I just added Beer + 6PACK CC and total when I go to check out is $20.

        • +3

          Something for the missus.

        • Same!

    • Oh boy you’re asking for trouble 😁

    • +2

      Yeh I got 2 six packs of Canadian club and a carton of Jack for $39. Happy with that.

    • Did they give it to you?

      • Got a pickup notification about an hour ago (in WA). Going to pick it up now.

  • Was charged $43 via PayPal.

    • I got charged $40 and my commons get neged

  • Thanks got a case of Iron Jack for $10

  • Great, I made an order.
    We'll see if they honour it.

    I actually really like this beer. It has a nice savoury taste, it's like eating a bag of chips.
    It's weaker than other beers but I am impressed with it.

  • Thanks just got one for $10

  • Bought a wooly egift-card right away, then bought a case of iron jack, charged me 10 bucks even though on the web page it showed $43 subtotal. thanks OP.

  • +3

    Order number increased by 60 between ordering my first and my second slab. Someone is gonna freak out when they see what's happened overnight hah. Thanks OP.

  • Got 3 …this stuff isn't great.. repeats on ya pretty hard.. so that'll do me. Cheers Op.

    I also noticed this doesn't work in the app, but similar gremlins in reverse. I got a free beer on the App, put it in my cart and it charges me $4.50!

    Look for any other BWS promos?

    • Worked for me in app. Just paid via PayPal and only $10 charged. Had to click retry on payment screen though.

  • +1

    I can't proceed past check out now

    • +1

      Also stuck

      • I just tired another order, and can't process lol

  • Kept refreshing after i got to the payment page, and then it eventually went to $10. Thanks OP.

  • So after adding two cartons and removing one, the price drops to $10 but check out reads full price. Do we roll the dice???

  • Tried to order another and yep dead at checkout
    edit: nevermind it just went through. Still only $10 working

  • Oops, something went wrong!!!

    • I just clicked retry and it went through.

    • Mine did the same for my 2 local stores. Changed to one a bit further away and worked fine then

  • Just did it twice, both orders charged $10 for pickup in store

  • Thanks OP. Only charged $10 through PayPal. Let’s hope they honour it!

  • +1

    Went through for $10, cheers OP. When will BWS learn.

  • ordered, only took $10 out of giftcard

    lets see if I can collect tomorrow afternoon.

  • Did it twice, all good, $10 each

  • +2

    Feel like they're gonna cancel all the orders~

    • The Monkey Shoulder deal was higher loss percentage and they honour it. Don't see why they wouldn't honour this.

      • Good point, I'm gonna order 2 more then

  • +1

    didnt work on my computer, bws iphone app works fine + used some free beers from 100 days of summer promo thanks op!

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