HP Tablet - possible future discounts -YEP!

Read this story indicating that the HP tablet is struggling for sales in the US, indicating that further discounts are possible (Recently it was reduced by $100).

In a nutshell sell through at stores like Bestbuy is quite poor (10% or less of total stock that Bestbuy has).



  • I think it's similar to Nintendo 3DS. You can discount it further, but it still won't pick up the momentum if there's no apps/games for it. Same with RIM PlayBook IMO.

    • +1

      But there are many reviews by our journalists etc who tell us these are ipad/android killers…. Does this mean we are being conned?? LOL

  • Looks like a dead cert prices on the touchpad will collapse. HP just announced plans to discontinue webOS


    • Okay. Now they are either going to go dirt cheap, or maybe they are going to become collectors' items and actually raise in price!

    • HP Have axed the poruction of SMart phones and Touchpad


      May even get out of the PC market

      • IMO HP made a poor decision in acquiring Palm and WebOS.

        If their tablets had been running Android then perhaps they could've stood a chance.

        • +2

          Steve Ballmer demonstrated the "HP Slate" earlier last year running Windows 7 tablet edition. Do you think HP would be better staying with Windows than running Android instead?

          What HP should do now is to sell Palm's 12,000 patents to Google for 10 billion bucks, and declare that investment as "success" :P

  • Forget the "discount" you cant even buy one here now


    UPDATE Looks like we are wrong… Its is being sold off here

  • Some US online stores are clearing them out at $99. Good luck if you can get one. http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/11/08/19/hp_begins_touc…

    • I wonder whether you can buy it and put an alternative operating system on it like Android…

    • Dem lucky Americans.

    • This item has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is no longer available.

      /Sheds tear

  • So we should not expect to be able to buy the table in Australia for around $99 and $149?

  • how much does it cost right now at harvey norman???
    Does anyone know a retailer in australia selling $99 cause i want one

    • They got pulled out of the Oz market, Harvey Norman had to send it back to HP.

      • Its funny cause I heard maybe 1 hour ago an add for the tablet. They were saying years in the making etc etc. bit delayed they are..

  • Looks as though the firesale on these may hit aussie shores! fingers crossed!!!!!

  • Came and gone. Looks like these tablets got swept up pretty quickly.

  • anyone know what's the best freight forwarder from us to oz? shipito?

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