Dbz kakarot release date broken at big w in box Hill. Was selling for 79. I didn't get a chance to buy it, but it's on shelves! I'm not sure if they would let you actually buy it? What do you guys think?
DBZ Kakarot Release Date Broken
So it's decent? I heard the new patch will reduce load times and add quests. I really wanna play it, but it sounds the same old dbz game.
I already had the 5gb patch downloaded and installed before I started playing.
From what I read from various articles the patch should be around 11 GB, are you sure you have downloaded them all?
@Tightpocket: I downloaded a new patch this morning, 1.03. Even with that update I had the game crash on me in the middle of a fight.
Have you played anymore since this comment? Was so excited for the game, but now I'm a bit… undecided.
I finished the Frieza Saga this morning.
I've decided I won't play anymore though as I found it to become repetitive with the fights, open world not having much going on and the fact that I know how the Cell and Buu sagas play out.
Oh wow, so you're gonna sell it/return it/dump it into your pile of shame already? That's nuts. Hmm… may wait for a special, hey….
@stygian: Yeah I will probably sell it.
I put 9 hours in just to complete the Saiyan and Frieza saga, and that's still quite a bit of play time considering I skipped 95% of cutscenes and dialogue.
@zeman5: Reading your review/opinion did make me a little sad, I have to admit lol. But value the honest opinion. Thanks :)
May get it eventually, for now but, I've probably got enough to play through.
would you reccomend for someone that likes fighting games and likes dbz but havent watched all of the anime?
If you haven't watched the anime then you would probably enjoy it more for the story.
Did anyone that pre-ordered the game from Amazon receieve the pre-order bonuses?
Person I talked to on live chat said that they weren't giving them out, but I just want to confirm.No preorder bonus received from Amazon here either
I received the game from Amazon today and put about 6 hours into it.
My thoughts and observations:
- Fighting mechanics are good
- Long load times
- Open world is a bit boring with what you can do, only so many orbs you want to collect
- Side missions are mostly fetch quests or fight generic robot, soldier or saibaman repeatedly
- Some of the side missions do expand on minor DBZ and Dragon Ball characters in the opening chapter
- If you have already seen the original DBZ anime most of this game is an exact retelling, with the exception of intermissions and flashbacks, and I found myself skipping nearly all of the cut scenes and dialogue as I am so familiar with the anime