Any reviews of Spaceship Voyager - Universe Portfolio?

How do its fees and performance compare with other products in the market? Any thoughts? Thanks.

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  • What would Jack Bogle do…

    • He'd lead at the vanguard.

  • Performance is not too bad YTD in the middle of the pack. Fees first $5k balance is free then 0.05% which is pretty good for managed fund. I expect there to be more to it as there is fees associated with trading.

    The best thing is you can drip feed money in starting $5 per week (or per month) which means you basically dollar average on a regular basis and you can make one off investments.

    I have a foot in each portfolio as a test. I've got a share portfolio with margin loan (only 20% leverage), got investment property, overseas shares.

    The only other cheap alternative is CommBank pocket app.

    • Can one invest in Vanguard directly without using apps like Spaceship or CommBank app that you're referring to? I don't have exposure to stocks/ mutual funds so assessing what would be the best entry point.

      • Vanguard: looks like you can drop $5k in then bpay $100 at a time HERE

        • Does it mean you can't put initial investment more than $5k? Also, the additional payment can't be more than $100 (BPay)? Why do they have such restrictions? Can we not simply invest any amount when we want to? Sorry for the 101 question.

          • @virhlpool: Depends on the fund manager. To buy in minimum is $5k lump sum then you can have a regular investment plan say $100 a month. Minimum additional investment is $100 via bpay. It is on left hand side of the link I included.

  • Just started with it last week. The diversification of the Universe portfolio looked good to me. Thinking of setting up a monthly plan.

    • Thanks. If you don't want a monthly plan, can you just put money whenever you want to?

      • Yes you can make one-off investments

      • Yeah you can keep doing one-off payments instead of a plan. The charges kick in after $5K though.

  • I've been using Spaceship Voyager for the past couple of years. I invest on a weekly basis. So far it's been pretty amazing. Over the last 12 months I saw around a 30% return, which was much higher than I expected. I also invest through their competitor raiz and Spaceship did outperform it by some margin. (I compared them here:…)

    Overall I've been very happy with Spaceship. Being able to save my first $5k without fees was a good deal and gave me a pretty good start.

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