Applying for Bridging Visa B - Substantial Reason for Travel?

Some background. My partner submitted her application for her Spouse Visa 820 early last year. She is currently on a Bridging Visa A while waiting for the application to be granted.

We were hoping to travel to Japan late this year for a holiday and understand that she would need to apply for a Bridging Visa B. To be granted, it looks like the reason for travel has to be 'substantial'.

From my research online, it looks like visiting parents overseas, medical reasons, attending a wedding etc are valid 'substantial' reasons. However, when it comes to just going for a holiday, there does not seem to be clear definite answer. As such, I was just wondering if anyone had similar experiences to share and whether she is likely to have her Visa B granted?


  • Just give one of the reasons you mentioned in your application!

    • That's one way to go I guess.

      However, it looks like you are required to provide evidence as part of your application (itinerary, flight tickets etc). I'm not sure how much evidence we have to give or how strict they are. But for example, We wouldn't be able to provide a wedding invitation if we were to lie and say we were attending a wedding.

  • +2

    Putting down Reason=holiday is fine. Worked for my wife. To make it easier we paid an immigration agent to request it as they were the ones who handled the Spouse Visa for us. Japan embassy will require you to also show such detail in order for them to issue her a Japanese Visa (assuming she's on a passport that requires you to apply ahead of time). Good Luck!

    • Thanks for sharing your experience anime001.

      Was the holiday just for your wife and yourself (e.g. not with your/her parents)?

      • +1

        just us. we didn't give any other reason then, we wanted to have a holiday in japan. Not sure if you're supposed to have bought the tickets first before applying, but check first! Talk to an immigration agent, and just get them to push it through for you. it's more $$ but you stress less.

        • That's good to hear. Hopefully it will be a straightforward case for us as well. How long ago was your holiday if you don't mind me asking?

          I think from my research online it is better to purchase your tickets before you apply and then use your tickets as part of your evidence. However, that leaves the risk of them not granting her the visa and the tickets going to waste, which is our main concern.

          And yes, we are considering going down the agent route.

  • -7

    How about you holiday in Australia and support the Country who is giving you a possible new life.

  • +1

    My wife was on 820 when we decided to go to Japan and we simply put it down as a holiday. This was about 1.5 years ago and if I recall, the visa is valid for 3 months. No issues with the application and we did it online ourselves.

  • I don't think they'd expect people to hang around for 18 months while your visa gets considered. They should grant it as valid for travel visa in the first instance. Just another government money making scheme.

  • FYI the immigration section of is a great resource, not that there's anything wrong with posting here. I can't comment on your question but best of luck.

  • Did the same thing a few years ago and we just uploaded screenshots of our flight tickets and said that we are visiting family, which wasn't a lie.

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