This was posted 5 years 1 month 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[Switch] Slay the Spire $28 | Risk of Rain 2 $28 | Mutant Year Zero Deluxe Edition $15 | Trine 4 $28 @ EB Games


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closed Comments

  • +12

    The physical version of Risk of Rain 2 also includes the first Risk of Rain. The price for each game is better than what dekudeals says the best digital price has been, so it seems like a good bargain.

    • Sweet! Ive been meaning to get into these games. Just bought it!

  • +1

    +1! I've been after Mutant Year Zero for a while now. I just wish Wasteland 2 would drop in price next.

    • +2

      Wasteland 2 on switch is apparently a serious GUI mess iirc. The reviews consistently warn you not to buy.

      • +1

        That's disappointing to hear, but thanks for the heads up.

        • Haha yeah well Mutant Year Zero isn't any better :( But for $15 with an easy one-week return policy I'll give it a go.

        • The GUI is fine on the PC and the requirements aren't too high.

  • Thanks OP. Picking up Mutant Year Zero for lunch.

    • +8

      You sure you should be eating Nintendo Switch games for lunch?

      • +5

        This smoke is making people a bit crazy

    • But got Mutant Football League Dynasty Edition instead, went back to get the right one.

  • +4
    • Do you happen to know if it supports motion control? Looking for one that does

      • im not sure mate, sorry. be awesome if it did though, my fam thoroughly enjoyed the old Wii Sports tennis

  • +1

    Heard positive things about slay the spire. Any ozbargainers here can vouch for it?

    I know its a card game and I didn't really get into hearthstone. I do like my RPGs and the gwent game in Witcher 3.

    • +19

      Slay the Spire is one of my top 10 of all time, highly recommended

    • +8

      It's super addictive if you're into rogue likes and tactical battles.
      There's plenty of YouTube videos that you can watch to see if it's your thing. The best thing is that you can pick up and play any time without locking away hours to make any progress.

    • +4

      It's fantastic

    • +1

      My favourite switch game to play. So good can't recommend it enough

    • +1

      It's amazing and I highly recommend. Basically a rouge-like RPG deck-builder, the only downside is the physical cartridge as it's great to pick-up and play.

    • +1

      Another +1 for Slay the Spire, great game

    • Same. Not sure this is my thing but I've heard/read nothing but good things about it.

    • Awesome game. Only played it on PC but still playing it over other new games even after I upgraded my machine. Somehow always going back to it. Like others have said one of the great things about it you can just play a little here and there without having to devote hours at a time. I imagine it's great on Switch for your daily commute.

    • Thanks for the replies. Just bought it.

    • I have on PC, and love it. Once it's down the $10 I will buy it, but I bought it for full price on Steam when it came out.

    • Also vouching for Slay the Spire! The daily challenges and customise options make it endlessly entertaining.

    • It's a deck-building game for people who don't usually like deck-building games.

  • +1

    Oh hell yes, thanks OP. Been looking for a good price on Mutant Year Zero for so long

  • +1

    Isn’t Risk of Rain 2 still early access? Weird it has a physical console release.

    • Technically, it's a bit weird, but I would hardly call it early access personally, it's still getting major content updates, yes and is quite literally in early access on steam, but it's a feature complete game as is.

      It's a bit weird that it's getting a physical release before they reach the end of their planned roadmap yeah, but I like to think of it as a copy of Risk of Rain 1, which is definitely complete with Risk of Rain 2 added in for free, and only marketed the other way because selling 2 + 1 looks better than selling 1 + 2.

  • Grabbed Slay the Spire and Mutant Year Zero :)

  • +3

    Cheers bought Mutant Year Zero. (Didn't even know about this game, but looks right up my alley!)

    Edit: lol just realised I have Mutant Year Zero on both Epic Games AND Game Pass! aha. Oh well - I think it's the sort of game I would play portably anyway!

    • I should see your comment earlier as I realised I have it on Epic too after purchasing :)

  • Thanks Op - just grabbed Mutant Year Zero. Was going to grab Risk of Rain, but was put-off by reviews…

    • +1

      For the price Risk of Rain is still quite good on the switch and there is a roadmap found here outlining future updates and improvements…

      • Thanks for the extra information

    • Was going to grab Risk of Rain, but was put-off by reviews…

      Same. One of the reviews mentioned that Risk of rain 2 is good with coop. Playing solo is difficult and not fun.

      I play solo.

      • I play co-op and solo and enjoy both. Co-op is probably more fun but I still really enjoy solo. Check out Woolie on YouTube/Twitch. He plays exclusively solo.
        Edit: Admittedly this is on PC.

    • Negative reviews for the Switch version specifically? PC version is Overwhelmingly Positive.

      • The "negative" reviews sit around a 7.5. Hardly a deal-breaker.

  • Mutant Year Zero any good? Is it like XCOM?

    • XCOM style combat with overworld exploration, is what I got from my very brief look into it.

  • +1

    Cheers OP. Got all 3. OZB'ers with access to Suncorp rewards - dont forget to get 8% off EB gift cards

  • +3

    Took a chance on MY0. However, expecting to need to return it by the review comments saying the GUI is literally impossible on switch, especially in handheld mode.

  • +6

    Wargroove Deluxe edition is also on sale for $28 if anyone is interested.…

    • Darn it. Bought it digital recently!

    • PS4 version for $15 for those who prefer that console.

      • Just found out, for those interested as well, this game has crossplay between Switch, PC and XB1. Be aware if that was your deciding factor for choosing one system over another

  • +1

    Thanks OP, just pulled the trigger on Risk of Rain 2!

  • +1

    Some other good prices: Killer queen black, Trine 4, Owlboy…

    I won't post it as a deal, it feels like cheating

    • Just to note those are preowned - if that matters to you

      • +2

        Nope, all brand new.

        $28 new for Trine 4 / KQB
        Owlboy $19.95 (not actually on sale but a great price)

  • +1

    Trine 4 is $28.

  • Got Mutant Year Zero. Cheers OP!

  • +2

    Slay the Spire is good, have over 200 hours on it.

    • Holy moly. What’s it like?

      • +7

        He doesn't like it. He played it for 15 minutes then paused it.

        That was 9 days ago.

        • +1

          This made me laugh

        • I knew it was a stupid question. I meant more what the gameplay is like.

  • Grabbed slay the spire and risk of rain 2 in my lunch break. One each left at Hobart store, Thanks op

  • Thanks OP.

    I picked up:
    * Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince
    * Slay the Spire
    * Killer Queen Black
    * Wargroove Deluxe Edition

  • Be aware that if these games are coming from certain EB stores postage will be delayed. I bought Dead cells and Morta and my package has been sitting at a post office in QLD for the past two weeks due to fires. I'm going to risk it and grab Slay The Spire anyway, thanks OP.

  • I grabbed Slay the Spire. The rest have so so reviews so gave it a miss

    Mutant Year Zero was tempting but it's had a significant visual downgrade from the PS4, losing alot of the atmosphere and detail making it not a very enjoyable experience.

  • Thanks OP. I picked up Mutant Year Zero from one of their closing down stores for $12 because of the additional 20% new games lol

  • Just got Mutant Year Zero too. Cheers

    I already have Risk of Rain 2 digital, and all I can say is that it's good in concept and I wanted an online co-op shooter (ideally zombies! or some horde), but found that not many people were playing. One player just wasn't fun in an environment built for multiplayer.

  • Thanks OP. Picked up Trine 4. Was looking for a co-op and this seems to be pretty good.

  • +6

    what a strange coincidence…….

    • +1

      I too thought it was a strange coincidence when I saw those pop up on eBay earlier today.

    • +1

      Must be a Nintendo fanboy who thinks these games shouldn't be on sale.. they are probably "evergreen".

    • Saw those while checking EB Games eBay Prices.

  • +1

    Slay the Spire is the best game of 2019.

    I'll fight anyone who disagrees (using cards).

    • +9

      I think you'll find it was just edged out by Super Mario Brothers 2

      • +3

        Game of the decade is still Knack 2 though.

  • +1

    so people know Mutant League is pretty bad on Switch, very bad graphically… if you can get past that then you'll likely still enjoy it but i found it very hard on the eyes…

    • Mutant League or Mutant Year Zero?

      • sorry… Mutant Year Zero is definitely what i meant… very bad port graphically speaking, I returned my copy it was so hard to look at

        • Couldn't read the name, cause the graphics were too blurry, aye! :)

        • When did you try it?

          There was one user review on metacritic Aug 19 saying it was patched and fixed. BUT there were more recent reviews complaining.

          • @justtoreply: At launch, it had been patched at least once before I gave up on it and played it on game pass instead

    • +1

      I’m sure the switch version is not as good as PC, I own the pc version which is amazing! But I still want to grab one for switch to play on the go 😅 besides it’s $15, 4 cups of coffee won’t hurt that much 🙃

      • +1

        I think you are right, mutant year zero is great game in pc, but if the developers do not take care of their port work properly and thinking switch porting is an easy money to grab (ie. AC3), then more games like this will come.

        When I looked up the reviews, most of them said the game is not polished nor took in efforts to make it work for switch

        • +1

          Yea I think I might have to agree with you saying about it’s a quick cash for them, quite sad though. It’s a great game. But there are many games out there too that the porting to switch is not as good :/.

          But yea, I’d have to test it out, no big expectation though haha cos I have seen the greatest graphic through the PC version.

        • Okay, you were not kidding how bad this was 😱 hahaha it’s really unplayable for my eyes 🤣

          • @froddoog: I grabbed it before looking at youtube reviews and you guys really weren't kidding about how bad the graphics are. I already have it through game pass so I may request a refund.

            • @nandxor: Yea I plan to have mine refund as well. Not sure Eb would do it or not :/

            • @nandxor: Yea I may request a refund too :/ hope EB would allow it.

              • @froddoog: EB has a 7 day return policy right? Or does that exclude sale items?

  • Thanks OP, grab mutant, Trine 4.
    And on the way found Target has Ring Fit Adventure! So grab that as well 😅

    • +3

      Ring Fit Adventure? Sounds like a Grindr competitor…

      • hahaha ikr!

    • Looks good but $120??

      • +1

        Yea thats the cheapest for now if you are looking for on. Been wanting to get it when it released.
        Everywhere is sold out and no stock.

  • I wanted to click and collect in Brisbane Albert St store yesterday (Risk of Rain and Slay the Spire) but I got an email saying they couldn't find one or more items and asked me to either choose another store to pick up from or get it delivered for free. Chose free delivery and it got an estimated delivery of Tuesday 21st January. It arrived this morning, shipped from the Toowong store!

    • Out of stock on nearly all of them

      • Yep, just Slay the Spire left now.

  • Slay the Spire is a very good game! Lots of replay value

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