Need to buy a few things off ebay so wonderinf if there are any generic ebay codes i can use
Any generic working ebay codes

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*looks at list…..requirements: 1 soul….. ehhh, maybe next time :(
They are having an "Endless Summer Sale" January 28th - February 7th.
15% off from a selection of eBay store holders. Discount is fully funded by the store holder so I don't know how may store-holders will participateDiscount is fully funded by the store holder
AKA: Pricejackapolooza
T&C to participate include:
You must not increase listing prices for your items on from the date that is ten days prior to the Coupon Offer start date until the end date of the Coupon Offer in order to avoid diminishing the benefit of consumers from the Coupon Offer or rendering the discount referred to in the Coupon Offer false or misleading, although you may lower your prices at your discretion. You warrant that at no time prior to the Offer Period will you increase the listing price for any item so as to make the Discount Amount appear more attractive. You agree to act in good faith at all times in connection with the Coupon Offer.
I doubt a store-holder would risk having eBay close their store for breaking the rules
Yeah… Not convinced, sorry. These T&C's have been around for every other sale and yet still, the No. 1 complaint during these sales is the rampant price jacking that goes on a week to two out from the actual sale.
So, forgive me if I take those T&C's with a grain of salt…
Yes they all have conditions :(
All have conditions but these are the current ones.