It looks like after many years, my keyboard and mouse have called it a day. so now's a chance to get a new one that's quiet so not to wake up my little people at home.
Without spending a lot, I'm looking for a readily available keyboard and mouse. They don't have to be a set. They can be wired to as it's for my pc.
My only requests are for the keyboard to not be compact, but be a nice spacious size, and likewise for the mouse. A nice large mouse. Also with a few thumb buttons. Also, a quiet click.
Any advise is welcome.
Your kb AND mouse, 2 separate pieces of hardware, both died at the same time? Did you spill the same cup of coffee on both of them? Or did they share a usb receiver or something that could be a single point of failure, possibly a cheaply replaced one?
Beyond that, just go to officeworks and see what feels okay. Your requirements are pretty much just for a basic keyboard and mouse