Car Cigarette Lighter to Power Outlet

Hi guys, was wondering if impossible to run a home air purifier in the car? By utilising the car cig lighter outlet as a source of power? We have a Vornado Ac300. Have two toddlers that's why I'm concerned. Car cabin air filter seems inadequate.

AQI is 560 where I live now. Madness. Thanks guys.


  • +1

    A home air purifier runs on 240v. A car is 12v. It can be adapted with an inverter setup but is it worth the hassles?

    Much easier and cheaper to just purchase a car air purifier - something like this maybe…

    • Thanks Hithere, will keep that in mind.

  • +2

    You will need an inverter, which converts 12v DC into 240v a/c.

  • Thanks guys. I will have a look at the dedicated car purifiers.

    • Isn't that what the cabin air filters are intended for anyhow? If you get a decent filter, they would meet HEPA standards.

      • Thanks. The car still smells and i get shortness of breath after driving for a while and it's a newish car and new filter. Maybe i'm just overreacting. Will see how it goes.

        • newish car and new filter

          The cabin air filter is probably not a fancy HEPA or activated carbon one. You'll want something with activated carbon if it's the 'new car smell' (voltaile organics) that's upsetting you.

          Cabin air filters are rarely changed by mechanics. (Note: this is a different thing to the "air filter" that is on the engine air intake, which mechanics will often change at a service)

          You can replace it yourself with e.g.

          (other brands have similar offerings)

          • @abb: Thsnks abb. This is great!

        • +3

          Just in case, make sure you have your a/c set to "re-circulating" if you're driving in bad air quality or inside tunnels etc.

          • +1

            @HighAndDry: Yeah it's always on re-circulating. Couple more months of these fires.

  • Something like… is all you would need.
    This is a 150w inverter. You would need to confirm the power requirements of the air filter. I’d doubt it would be more than 150w though.

    • Thanks Shrek. This could be the one. Will double check. cheers.

  • I would be more worried that you're overly concerned about air quality in your car….

  • Sorry if i seem overreacting but have bad history of asthma and we have 2 kids under 3. If cabin air filter is plenty. That's fine. Thanks.

  • The car still smells and i get shortness of breath after driving for a while

    Try opening the windows while driving.

    • +1

      I think her concern may be the smoke and haze in the air from the fires. It is affecting a lot of people with Asthma, so opening the windows may not help 😁

      • The driver is suffering from shortness of breath while driving with the windows up. Could it not be plausible that this symptom is caused by the increase of CO2 in the cabin?

        • Possible car sickness too, where air purifiers might not physically work, but may mentally work.

      • Yeah from the bushfires.

        • -5

          Don't get sucked into the media. You probably are suffering, but so is the whole population and this isn't the first time bush fire smoke has spread to the city areas. And won't be the last

          • +2

            @Danstar: There is nothing to do with the media.
            If OP has background of asthma than preventative action should be done to avoid a trigger. Triggering an asthma attack is nothing fun.

  • AQI of 560??? Where the hell is it that high?? I would consider leaving the area before I worry about how to scrub the air. At 560 you would barely be able to see, let alone breathe.

    I can't find anywhere in NSW that is that high.

    If you are concerned with the particulates in the air, then you would be better buying a better cabin filter, something that goes down to 2.5PM or less. Something like a Ryco Microshield filter does 2.5PM

    • We live in Inner east Melbourne. Our nearest monitoring station is Box Hill. Showing as 528 now. Was close to 600 this morning. Very inconvenient.

      Checked with Ryco, they don't have it for our car, unfortunately.

      Anyway, i will leave it as it is, thanks for all the solutions from everyone.

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