Dressing Poor for a Bargain?

Anyone think your dress indicates your money status and if
walking into Good Guys to negotiate a deal. Dressing less fine will make you look poorer and therefore get a better deal?


  • When I go into Harvey's in formal work gear a salesman usually comes up to me straight away. If i'm just in casual clothes they tend to leave me alone lol. Maybe it's coz I look a bit young and they think I don't have money to spend haha.

    I know this doesn't really answer your question but it says that they certainly do judge people by how they're dressed…

  • To get a good deal come with your family so the salesman knows you have intent to buy and will be willing offer a good bargain

    • +1

      Lol yeah drag the whole family to the store..Dressing poor though doesnt always work though.They might think you are clueless about the products and not give you the full run down on deals

  • Imo, if you dress less fine and look poorer, they'll probably try to sell you a cheaper branded item that no one wants, rather than giving you a discount on better well known brands.

  • +7

    That's why i prefer to shop online. They don't care what you are wearing in front of the computer.

    • +11

      or not.

  • +1

    i remember wearing just a t shirt and jeans at good guys ask for dvd player and the salesman said "The $30 dollar one?".I told him i was looking for blu ray afterwards felt and looked cheap after

    • +9

      you should said" yeah the $30 blu ray player, where is it?"

  • +4

    A good salesman will not prejudge a customer. The best salesman says little and listens a lot, that way he knows rather than assumes what the customer is wanting.

    My funniest experience was once when purchasing a house. A particular agency rudely told me that they had nothing like what I was looking for, obviously giving me the cold shoulder because of how I was dressed… thongs, shorts, ratty t shirt and needed a shave.. I went to a partner agency a couple of k's away and immediately he flicked up 5 possibilities for me. I purchased one of them that day and laughed when he said that the first agency was the prime lister for the property! LOL I paid the deposit that day and the rest in cash 4 weeks later!

    Never prejudge if you are selling.

    • +1

      I had the same experience, walked into an agency (at 25 and with a bit of growth) and the receptionist asked 'Rentals?'….'Uh…no I'm looking to buy.'

      The agent then handed me a few brochures after I told him my budget then showed me the door.

      Walked down the street into another agency. The agent was only a couple of years older then me and worked really hard to find a property that I needed, probably the only real estate agent I have had a good experience with.

      I refused to look at anything the first agent was offering (even if it was a good property) because of the service I was given. Could have very well cost him a sale.

      • lucky you, i was being told by the agent "don't offer me with stupid price", it was 2005, market was soft that time and i only make an offer 5% off from his rrp.
        lucky me, i didn't buy that property and at the end i bought similar property on the next building with $15k cheaper.

      • +1

        another time, i met one jewish agent (he told me that he was a jewish), he said to me "jewish people said money is not a problem" then i said to him, can you take me as your brother? then you can help me. So i don't need haggle with you about the price. I only asked to him 5% off, i didn't asked 10% off yet. and he said to me, imagine if you buy the house at randwick or somewhere in the eastern suburb or property with million dollars, this 5% is nothing.
        guys this is my warning, this comment is not intention to offend certain ras. this is just a sharing with my own experience in the past.

        • +1

          The first time my husband and I went to the USA the travel agent said to us in a very condescending tone "You do know it cost's a lot to travel to the USA". Needless to say we did not book through him. In hindsight we should have gone back in with our tickets and "Pretty Womanded" him.

    • -1

      paid CASH for your house o.o

      • Slide: Sorry, to correct my terminology… "I paid for it in full with a cheque for which I had the funds to cover." or, paid for it without the need for a loan. Happy?

        Re Jonnatan:>> I have heard that from agents too… refusing to pass on an offer to the seller that they thought was too low. When I sell property I want to know all offers, it is my perogative to accept or refuse it, not the damn agent! They usually ask if you want to hear all offers but a some don't pass them on.

        On the other hand here, there are people who dress up like pox doctor's clerks and are up to their neck in debt! Fools a lot of people I suppose.

  • I bought a ps3 from target in la in feb in shirts, short and about a weeks worth of growth, I guess they thought I was there for a game, got really good service when she realized I was about to lay out near $500. had a nice woman in longbeach think I was homeless and offer to get me a drink ( as I was sitting on the ground eating popeyes waiting for a bus) I smiled and told her no thanks I'm just a tourist lol

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