While this product is also available from the Australian Digital River "It's Not Cheating" store, it is significantly cheaper to purchase direct from the US Microsoft App Store $30.54AUD vs $119AUD.
And for those wondering if it will work/activate even though we are in different regions? The answer to that is Yes!
Please note however, you will need to be a University student (technically anyways ;)) with a .edu OR .edu.au email address.
Edit: Forgot to mention! you can only purchase 1 copy per .edu.au email address within a 12 month period.
Digital River 'It's Not Cheating' Store ($119):
Microsoft App Store ($29.99 + AUD conversion + GST = $30.54):
Download ISO Version only 32/64bit.
UPDATE 2: Please follow the directions below (will work for any University .edu.au address *Thanks kumak for sharing * I totally forgot that I was registered for it hence why it wouldnt work for most of you ^_^ )
Please sign up using your University email (.edu.au) to Microsoft Dreamspark (it's free)
After which you will have gained access to a variety of free full licensed MS products (retailing $300+ each) for example:
MS Visual Studio Professional Edition 2010
MS Mathematics 2010
MS Server 2008
MS Game Lab
Once you've verified you email address, proceed with purchase of Windows 7:
Now you can pretty much enter anything for the address or you can enter your real address using the following method: (example only:
Name: John
Last: Smith
Address: 273 Newcastle Rd, Jesmond, NSW, 2289 Australia
Zip: 02289
Phone: (02) 49129382
After you've checkout and paid for the product, you will be sent an email with the download link and serial number from MS.
Sweet, now some one hook me up with an email addy to use.