I'm a tenant in a townhouse complex and there's been mail theft occurring lately and my mailbox has been opened twice. The locks are very basic and I'm assuming they're just twisting it open with a screwdriver. I want to get the lock replaced but I'm not sure if I should be speaking to my agent or whether it's a body corp issue. Is it something I can/should go ahead and do myself?
Mailbox locks in a complex

This and change all bills to email delivery etc.
The problem with these locks is, depending on the age, they come from the factory with a standard master key. These keys are easy enough to buy and you can just go to any apartment complex and they will have these locks on their letterboxes.
The other thing is, yes, a screwdriver would work, but it’s just as fast to rake them open. They are a very insecure lock and I would not trust them at all. It may be worth asking your agent or the body Corp and changing the letterbox lock to something more secure.
Like @lostvoi said, the only real solution is a PO Box, and for parcels, get them delivered to your work or a friend/relatives house.
Get a lock that the key is cut on both sides for a mailbox. Do it yourself. About $20-$25 and a shifter. Not fool proof but they need to literally pop the lock or force open the mail box door. Also keep a fake letter in your mailbox, if that goes missing you know someone is stealing your mail.
Double sided keys are often just for convenience so it doesn't matter which way you insert the key, they're no better than the single sided ones. When you're talking small locks like this most are wafer locks and double sided or not they're trivial to open with a bit of knowledge. There are some high security versions which are decent but they're neither common or cheap. For around $20 you're getting one of the cheap easy to open ones.
Get a P.O. Box