• expired

[BF] 1000 Free Meal Vouchers for Bushfire Victims / Those in Need @ Menulog


Like all Australians, Menulog would like to support all people, communities and creatures impacted by the bushfires.

We are devastated by what is happening to our home. We have committed $150,000 to support relief efforts on behalf of our entire network and will continue to look at other ways we can support by way of offering food and other goods.

As part of this, we’ve also committed to providing 1,000 free meals to those in need. If you know someone in need that you would like to donate a Menulog meal voucher to, please contact us via the link below.

With a network of restaurants, customers and couriers spanning the country, Menulog is committed to providing ongoing support to those impacted.

Mod: Deal title is tagged [BF] which is a tag for all deals related to Bushfire Victims/Volunteers etc. You may choose to deprioritise this tag by using the new front page. Please click 'new' on the OzBargain home page, then 'personalise', then add bf in 'add a title tag', drag the slider to less, then save preference. You may also choose to add other tags to see more/less of those deals (eg your state, other states) or see more/less from particular stores.

For those affected or involved, see the Bushfire Relief event page. You can also use the new front page to prioritise the [BF] tag.

Referral Links

Drivers/Couriers: random (17)

Referee gets $50 after completing 25 deliveries. Referrer gets $100. Courier/Driver Signup

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closed Comments

  • +19

    I can see these being claimed by the wrong people…

    • +24

      Which would be my apprehension having it posted here.

    • +7

      They're also donating $150,000 alongside these vouchers.

    • -4

      Everybody has gotta make themselves look good publicly…

      Today I saw people slander the Queen of all people all over FB, how does anyone know what she or anyone has or hasn't done…. Love or hate the Royals they've got a reputation of being very good….

      • -1

        You have to put a /s if you're being sarcastic.

        Tif genuine maybe look further than Murdoch media/Women's Day for an informed opinion one royals. Their inbred elites that continue to bleed money from the British taxpayers while others live in poverty. They are fantastic at PR, so they've got that going for them I guess?

        • -2

          Uh no. I don't know what the Queen has donated. I don't need to see her sign a cheque. She's got a reputation for helping.

          I dont give a shit about newspapers and magazine views on them.

          To knock her on the basis of this, without any proof is actually pretty awful.

          As I said, views on them is irrelevant, you can't prove what they have or haven't done so you can slander them.

          • +1

            @scuderiarmani: Yes, actually you can quite easily prove what they have/have not done via public record and information that's made available to the public!

            Not to mention the resources wasted via taxpayer dollars in catering for them. I suggest reading into it as I truly think you'll be shocked by factual evidence that's difficult to dispute.

            • -1

              @FlatulentFrank: Do you know if your neighbour donated? Will you publicly accuse him of not donating?

              • @scuderiarmani: I'm referring to the royal family not my next door neighbours

                • @FlatulentFrank: Well, I'm just waiting for the evidence

                  • +1

                    @scuderiarmani: I'm sorry but I'm not your teacher nor should you be seeking evidence from the comments section of a bargain website!

                    Seems you've got a lot to learn and that's ok! The persuit of knowledge is everlasting, thats what makes life enjoyable. Good luck to you :)

    • Victims got to eat too.

  • +8

    I hope anyone who claims these actually are the intended recipients.

  • +20

    There should just be a single 'Bushfire thread' in the forums, with a link on the front page with a reminder that they are deals for those who are volunteers or been adversely affected.

    All this discussion about how they are PR stunts and yet Ozbargain is being used as a platform for this, or for people taking advantage when 'deals' are constantly being posted.

    • +5

      Just like Boxing Day and Black Friday - there's a special section that can be utilised and categorised for these posts.

      The majority of users are not Bushfire victims nor volunteers yet these appearing on the FP will be used by horrible people wanting to save a buck.

      • +1

        Yes, hence it shouldn't be appearing on the FP due to the number of users only visiting here (not that section)

  • +10

    How are they gonna use menulog if there's no restaurants in regional areas.

  • +7

    I just hope ozbargainer’s can make the right choice & leave this offer for the intended recipients. Taking advantage of offers like this meant for people who have already lost so much would be pretty deplorable.

    • +3

      The laws of probability suggest that there's a number of deplorable people that visit this site given its popularity.

  • -1

    I'm in need of dinner

  • +1

    Scumbags gonna scumbag

  • There is hardly any menulog affiliated food places in rural areas.


  • Could Ozbargain possibly create a special section on the site for all the bushfire/firefighter deals?
    Like when they bundle together cybermonday or blackfriday deals.

  • -1

    So virtually every comment has concerns with this being posted. Many of those with significant up votes…. Yet mods completely ignored multiple times.

    Pretty emphatic I would have thought….

  • +2

    Just tried claiming one. Surprisingly hard. I have someone in mind who has about five restaurants to choose from.

    I'd spill who it's for but it's well deserved. They are mopping up the carnage right now.

    • +1

      I nominated a friend who lost their home within 15mins of seeing this post, still waiting for a response.

      • They might have a scumbag to worthy recipient ratio of something like 20:1, if so it’s likely to be a slow process.

  • Your turn ubereat

    • +2

      Uber doesn't care, it's all about money for them.

  • +1

    WOO!!! I GOT ONE!!!

    That being said, all that happens is you get notified that the person you nominated is going to get a call/email etc. Definitely well deserved but I don't want to let anyone know who my nomination was.

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