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As per title. Received the message via email yesterday but I couldn't find any more info about it on the website.
Moved to Forum: Original Link
As per title. Received the message via email yesterday but I couldn't find any more info about it on the website.
maybe $15… that’s what i was told
Nah , not worth the effort to drive in even lol . Thanks for the info mate
Saw this a couple of weeks ago at the store and I asked how much I can sell my Wii with Wii Fit and a few games. The lady at the counter said $12………….
I'm trading in my Vita in the next week will report back here what the value was.
Vitas still fetch $100-150 on the private market. EB will give you about $30 for it…
Before xmas the EB trade in value was $70 for the 2nd version Vita. Might have changed a bit since but hopefully not that much.
I guess that's not too bad, but I'd still try your luck privately first.
was that with any level awards?
i was going to do the same not long ago, they offered a laughable value but being my Vita was a 1st edition (apparently it was a better build than the latter models) and in great condition, sold for $225 + Shipping on ebay (no fees campaign obviously lol). Sold in like 3-7days of listing.
for those interested, also sold my PSP GO for $150, PSP (2002) with games for $100 & a PSP (2002) which needed a new battery and no games for $53.
These sony handhelds still fetch good money for console collectors. EB didnt want to take the PSP Go and 2x PSP's and in return i made $203 off those alone!
Yep the Vita 1st edition is OLED screen and 2nd edition isn't. Lower battery life in the 1st but I've heard because of the better screen it's more wanted by modders
ahhh ok…that sucks but now that you mention the modders, i do remember a DM asking about the firmware and stuff becuase they were gonna mod it…It was such a nice handheld. Too bad it just didn't work out. Props to Nintendo for making it work with their Switch.
You got lucky. PSP 3000s are like 30 tops at most Cashies and shit 'round me. I got my backup one, a 3000 silver w/ a 8gb Sony card for 25 bucks around 5 years ago at the local.
Just because you found stupid people trying to burn a hole in their wallet, doesn't mean everyone will.
err ok. Cashies will buy it for ~$30 because its gonna sit there until they find the right buyer and most likely going to mark it up at least 2-3 times the buy price. "Stupid People" dont go out looking for this specific handheld because it hasnt been made for so long they would have no reason to specify the exact model. Nothing lucky about it mate.
@ExtraSalt: If you're that certain PSPs are worth as much as you say, I might have to look into selling my few and just using emulation to replay the classics.
I'm more than down to be proven wrong, more money in my pocket bud.
How much a 360 controller trade worth?
Total trade-in value of a PS3 500GB, the full suite of accessories and 100 AAA games at EB Games: 5 cents
That being said, I'm amazed they're still trading games for these ancient consoles. I would have expected them to have stopped years ago. Especially the Wii. Pretty sure most people (apart from the hardcore Nintendo fans) stopped playing it by 2010.
where is the bargain?
From >
bargain[ bahr-guhn ]
1) an advantageous purchase, especially one acquired at less than the usual cost:
The sale offered bargains galore.
2) an agreement between parties settling what each shall give and take or perform and receive in a transaction.
2) e.g "bargains between political parties supporting the government"
How does 2 apply here?
Bad example. You're comparing a closed agreement not as many are privy to, compared to an open agreement where someone can choose if it's a bargain for them or not.
This isn’t a deal, it’s a notice.
There are many avenues to sell second hand gaming equipment. You’ll probably make more money using any of those avenues too.
If EB Games started doing trade in's when they previously hadn't then I'd consider that a deal and bargain. It's a deal because it's still a business transaction. As they are taking away this option it removes the possibility of doing the deal to all and the possibility of a bargain for some. I'll just let the mods decide.
EB trade-ins are very rarely the best value. This is a quick cash grab by EB that, in turn, they'll remarket for what you could get for it if you put any type of effort in.
Not an OzBargain.
eb trade in can be good if u know what u r doing sometimes and get a 50% tradein bonus voucher and 20% member bonus…or the controller trade in deals…or sometimes the console trade ins towards next gen models on release.
Terms on their site say you need av or hdmi, usb + controller to trade in ps3, anyone have luck trading on its own with just power cable?
You might be lucky to get a new employee that misses checking that but when I traded in my PS3 in late 2018 the store person checked for cables and also made the comment "oh good, you wouldn't believe how many people forget to bring in the hdmi cable". So I'd say it's high on their checklist.
There you go. Mod moved to forum. Happy days.
Guy at EBs wouldn't price any games for me over the phone, but he said many last-gen games now have a trade value of less than $1.
Nooo don't trade your Vita games… sell to me instead :)
If you’re not happy with what EB games is offering, a better way to put your old console to good use is to donate it to a children’s hospital. Kids are stuck in bed all day long there and the smallest bit of escapism does the world of difference.
Did anyone trade in a PS3 recently, how much was the trade in