I vaguely remember reading an article speculating energy prices are falling, surprise, received an email from Energy Australia stating new and increased rates.
Anyone has rates reduced?
I vaguely remember reading an article speculating energy prices are falling, surprise, received an email from Energy Australia stating new and increased rates.
Anyone has rates reduced?
vaguely remember reading an article speculating energy prices are falling,
vaguely remember
enough said.
No it was explicitly a promise that both National Parties took to the last election.
As the Labor one doesn't matter here are the Liberal's bold statements.
Should have said Federal not National.
Compare with these guys https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/475414 I just compared to the new player (Globird) that was on 7 news saying they were the cheapest but my bill comparison said they would be 11.3% more than ReAmped !!
It's an interesting time to be alive re electricity companies/supply/charges/etc. in Victoria. In my humble opinion AGL should be absolutely avoided like the plague, but beyond that the choice is far from clear.
Hey mate why avoid AGL? something I don't know
Yes. The govt is doing great work to reduce energy prices.
Lazy tax kicking in. Momentum tried to raise mine 5c/kw. Changed supplier with guaranteed no raise for next two years to below the rate I was paying with momentumn pre-raise.
Big companies run on you being lazy. Forget those meercats, energy compare vic (the Gov website) makes it simples.
Which supplier did you go with?
Did they make it difficult to swap?
Tango Energy. I was locked in with Momentum due to credits on my account that they couldn't refund to me, so when they were fully used I was free to shift.
Very easy to move. I did it all online, spoke to no-one, and took effect about 3 weeks after I did it online. Didnt even know what date it was happening until I received an email from Tango sayings its live (and setup an online login to check), and momentum sending me a text saying sorry you're leaving!
I paying the lazy tax with the same company . Already have visited govt site and found one no lock in at 5c lower and 1 yr contract 4 lower . Will try gas supplier then contact Momentum for retainer rate again if the same otherwise bye .They had great retainer rate last time round but can give very short written notice so most like I will go fixed and up to them if they can match . Pain in the A$$ .
Cheers for the info!
Mine has steady rates, but daily charge went up 20%
How good's coal?!
Reduced rates? What's that?
I vaguely remember reading an article speculating energy prices are falling
The mainstream media constantly writes about a neoliberal fantasy world where electricity prices are falling because of a competition going on between the pointless middleman retailers.
This has never happened since privatisation started. Prices have never fallen.
They are lying.
People with no standards just read this crap over and over again and live in a fantasy world based on the failed predictions of an economic theory instead of reality.
I have an idea to reduce the rates by around 30% across the board, it's kinda radical though. Stick with me here… remove retail level of energy sellers, it's like it's never been done before! In all seriousness though ^ this comment above is sorta it.
can some people share what they are being charged or what deal they have just to compare
i'm currently paying in NSW
0.289 cents per Kw- general use
0.139 cents per Kw- control load (hotwater)
0.781 cents - daily supply charge
I get a 20% off pay ontime discount off the whole bill
for gas
0.03 per Mj - general use
0.66 - daily supply charge
I get a 12% off for direct debit discount
31.65 normal rate 18.36 discount rate c/kwh first - 344 Kwh per month
32.98 normal rate 19.13 discount rate c/kWh - balance after
118.8 - Standing charge
I get a pay early discount for bundled gas and elec
Winter first 50 MJ per day 2.57 c/MJ
Winter 50-100 MJ per day 2.50 c/MJ
Non-winter first 50 MJ per day 2.59 c/MJ
Non-winter 50-100 MJ per day 2.52 c/MJ
Daily charge 41.8
I get another bundle pay early discount of what looks like %25
averaging out the electricity isn't so bad so long you aren't a heavy user
Around $130 ish a month for only 2 people. Our split system is like 60 plus cents an hour. I also get some pay early discount for Elec.
Your rates seem pretty good- which retailer are you with? 41.8c daily charge for gas is really cheap, mine just increased to 79.2c/day (Before 20% pay on time discount bringing it to 63.4c/day)
I'm with Tango energy for elec, lumo for gas. Both have increased rates so doing homework now to avoid lazy tax.
I joined Elysian Energy at 20.9 c/kWh vs Momentum from Jan 1 27 c/kWh .
Rang Momentum just wasted my time they wouldn't play ball .
I thought electricity prices were predicted to be now going up again due to the major coal plant shutting down?
I priced locked my rates mid last year. I should be safe for another 6 months before I have to go on the hunt for the best rates on https://compare.energy.vic.gov.au/.
In any case, in my recent comparison I found that AGL had the best rates (to my complete surprise).
I went to their website to sign up to those rates, and alas they cannot be found. I called them up asking why the rates are higher on AGL's website, and they tried to fob me off by saying the rates depend on my meter (which is an absolute BS answer as I selected the correct tariff type during the comparison).
Sounds dodge. Not even sure you could report that to anyone as your not a customer of theirs.
I saw that happening when comparing, each plan has an ID, the one on the site can sometimes be different to the actual one they offer online.
Compare site suggested calling to get the rate which may work for some companies but not all.
I just signed up to Kogan, which put their rates up during connection for the new year - seems they can as it's not a contract deal.
Still cheaper than Lumo for me.
Energy companies can change the rates at any time they wish when you sign up to their market offer. Like you said, contracts have been abolished a long time ago, which now works more in the favour of these energy retailers than the customers.
I received an email from ReAmped Energy advising me that they are reducing the rates. Please find the new rates here: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/515524
Mine sent me a letter a few months back with a 'we were going to raise our rates, but have kept them steady' and tried to act like it was some kind of gift. Other than that, my rates have gone up by 5c per kw anytime. Solar feed in remains the same