• expired

Blackberry Bold 9780 with $550 Credit + Unlimited BIS (Internet) $29/Month (Vodafone)

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Hi all this is my first post to please be nice! :). I just grabbed this deal, seemed to good to pass up if your after a blackberry. Simply select the $49 cap which is now $20 off every month for 24 month, so = $29 a month.

$550 credit
Unlimited BIS (internet) which is normaly $10 extra.

Ive heard alot of bad things about Vodafone but I've been using this phone for a week and so far no complaints!

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closed Comments

  • Just attempted to call a family member who is on Vodaphone. Call cannot be connected, LOL!

    • +1

      hahaha! I honestly get better reception than i did with optus (usually full bar on 3g) but then again ive only been with them for a week, hoping for the best! lol

    • -1

      Mobile Network?
      I use Telstra Only.

      Telstra is trustworthy

      • considering telstra is double the price for the same plan I think this qualifies as a bargain.

  • does this promotion apply to other mobiles with 49cap which I only have to pay 29?

    • +1

      I only found it on this phone, which is the one I wanted anyway. I had a look at most other phones and they dont seem to have this offer.

    • No, only the Blackberry 9780 and 9700 have this promotion

    • Only the Blackberry 9780 and 9700. You can also get a Playbook tablet for $20 per month more ($49 per month all up) if you find stores which have stock.

  • Also, when you sign up in store, a few customers seem to be getting an extra $10 off for 24 months, which brings the monthly cost to $19/month for 24 months. Still haven't figured out the criteria for getting that extra $10 though.

    • I signed up instore in allphones, are you sure your not confusing the $10 off the BIS bolt on which is included in the $29 plan?

      • Yeah, this offer is the $49 cap with a $20 credit per month, so you have the usage of the $49 cap so you shouldn't be paying anything for BIS.

    • an extra $10..would be $30 dollars off a month? i think that's a bit too cheap for a $49 cap..

    • +1

      Yeah I'm sure, I just signed up two customers today with this offer. I'm still not certain what causes the extra $10 off/month to appear though as it doesn't appear for some customers who are getting the exact same deal.

      • so does this mean it's $30 off a month?

        • On certain customers I've found, try your luck when you go sign up. The $20 off will definitely appear and you might get an extra $10off if the offer appears. Seems about 50% of the time judging on my experience.

      • +1

        the ppl who got the extra discount, were they existing vodafone customers?

        • it seems that existing vodafone customers get 10% off on top according to that sign-up page?

  • is it possible to combine with whatever auto club to bring down the price?

    • i just tried and they wouldnt let me add the 10% for the nrma/autoclub

      • +1

        Ignore my comment above/

        I got the deal after calling again :)

        $49 - 20% (10% Existing Customer, 10% NRMA) = $39.20
        $39.20 - $20 = $19.20

        • thx~ this is nice

  • -3

    How long is the contract?

    • +5

      24 months, read!

  • +1

    Can this model bb be turned into a wifi personal hotspot. Say for a android honeycomb tablet?? I currently have a 9300 bb curve and it's not possible on the curve.

    • lol, this deal is sorta making me jealous of people not signed up on a plan. Lucky I randomly got a $19/month deal with my 9300 or I'd be peaking.

  • Wonder if this price drop is to make way for the new touchscreen Blackberry Bold 9930 since OS7 is not compatible with any previous gen phone.

    Ah wells, this is a wild deal just for the 24 month phone plan and free BIS.

  • I have a bold (9700) and hate it with a passion. Because it can't be locked to numeric function it can be painfully slow and frustrating to complete a simple online banking transaction.

    • +4

      it can be locked! Alt, shift key and you'll see a symbol "123" which will mean that you've lock to the numeric key function and the rest of the secondary keys.
      Learn your shortcuts, there are many more that make it much easier and quicker having a hardware keyboard in tow.

      If you're after a solid keyboard phone with a decent browser and not that interested in a touch screen, this phone does the job and at $29 bucks, thats really good. It had previously dropped to $39 in june.

      • Thanks punk. I got desperate at one point and took it to vodafone and they told me it couldn't be done.

  • Can i use all credit for international text and call?

    • Yes you can use all credit for international call, my friend is using same mobile+cap.

  • BB is a dying breed

    • Agreed - they are simply too "fussy and fiddly" for most people to use. The ends of my fingers aren't pointy - my hands are just standard sized, but there is no way I can type on such a thing.

      • +3

        you'll be surprised with how fast you can type on this keyboard. the best keyboard on smartphone ever. hands down.

      • Today I tried the keyboard on the 9780 and compared it to the Nokia E5, E63, E71. IMO the keyboard on the Blackberry is better compared to the Nokias.

    • +3

      i disagree! im a loyal BB user, i switched from HTC few years ago and been using BB Bold 9700 and it is one of the best phone i ever have. except the downside is the app market which is still growing and cant be compared with Apple app store and it's millions of apps.

      one of the best feature is Blackberry Messenger. I used this on daily basis with the missus and friends from all over the world! My Bold 9700 can last 3-4 days on normal usage including BBM messaging, browsing, music playing. try that with iphone :)

  • I'd seriously consider purchasing an el cheapo Vodafone prepaid and test reception/coverage in the places you are at most often. Mate of mine went from 3 to Vodafone and, despite both being under the same owner now, the reception on Vodafone was abysmal! He gets one bar at home if he's lucky. This is Brisbane btw so they might be better in other cities.

    Personally, I've found Optus' network to be getting better. Mobile broadband through their network (I've used Amaysim and Virgin) has always hit the spot.

    • People seem to get so worked up about the number of bars you get, when really it either works or it doesn't. Often you receive weak signal for 3G but strong 2G/Edge signal, however the phone connects to 3G preferentially so it will show 0-1 bar despite having good signal.

      Don't get me wrong, VF has had network issues recently, but the number of bars you get is largely irrelevant (other than the increased battery consumption that comes from weaker signal).

      • Number of bars is not irrelevant if you want good internet speeds on your phone.

        For calls, yes.

    • Strange, I'm also in Brisbane with Vodafone mobile broadband and signal has always been good at my place. Probably depends which part of Brisbane you're in.

  • Just curious. Anyone has any experience with Blackberry playbook? It says add $20 per month for this offer to get the playbook.
    This $20 off seems to apply for Bold 9700 too?
    Also the Curve 9300 is $0 on the $29 cap, with $10/month for first 12 months with free BB internet and email. Is this any good?

  • ref BIS unlimited internet. doesnt vodafone have a fair use policy which is about 50mb? can this phone be used as a hotspot wifi router for other pcs in your home to access the internet for free through BIS?

  • How does this work exactly - do you still pay $49 per month? T&C "…Minimum monthly spend is $49 per month plus any applicable handset repayments. You will receive $20 credit on your bill every month for months 1-24…"

    • As it says, you get a $20 credit on your bill each month. So you are paying ($49 - $20) = $29 / month.

  • Can anyone tell me if access to black berry messenger(bbm) is included in this deal?

    Tried to sign up at a store but was told if i want acess to bbm or bb network, i would need to pay an extra 10 (39)

    Besides bbm, i dont see any other reason to get a blackberry

    • As far as I know. as long as you selected Blackberry BIS, you will be able to use BBM.

      OR BlackBerry BIS + 1.5GB

      Full T&C

      Approved customers only. Minimum monthly spend is $65 plus any applicable monthly device payments. Early exit fee: $65 plus any applicable monthly device payments x months left on contract. Unlocking fee applies

      ^ Offer applies to standard personal TXT/PXT® sent to individuals from within Australia.Excludes premium and re-routed TXT/PXT®.Offer cannot be used for commercial purposes or for resale purposes.
      ~ Additional data usage rate is $0.25/MB (min 50KB session). Included voice value cannot be used for data. Services subject to device capabilities, network limitations & customer location
      + Unlimited access applies if accessed in Australia via the mobile web sites (m.facebook.com), (m.foursquare.com), (m.twitter.com), (m.linkedin.com) or (m.myspace.com), Vodafone Central or official applications for compatible handsets from those sites using the Vodafone Live access point (APN). Standard data charges will apply for any external links accessed via the Sites. Subject to handset capability. Facebook® is a trademark of Facebook Inc.
      ¥ Pack gives you unlimited BlackBerry® data (BlackBerry® Internet Service (BIS) version only - excludes Blackberry® Enterprise Solution (BES) version) which includes BlackBerry® Email and Internet browsing, Facebook® and other applications, when accessed via the BlackBerry® APN. Vodafone's Fair Use Policy applies. Additional charges apply for some services such as video streaming (eg YouTube) and single file downloads over 3 MB. Included voice value cannot be used for data. Additional mobile internet data usage rate is $0.50/MB (min 12KB session). Blackberry® handsets are 2100Mhz devices, except for BlackBerry® Bold 9700 which is a 900Mhz device. In 3G 900Mhz areas, all devices except the Bold 9700 will experience GPRS coverage (slower speed). Service subject to device capabilities, network limitations & customer location. See vodafone.com.au/coverage for details. BlackBerry® and the BlackBerry® logo are registered trade marks of Research in Motion Limited are used under licence.
      * Infinite excludes international calls, Voicemail, 13 / 1800 numbers, Re-routed calls and calls to National (1223) and International (1225) Directory Assistance and some other call types.
      ^^ $20 off offer available until 30th Sept 2011 (unless extended) to new and approved customers who sign up via vodafone.com.au or by calling 1300 300 404, to the Vodafone $49 cap over 24 months with the BlackBerry Bold® 9780 and BlackBerry Bold® 9780 + Playbook Bundle. Minimum monthly spend is $49 per month plus any applicable handset repayments. You will receive $20 credit on your bill every month for months 1-24. Early exit fee: $49 x months left on contract. Not available with any other offer and not redeemable for cash. Any charges for additional or excluded services will still apply and will not be discounted. Not available with any other offer and not redeemable for cash.

    • +1

      You get free looting with BBM

      Wait a minute…

    • They were signing you up on the wrong plan then. BIS is $10 extra on the $29 cap, but they should be putting you on the $49 cap with a $20 discount. This particular deal includes BIS (BBM etc)

  • Why does it say minimum monthly spend is $65 under the terms and conditions?

    • The website is incorrect more times than it's correct. Terrible website

  • Considering you're not only getting a handset but also a $49 cap plan all at $29, this is a great deal~

    I'm a bit dumb here… is BB Messenger only available to BB handsets? I don't have lots of mates using BB so just wondering if that means BB Messenger is then not so useful in this instance?

    • Yeah bbm isonly on bb handsets

  • Yes full usage of BBM is included, you get BIS included for free

    • Yeah got really annoyed so i rang up customer service and they said its included too. Had to pay 10 for freight but still better than Arguing with staff at store who wanted me to pay 39 a month

      I also asked them why some people got an extra 10 off and he just said when their bill gets 'corrected', they will pay 29 as well.

      • They always say that but it rarely gets 'corrected'.

  • great deal - i work at vodaphone and sold a number today. also if not already posted - HTC Trophy (MUCH BETTER PHONE) for free on $29 cap with $10 off for 12 months - remember you can move to the $45 Infinite from this as it's lower - so not a bad deal!


    • Errr…… I will have to disagree with you… HTC Trophy IMHO is a POS… bad build quality due to its rush to launch the first batch of WP7 phones. Pricewise, it's good, but if anyone's interested in WP7 phones, this is a much much much better deal:

    • I'd take a BB over a trophy anyday.

    • windows phone? no thanks..

  • With free unlimited BIS internet, does that include internet access for apps and downloading apps?

    • I'm not 100% on this, but I believe BIS is unlimited only for browsing? Might have to double check with someone who has a BB

    • yes, the blackberry app market.

  • I went to go check this out today at my local voda store at Knox City.

    I've still got 2 months left on my old virgin 50 cap contract, It had "was $49 now $29" - the store person had no idea about what I was talking about with the whole 49 - 20 credit every month. I had to reconfirm with someone that that was infact the same deal they're offering instore. It may actually be a good idea to confirm with someone here that they infact got this deal IN STORE rather than just online.

    Anyway, one of the business dev managers was in store and offered to pay out the rest of my contract so I'm definitely gonna sign up. As said before, the main enticement is the $29 for a $49 value cap - I'm aware there are sim-only plans out there but not with BIS and of course the phone as well.

    I just bought a Huawei X5 which is an Android phone - to me it was a bit more hyped than I thought it would be. Sure, the features are great but tbh the only things on the market that I'm using daily are Coin Pirates - a stupid bulldozer type game that I used to play at Timezone. I like the integration with google and facebook but I'm sure that the blackberry can do that albeit not as well if so. So I figured I've give the blackberry a go having come from a Nokia e75 with a physical keyboard which I loved. I make so many typos on the onscreen keyboard its border frustrating. Also, I'm lucky to get a day of battery. I've heard up to 3 days with regular use for this model. The new 9900 i think looks really nice but heard the battery life is relatively bad compared to this model which is to be expected with a faster processor and smaller mAh battery.

    For those local to the Knox City branch, the chick offered the $49 cap with the playbook, she said they've got 3 left. I was in the market for a tablet but even if you look at it like "only an extra $20 a month" that of course adds up and I don't really NEED it, so better to pocket that extra $20. I asked if it came with data and she said no but that you could tether it with your phone. I was a little shocked and asked so it's got wifi tethering and she said yes. I googled this prior to going to the store to see if the model had wifi tethering but as far as I could find it doesn't, can people confirm? I went down to HN after to look at the playbook to see if it was worth it. I flicked through the menus and found the tether option - it's actually via Bluetooth which is how you can share with your blackberry. I have to admit that wifi tether is a feature I will miss (although I never got it working on my android) - I'm assuming you can still USB/Bluetooth tether but if there's ever the time where a device is wifi only thats going to be a pain. Do people think the playbook is worth the extra 20 a month?

    • it isn't worth it, no. about $500 you'd save you'll feel glad

  • "1.5GB of mobile internet data or Unlimited BlackBerry® Email Internet Browsing + 1.5GB* of data for video streaming"

    What's the real difference if I just go for the 1.5GB mobile internet data? I don't have too many friends using BB so BB Messenger is not a big incentive for BIS I suppose.

    Can anyone plz shed light on this? I've never had a BB phone before and have absolutely no idea how this BB Email Internet Browsing works and the 1.5GB of data for video streaming?

    • go with "Unlimited BlackBerry® Email Internet Browsing + 1.5GB* of data for video streaming"

      you will need it to use FB, MSN, BBM, etc

      you need to have BIS otherwise no point really having a BB

    • Yeah, I don't understand how it works either.

      If you go with BIS, does it include the data that apps use to operate?

      • any apps usage goes thru BIS and not the data allowance

        • so… technically unless I either download lots of stuff (other than BB apps) and/or lots of video streaming, I won't be charged for internet usage?

          What if I download say, a video clip, how does it count towards my data allowance?

  • +2

    as far as i'm aware you can consider BIS like a 'proxy' - BB offer encrypted data and all that which I think is a function of going through BIS. I believe the apps will state that they go with your BIS server thus going towards your BIS unlimited data and the 1.5 G is more for youtube. I was confused when there was a big thing made about the latest facebook app update being able to use your wifi network, I thought that was proper odd but I assume its because BB apps all go through BIS and BIS only due to the way data is encrypted/compressed. Thats my understanding of it anyway. I've never used one before but I signed all my paper work today so its comin in the mail soon!

    • My concern would be if I inadvertently used data that did not go through BIS and therefore charged casual data usage charges that could end being massive.

      • Use the BB Browser and not the internet browser on the BB

    • Well done mate!

      btw i'm helperfreak :)

      I ordered 2 :)

  • You guys that have ordered and received the phone, how's your experience with it? Happy? Thanks!

    • +1

      yay i received both of my phones already from vodafone.

      The Black 1 is 900/2100MHz. – arrived yesterday
      The White 1 is 850/2100MHz. – arrived today

      Can anyone else confirm their 9780 is 850MHz from vodafone?

      • Are you definite that the white 9780 is 850MHz?

        • yes i am as it has RCN72UW as the model.

          i have check with an ebayer who recently received this from vodafone but the black colour and it also has RCN72UW as the model code.

          My black 1 has a sticker covering the model code so i cant check.
          I also do not want to use the phone either.

        • I don't think RCN72UW is UMTS 850MHz. That's probably why they are selling them cheap.


          Mobile network radio specifications for model number RCN72UW and

          • tri-band support: UMTS® 900, UMTS 1700, UMTS 2100 MHz band

        • Camel grass is correct.

          however my white BB Bold 9780 is 850MHz


    • Interesting. I wonder which version is best to have for fast internet?

      Probably depends on where you live?

      • get 850MHz

  • @ehau….thanks for the info. I'll make sure I get one with that model number so I can make use of the 850MHz.

    • to comfirm for the last time offically.

      RCN72UW = 900MHz
      RCM72UW = 850MHz

  • Does anybody know if this phone can be unlocked free from Vodafone? Thanks!

  • +1

    just signed up for this today. awesome phone! wish i could buy the 9900 but this 9780 will serve me just fine

    the store also offered me to sign up for month to month basis usb wireless modem for $15 and if you decide to cancel after one month. you'll get to keep the modem for free. pretty good deal i must say, perhaps find a way to unlock the modem and use them when you travel etc.

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