2 Large Traditional or Value Pizzas, 1x Garlic Bread, 1x 1.25l Drink
451969 - $23.95 Pickup - Exp 26/1
747892 - $29.95 Delivered - Exp 26/1
3 Large Traditional or Value Pizzas
639318 - $22.95 Pickup - Exp 9/2
2 Large Traditional or Value Pizzas, 1x Garlic Bread, 1x 1.25l Drink
451969 - $23.95 Pickup - Exp 26/1
747892 - $29.95 Delivered - Exp 26/1
3 Large Traditional or Value Pizzas
639318 - $22.95 Pickup - Exp 9/2
Check the domino's offers app you can set it to your local store or one you plan to order from and get all the deals relevant to that store.
For example my local Katoomba 2780 has $7.95 pickup traditional pizzas which is great because I love my firebreather with peri peri sauce from time to time when pepperoni or simply cheese can't cut it.
Wtf. 2.95 surcharge for removing a topping. One change.. f off