Sennheiser HD 4.30G / 4.30i Over-Ear Headphones $59 @ JB Hi-Fi
Review from youtube scroll to 3:30
Mod Note: Sennheiser HD 4.30G is out of stock online.
Sennheiser HD 4.30G / 4.30i Over-Ear Headphones $59 @ JB Hi-Fi
Review from youtube scroll to 3:30
Mod Note: Sennheiser HD 4.30G is out of stock online.
G version for Android
iOS version will work on your Mac. What one will you use more?
Buy both versions for 10000IQ play
The version is to do with the cable inline controls. Unsure if it is removable but if it is you could just buy another cable. See which generic replacement cable is cheaper?
Buy the G version, Mac still takes normal Android headset with limited support on In-Line control most of the time, but apple headset is hit or miss on other computer and android phones sometimes…..
Thanks OP!
cant pay?
Yeah same. Website keeps reverting back to shipping screen.
try logging out and check out a guest. i think theres something wrong with the mobile phone pre entry
I had problems with Google Chrome but it worked fine through Microsoft Edge. Have had that problem before, not sure why.
Tempted to buy out of impulse..
How do these compare to the similar prices Sony one's at ALDI, someone posted about them the other day
had a $50 gift card from christmas so grabbed one great deal cheers
Got one! Thanks OP
Does this work for any device?
The headphones do, depends on the cable whether you can raise/lower volume via the cable buttons .. but there should be an App to allow reconfigration
but there should be an App to allow reconfigration
Doesn’t work like that. The wiring is physically different.
I have a huawei phone, would the headphones work at usual?
G variant for Android
I variant for Apple
Go with the G and you should be good johno
Got a pair of these a while ago, they're great for the price. Also got a pair for my dad as an xmas gift, will look to get another pair as a gift.
The price is right. And the headphones are not bad
Showing as $179 for me
Even after using the code?
Facepalm. Thanks
Code 'Facepalm' not working.
What's the normal price? Is there a discount in this deal?
says normally $179 i'd say these are pretty good for $50 headphones
i mean iv got a $500 pair of audio tehcnica headphones and while these are not in that bracket for everyday use of music or movies on a phone or pc these are very good for that
its not 50 though its 60
ah yeah $59 whoops rounded far far down
I bought these about 6 months ago. They're not had for this price. I'd feel ripped off if i paid full price for them though.
Nice, ordered for daughter.
seems like a decent trade.
Well, I didn't even need new headphones. But today I got new headphones.
True ozbargain spirit.
True Ozbargain spirit is driving to Erina for pick-up because everywhere else in Sydney is OOS
Thanks OP
Can I use it for pc?
Don't forget to buy your Ultimate gift card from Coles for a further $5 off
I don’t need a new pair of headphones
Thankfully with Suncorp rewards got the price down a bit further :)
I guess I do need need a new pair of headphones.
The OzBargain Way :)
I'm kind of tempted to buy these just to see how they compare with my three sets of existing headphones.
They sound pretty good for the price. Bought some to replace hyperx cloud a while ago. They sound better, more clarity.
Only issue is they are a bit uncomfortable for a long period. Small padding at top hurts the head, and not enough space for the ears.
Reviews on JB website say to have the headrest bar extended further than you normally would to allow them them to sit without any pressure
Ive had them for 6 months and any position they sit still causes a headache after an hour
Mayb you have a big head? It's possible the pressure is originating from the ear, rather than the cup side.
Anyone recommend wireless headphones in similar price range?
There are TaoTronics which come on sale here every once in a while. This product: and getting good reviews.
See earlier post:
Thanks a lot
No worries, I'm probably going to buy them next time they are on sale for $60-ish. I can't justify $300.
Price is $179 for me, even at checkout. How do you get reduced price?
Did you use the coupon code?
I heard Specsavers might be able to help!
Should have gone there I guess
Another facepalm here… Thank you!
thanx op, got one
these are not really a bargain, usual price when it goes on sale quite often, just search it in the search bar you will see
yes and they were a deal then and are a deal now. This is the lowest price they've been (they were also this price in October with over 100 votes)
Not available around Sydney:(:(
Sydney 2000 postcode Strand at Pitt Street Mall, plenty of stock.
Thanks. I was trying online.
Does the IOS version have a Lightning connector?
No, just a 3.5mm plug
Pick up one from Pakenham.
Not sure why I bought this. Very good headphones.
Out of stock in Sydney? It is telling me to try the coast stores like Erina.
If you are true OzBargainer you will drive to Erina and tell the missus that you want to take the family up the coast for the w/e.
Any idea why the Android versions arent available for delivery and the IOS ones are? Dont wanna travel 50km and more to go to the remote jb's.
None in WA?
Available in Bunbury
Thanks OP. Got some for Fortnite gaming. Available in Cairns.
How do these work as gaming headphones in terms of not having a mike boom? I'm hoping to use them mainly for gaming, but I've never used gaming headphones without a mike boom.
No idea but gotta be better than my crappy laptop mic.
Didnt work for Xbox
Yeah got mine and the sound is pretty crisp. Not as heavy or as rich sound as Razer Kraken but very practical.
Returning iOS one to Blacktown store, should be back in stock soon.
no more "G" versions available.
ive got a mac and a s8 -should i buy galaxy or ios compatible?