i want to buy this https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005O2ZU68, says $138.77 AUD + shipping, but there's no prime option for free shipping. on the AU site https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B005O2ZU68/ref=cbw_direct_from_… there is prime option for free shipping, but it's still sold from amazon US and is suddenly $153.66. how do i get the $138.77 version with free prime shipping? it's both shipped from US anyway should cost them the same shipping cost whichever version i buy. i find ebay a lot less confusing, amazon makes my head spin.
Amazon Shipping Question

Last edited 13/01/2020 - 14:51
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serious answers pls
how do i get the $138.77 version with free prime shipping?
Serious answer: You can't. Pick either one.
sorry, can't help it.
i think prime is only eligible for amazon.com.au.
The list price on amazon.com does not include GST. If you go through the process you'll find that GST is added at checkout.
$138.77 * 1.1 = $152.65 , so $153.66 shipped is a totally fair price.
oh that's why. it says no import fees though, pretty sure no GST. i think non AU companies outside AU don't pay GST?
Go through the checkout and see for yourself, it's right there on the confirmation screen before you click order.
"As of 1 July 2018, Australian goods and services tax (GST) will apply to sales of low value goods imported by consumers into Australia.Businesses that meet the registration threshold of A$75,000 will need to:
- register for GST
- charge GST on sales of low value imported goods (unless they are GST-free)
- lodge returns to the ATO."
Amazon US do well over A$75,000 in business with Australians per year, so they are required to register and collect. It's technically not an import fee so it's not shown in that part of Amazon's breakdown.
ah yes, the new GST tax on imports. i was so glad my lobbying worked, but now it comes back to bite me in my ass. karma i guess.
Also import duty doesn't equal GST.
After getting to the $1000 import fee threshold this is what it shows.
Items (10): AUD 1,387.69
Shipping & handling: AUD 205.43
Total before GST: AUD 1,593.13
Estimated GST to be collected: AUD 159.33
Import Fees Deposit: AUD 83.60
Total: AUD 1,836.06So it basically says no import fee because of the $1000 free threshold. Some countries charge their version of GST and import duty on any item of any value. :)
The US Amazon price is USD, AU Amazon is AUD. Cost is more for obvious reasons such as actual postage to Australia (minimum) and currency conversion.
i did make it show in AUD on the american site.
Amazon AU factors in 10% GST + shipping. It does end up being very slightly cheaper but not by much. Maybe a $2-3 on a $100 item.
Don't know what the local price, but you'd hope that the pencils don't split or crack while in transit. At least with local (assuming available) you could inspect it.
Saving is only good if you don't have to buy it again.
but you'd hope that the pencils don't split or crack while in transit.
Do you have reason to suspect that a pack of 150 pencils will 'split or crack' in transit? Is splitting or cracking of pencils a thing? Is this a more likely event than any other wood-based product splitting or cracking?
Why would I worry about something so obscure?
You could have concerns about literally any item purchased via mail order. If this was a real worry you'd never buy anything…
Saving is only good if you don't have to buy it again.
But you would not 'buy it again' for a single pencil or two damaged. You'd mail the single pencil back (at very low cost) for a warranty replacement. For such a reputable brand, and for their premium product, I cannot imagine they would have an issue.
Interesting point, but disagree with one comment you make
You'd mail the single pencil back (at very low cost)
Tell me how you mail back to the US at very low cost? We have to use Auspost not Chinapost, even a letter 50g or less is $3.20 and 50g upto 125g its $8.30
@Roman Sandstorm
Quote: "Do you have reason to suspect that a pack of 150 pencils will 'split or crack' in transit? Is splitting or cracking of pencils a thing? Is this a more likely event than any other wood-based product splitting or cracking?"
My reference to damage is to the pencil core / graphite which when breaks is a real pain, particularly if it breaks half way along the shaft. The outer wooden casing is quite sturdy. I'm not suggesting that all pencils will break either, but if the colour you need breaks or is unable to provide the full supply of colour (for example, due to breakage), then it can be an issue.
Quote: "Why would I worry about something so obscure?"
I guess you don't need to worry as it seems you're fixating on feedback rather than the potential issue I'm raising for OP - an issue which I assume you're not familiar with.
Quote: "You could have concerns about literally any item purchased via mail order. If this was a real worry you'd never buy anything…"
If you choose to worry on this level, then so be it. My feedback is for the OP who I assume has a use for the pencils, and was just highlighting a potential issue for overseas-shipped pencils vs buying local, and costs.
Quote: "But you would not 'buy it again' for a single pencil or two damaged. You'd mail the single pencil back (at very low cost) for a warranty replacement"
Cost to OP is potentially not only just the actual cost of postage. For example, in at least my line of work, time is money.
So the OP thinks free shipping is really 'free', nope it is just built into the price.
maybe stick with HN.